Методкопилка по написанию эссе по английскому языку
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Методкопилка по написанию эссе по английскому языку . Схема написания эссе.
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Essay 200 – 250 слов. Каждый пункт ( 5 ) с красной строки. 40 минут.
I. Introduction – вступление
While …
There is no doubt …
Whatever your views (opinions) …
However there are some advantages and disadvantages …
II. Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it. What do you think about it?
I consider that …
I think …
I believe that …/ It seems to me that …
I agree/disagree that/with …
To my mind …
In my opinion …/ From my point of view, …/ As far as I’m concerned, …
I am in favour of …/ I am against the idea of …
According to …
The main reason (advantage) is …
More …
More than that …
For example …
Next …
Then …
After …
There is no doubt that …
It cannot be denied that …
It goes without saying that …
The main argument in favour is …
At last …
III. Give arguments for the other point and explain why you don’t agree with it. (Pros - за or cons – против)
On the other hand …
The main disadvantage(s) is (are) …
More …
Moreover, …
More than that …
The main reason is … / The main argument against is …
Another idea is …
For instance …
Despite the fact that …/ In spite of the fact that …
Next …
Then …
After …
Besides, …/ In addition, …
Some people say that …
It is said / believed that …
Finally …
IV. Но я с ними не согласен, потому что …
But I don’t agree with them, because …
More …
More than that …
Another idea is …
Next …
Then …
After …
V. Conclusion – заключение
Whatever your views, …
To conclude (I believe that) …
To sum up, …
In conclusion, I would like to stress that …
All in all (в конце концов) …
All things considered …
Although …
Pros and cons of television.
Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. It has become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine our life without it. However there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of watching TV.
On the one hand there are several arguments in favour of doing it. The main reason is that it transmits all the news from all over the world immediately. So, TV keeps us informed about everything. Next this kind of mass media broadcasts a wide range of quality programs, which help us to escape the stress and every daily life problems and to broaden outlook. At last, it is the perfect way not to be alone.
On the other hand there is also a great number of disadvantages of TV. The main reason is that if we stare at the TV-set screen for too long it hurts eyes badly. More it has a hypnotic power to keep us watching programs without liking them. More than that, some of people become real telly addicts.
Finally some programs shook us by the content, which give teenagers wrong impressions on the world values.
Whatever your views, TV can really influence on people’s lives. And if you don’t watch TV the world wouldn’t be that great a place, so there is no doubt it should be used.
(209 words)
Pros and cons of a welfare state.
Although many people support the idea of a welfare state, there are some people who speak for the necessity of its partial change and there are those who do not support the idea at all. But whatever their views this system has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand there are several arguments in favour of this problem. The main reason is that in the welfare state nobody is allowed to live in poverty. More everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income. At last, the system provides the elderly with benefits that makes them to live to some degree of dignity.
On the other hand there is a great number of disadvantages of a welfare state. The main reason is that the provision of benefits deprives individuals of their desire to look after themselves. Next the poor simply do not know about their rights to receive particular incomes and sometimes do not claim them. Finally some people who are entitled to the financial help do not receive it, because they are not able to fill in all the forms.
All things considered, I can admit that the welfare state should be modified, but not to be close, because without it many people would have been reduced to begging.
Pros and cons of cars.
Nowadays cars have become very popular and occupy an important place in the life of every man. So it is difficult to imagine our society without them. And there is no doubt that cars have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.
On the other hand there are several arguments in favour of this problem. The high light is that cars take people where they want and when they want to go there. More it provides a free and comfortable trip. At last this vehicle does not need to wait and where warm in winter and cool in summer.
On the other hand there is a great number of disadvantages of using a car. The main reason is the high cost of the car itself and the fixed costs of gasoline, repairs and other expenses. Then a car has a bad influence on human health because people are less walk and breathe less fresh air. Finally it pollutes the environment with exhaust gases.
To conclude I can admit that although having a car may be dangerous at times, we can’t live without it.
Some people consider that the mass tourism is a great success in their lives. Other people are against it.
To begin with it can’t be denied that there is a great benefit from the mass tourism. It improves an economy of a poor but luxery land which holidaymakers visit. No doubt, on travelling tourists meet unusual and exotic places, meet unordinary people that enrich their lives.
Finally, holidaymakers get in touch with the world treasures of architecture, nature culture and, of course, habits.
On the other hand there are a number of people who disagree with the mass tourism. First they are sure the holidaymakers hurt the native nature, leaving tons of garbage everywhere.
Moreover, they destroy ancient monuments, buildings.
I can’t deny such opinions, but from my point of view expending people’s outlook is much more important nowadays. It helps to unite people and to make them become more civilized globally.
All things considered, it’s up to your mind to be in touch with the mass tourism or to avoid it.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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