Сценарий праздника. Посвящение второклассников в английский язык.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Данная работа включает в себя алфавит английского языка, инсценировку "At the zoo", кукольное представление "A house in the wood", песню "Alouette",сказку "The lion and mouse".
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Сценарий праздника «Посвящение второклассников в английский язык»
Ведущий: Pear friends! We are glad to see you at our English party which is devoted to the first steps in learning English!
Дорогие второклассники ! Скоро вы приступите к изучению нового, очень интересного предмета- английский язык. Английский язык поможет вам читать произведения английских и американских писателей и поэтов, петь и понимать английские песни, общаться с вашими сверстниками из зарубежных стран. Английский язык- международный язык, так как практически нет страны, где не услышишь английскую речь. Изучение английского языка и всякого другого начинается с самого главного- букв алфавита. И сегодня на свой парад пришли буквы из английского алфавита. Их 26. English letters, you are welcome! (Выходят учащиеся. В руках держат букву и посвящают ей своё стихотворение)
Letter Аа is for Apples and Apple- trees.
Yon can see on apple - trees
Letter Bb is for Books and Bookcase.
1 have many boors in my bookcase
Letter Cc is for Cat. My cat is grey
And with me it likes to play
Letter Dd is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
Letter Ее is for Eight and for Eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?
Letter Gg is for Girl, and also for Garden.
I see a girl going to the garden.
Letter Hh is for Hand. I have two hands.
This is the way. I clap my hands.
Letter Ii is for I. I’m a boy, and I’m ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
Letter Jj is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.
Letter Kk is for Kite. Kate has a Kite.
It is little, and it is white.
Letter LI is for Letter .This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as у on can see.
Letter Mm is for May and for May Day,
For March and for Mother’s Day.
Letter Nn is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety -nine.
Children, how much is ninety and nine ?
Letter Oo is for One. One and two is three.
Three little cats are in a tree.
Letter Pp is for Pencils. With them I can draw:
Fred pen, a green tree or a blue door.
Letter Qq is for Questing: How are you?
How old are you? And How do you do?
Letter Rr is for Red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you Know Fred?
Letter Ss is for Street. This is my street.
There are a lot of trees in my street.
Letter Tt is for Tick and Tock.
«Tick -tock», says the clock.
Letter Uu is for Under, but not for At.
Letter Vv is in Five and also in Seven,
It is in Twelve and Eleven.
Letter Ww is for Winter When it is cold
But I like winter and I like cold
Letter Xx is in Six. Let’s count up to six !
1,2, 3,4, 5, 6.
Letter Yy is for a Yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day
Letter Zz is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the Zoo. And you?
Ведущий: Now, let’s sing the song « The ABC»
Эту песню поют все присутствующие в зале учащиеся.
NOW we know the Alphabet
Ведущий: А сейчас ребята вашему вниманию будет представлена сценка «At the zoo».(Учащиеся 3 класса исполняют сценку)
At the Zoo
I saw, I saw, I saw A lion at the Zoo I saw, I saw, I saw A baby tiger too.
I saw, I saw, I saw A gray big kangaroo.
I saw, I saw, I saw,
I saw them at the Zoo.
The Kangaroo.
Today, when at the Zoo,
I watched the mother Kangaroo.
Inside her skin she has a pocket She puts her baby there to rock’t.
Ведущий: Ребята, а вы любите слушать веселые песни, да ещё на английском языке. Одна из них песенка «А green Grasshopper», (зелёный кузнечик )
“A grееп Grasshopper”
1 .There was once a grasshopper,
There was once a grasshopper,
In thick glass he was sitting,
Like cucumber- so green.
Imagine, my friend,
Imagine my friend,
In think glass he was sitting,
Imagine, my friend, imagine my friend
Like cucumber- so green
- His food was only green grass,
His food was only green grass,
He wouldn’t touch on insect,
He made good friends with flies.
3.Then suddenly a frog came,
Then suddenly a frog came,
A greedy, hungry belly,
And gobbled him, what shame.
IV. Ведущий: А теперь ребята, приглашаем вас на Puppet show- кукольное представление.
A house in the wood
(a fairy- tale)
(A house in the wood.)
The Mouse comes up to the house.
Mouse: Who lives in the house? (No answer). Then I shall Frog live here(enters the house).
Frog (coming to the house): Who lives in this house?
Mouse appearing in the window: I do. I am a mouse and live this house.
Frog: And I am a frog. May I live in your house?
Mouse: Yes, you may. Come in, please,
The Frog enters the house. The cock appears.
Cock: Who lives in this house?
Mouse and Frog (together): We do
Frog: I am a frog
Mouse: And I am a mouse.
(Together): And who are you?
Cock: I am a cook. May I live in your house?
Frog and mouse (together): Yes, you may. Come in please!
Frog: I am a frog, frog, frog.
Cock: I am a cock, cock, cock.
Mouse: I am a mouse, mouse, mouse.
(Together4): We live in this house, house, house!
Fox: who likes in this house?
Mouse, cock and Frog: We do.
-A mouse,
-a cock -and a frog
(Together): And who are you?
Fox: I am a fox May I live in your house?
Mouse. Cock and Frog (together): Oh, yon bad fox go away!
The Fox runs away. The Mouse, the Frog and the cock pursue him.
Ведущий: Ребята! Вам понравился спектакль?
Ведущий: Я думаю ребята, вам очень нравиться сказки, поэтому вы сейчас посмотрите сказку.
The Lion and mouse
Characters: Lion
Litter Mouse
Scene: The Lon is asleep. The Litter Mouse is running about.
Lion: (working up). Grrr...rrrr! Who is running over my feet?
Litter Mouse: It’s me, Mr. Lion, a poor litter mouse.
Lion: Well, I’ll kill you and eat you up! Grrr rrrr!!
Litter Mouse: Oh, Mr. Lion, let me live. I am so small. Please, don’t kill me.
Some day I may help you.
Lion: He, he. Don’t make me laugh! You are too small. How can you help a big lion? Run away! Don’t come here any more!
Litter Mouse: Oh, thank you, Mr. Lion!
(The Mouse is running away).
Scene: The Lion is caught in a net.
Lion: Grr....rrr! Oh, help me. Help me!
Litter Mouse: Oh, Mr. Lion. What’s the matter with you?
Lion: I am in net. I can’t get out of it. Soon people will come back and kill me.
Litter Mouse: I’ll help you. Mr. Lion. My teeth are very shore,
and I’ll cut the net with them.
Lion: Be quick, Litter Mouse! I am afraid of the people. They will come back soon be free! I am cutting the net.
(The Litter Mouse is cutting the net very quickly, and the Lion is free)
Lion: Oh thank you, dear Mouse! I am free m]now, and I can run away.
Ведущий: А сейчас, ребята, давайте споём песенку: «Clap, Clap».
А наших гостей второклассников мы попросим выполнять
действия с девочками.
(Девочки исполняют песню и показывают движения).
Второклассники вместе с ними слушают музыку и выполняют
- Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
- Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together
Stamp, stamp, stamp, your feet
- Spin, spin, spin around
Spin around together
Spin, spin, spin, around
Spin around together
- Sing, sing, sing a song
Sing a song together
Sing, sing, sing, a song
Sing a song together
5.Wink, wink, wink your eyes
Wink your eyes together
Wink, wink, wink your eyes
Wink your eyes together
- Dance, dance, dance, a dance
Dance a dance together
Dance, dance, dance, a dance
Dance a dance together
- Shine, shine, shine, your shoes
Shine your shoes together
Shine, shine, shine, your shoes
Shine your shoes together
- Ride, ride, ride, your bike
Ride, ride, ride, your bike
Ride your bike together
- Wash, wash, wash your face
Wash your face together
Wash, wash, wash your face
Wash your face
Ведущий: Ребята! Для того, чтобы так хорошо говорить и петь и понимать английскую речь, надо много заниматься. А верными помощниками у вас будут учителя и книги. В заключении мы споём песню «The more we get together»
The more we get together For your friends are my friends
Together, together And my friends are your friends
The more we get together The more we get together
The happier we are The happier we are
На этом наш праздник заканчивается
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