Тесты по страноведению Великобритания.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Тесты составлены на основе материалов по страноведению - Великобритания для учащихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных школ.
Тесты направлены на активацию и проверку базовых знаний, на расширение лексического запаса, а также на усвоение новых сведений, касающихся страны изучаемого языка.
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Тест по страноведению «Великобритания».
Тест составлен на основе материалов по страноведению для учащихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных школ.
Цель теста – активизация и проверка базовых знаний, расширение лексического запаса, а также усвоение новых сведений, касающихся Великобритании.
Время выполнение теста – 15-20 минут.
1 variant.
Task: choose the right variant.
1. The United Kingdom comprises…
a) England and Scotland; c) England, Scotland and Wales;
b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland; d) Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Irish
2. The United Kingdom is …
a) not the member state of the European Community;
b) not the member state of any community;
c) the leading member state of the European Community;
d) one of the 12 member states of the European Community.
3. The longest rivers are…
a) the Tay and the Thames;
b) the Severn and the Thames;
c) the Avon and the Thames; d) the Thames and the Tweed.
4. The climate is generally…
a) hot and temperate; c) cold and wet;
b) mild and temperate; d) hot and wet.
5. The currency of the country is…
a) pound, consisting of 100 cents; c) dollar, consisting of 100 cents;
b) pound, consisting of 100 nickels; d) pound, consisting of 100 pence.
6. The English language developed from … and is a …language.
a) Anglo-Saxon; Germanic;
b) Anglo-Saxon; Roman;
c) Celtic; Celtic.
7. The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made of …crosses.
a) two; c)four;
b) three; d) five;
8. The red rose was the emblem of the …, the white rose that of the …, the two contending Houses for the English throne in the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485).
a) Lancastrians; Stuarts; c) Stuarts; Tudorians;
b) Stuarts; Hannovers; d) Lancastrians; Yorkists.
9. …is the national emblem of Scotland.
a) the leek; c) the shamrock;
b) the daffodil; d) the thistle.
10. Welshmen all over the world celebrate St David’s Day by wearing either …
a) red roses or yellow roses; c) roses or daffodils
b) violets or daffodils; d) leeks or daffodils.
11. The monarchy is the oldest secular institution in the United Kingdom, going back at least to the … century.
a) 8th; b) 9th; c) 10th; d) 11th.
12. Nowadays, the Queen…
a) rules and governs; c) reigns but does not rule;
b) reigns and rules; d) rules but does not reign.
13. … of royal visits to various parts of the country for public functions keep the royal family in close touch with new development.
a) Some; c) Hundreds;
b) A score or two; d) Thousands.
14. It is … at Christmas for the Queen to speak on radio and television to all people of the Commonwealth as their head.
a) unusual; c) episodic;
b) customary;
15. The Queen whose actual birthday is in April, celebrates her “official” birthday in June, with the splendour of Trooping the Color which draws many thousands of spectators to London. After this parade, nearly all the members of the royal family join the Queen on the balcony of … to watch a fly-past by the Royal Air Force, as great crowds gather in front of the Palace and along the Mall.
a) St James’s Palace; c) Buckingham Palace;
b) Kensington Palace; d) Palace of Holyroodhouse.
2 variant.
Choose the necessary.
1. British Parliament is the … body in the country.
a) judicial c) social
b) executive d) legislative
2. Parliament consists of …houses - …
a) two; the House of Representatives and the House of Lords;
b) three; the House of Lords, Senate, and the House of Commons;
c) four; the House of Commons, Congress, the House of Representatives, the House of Lords;
d) two; the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
3. The members of the House of Commons are chosen by the …
a) electors; c) House of Lords;
b) Queen; d) Prime Minister.
4. There must be a general election every … years, but the Government can order a general election, at any time within that period if it so wishes.
a) four; c) six;
b) five; d) seven.
5. In the House of Commons the members sit… .
a) on four sides of the hall;
b) on three sides of the hall;
c) on two sides of the hall;
d) on two sides and in the middle of the hall.
6. After each general election, the King or Queen invites the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons to become … and form the Government.
a) the Lord Chancellor;
b) the Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;
c) the Prime Minister;
c) the Speaker.
7. Membership of … is the keystone of British defense policy.
a) the Western European Union; c) the EC;
b) NATO; d) the Commonwealth.
8. There are … members of the Commonwealth, including Britain. It is a voluntary association of states, nearly all of which had been British territories to which independence was granted.
a) 30; c) 50;
b) 40; d) 60.
9. The most famous of all the British newspapers is … . It is not now, and has never been, an organ of the government, and has no link with any party.
a) The Guardian; c) The Financial Times;
b) The Times; d) the Daily Express.
10. The British are great lovers of … sports; and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them.
a) professional; c) competitive.
b) amateur;
11. The game particularly associated with England is…
a) tennis; c) football;
b) cricket; d) horse racing.
12. Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the … in London.
a) Member of Parliament;
b) Military Police;
c) Metropolitan Police.
13. Fleet Street is the former home of the country’s …
a) pubs; c) leading newspapers;
b) shops; d) museums.
14. Whitehall is … which takes its name from the former Whitehall Palace. Today it is synonymous with the British government quarter.
a) a building; c) not a building but a street;
b) a hall in a palace; d) an address.
15. Harrads is probably the world’s most famous … .
a) shop; c) art gallery;
b) stadium; d) museum.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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