Конспект урока для 10 класса по теме Global Warming
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Коспект урока с презентацией по теме Global Warming Можно использовать для любого УМК к теме Экология
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form: 10
Topic: Global warming
Aims: by the end of the lesson students will be able
- to speak about:
- reasons and consequences of the global warming:
- things that must be done to improve the condition of the environment and reduce global warming:
- the animals that are affected by global warming.
- to use new vocabulary speaking about global warming.
- Presentation
- Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAbATJCugs
- Handouts
- Textbook “Starlight 10”, p.124
The procedure:
- Greeting
- Warm up
Presentation (slide 1)
- In Nature there are neither rewards nor punishment – there are consequences
Let’s comment the saying.
How do you understand it?
Presentation (slide 2)
- Revising the vocabulary
At our last lesson we began to speak about environment problems. Let’s revise them
Today I want to draw your attention to one of these problems.
- Listening
Now, we’ll watch a video.
- Pre-listening
- What type of video will you watch?
a) the news b) a documentary c) an extract from a film
- Which process will be described in the video?
- Listening I
Watch the video and decide if your predictions were right or not.
- Listening II (handouts)
- Enumerate the elements which have released greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. Presentation (slide 3)
- Note down the consequences of global warming mentioned in the video: Presentation (slide 4)
- Tick the right boxes. Presentation (slide 5)
To keep the Earth cooler, consumers should:
- recycle their waste
- save energy
- use fluorescent light bulbs
- save water
- drive fewer miles
- After-listening
Let’s speak about global warming (checking the task)
- Factories, power plants, cars, burning fossil fuels
- rising sea levels;
weather patterns could change;
hurricanes more frequent;
severe droughts;
some species would face extinction;
ice melting.
III. To keep the Earth cooler, consumers should:
recycle their waste
- save energy
- use fluorescent light bulbs
- save water
- drive fewer miles
IV. Reading
We have learnt that one of the consequences of the global warming is the extinction of some species
- Pre-reading
Open the books at page 124
Look at the picture and the title of the article.
What do you think the article is about? (prediction)
- Reading
- Ex.2, p.124 (Starlight 10)
Read the article and decide if the statements are TRUE (1), False (2) or NOT STATED (3)
- 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 2
- Vocabulary*
Ex.3, p.124 (Starlight 10)
precisely: exactly
uncertain: unclear
increased: gone up
repercussions: consequences
species: types
reduction: lessening
food intake: amount of food
decreased: became less
summer fast: period when food is absent
sustain: maintain
receding: shrinking
alarming rates: disturbing speeds
cataclysmic: disastrous
maternity dens: places where a wild animal gives birth
collapse: fall down
emission: discharge
conditions: states
- After-reading
- Answer my questions:
- What are the reasons that can cause the extinction of polar bears?
- What effect has warmer weather on female bears and their maternity dens?
And do you know other animals that are affected by global warming?
V. Homework: Research another animal that is affected by global warming. Prepare a short presentation to share your findings with the class. You can visit this website: http://www.greenpeace.org.
VI. The results of the lesson
Let’s draw the line of our lesson today.
What have learnt at the lesson today?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
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