Разработка открытого урока в 6 классе по теме "Royal London" «Учебник английского языка для 6 класса»: О.В. Афанасьева и. И.В. Михеева
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Тахауова Лилия Мустафаевна
Обобщающий урок в 6а классе по теме “Royal London”, “Great Britain”


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тахауова  Лилия  Мустафаевна    учитель английского языка,

1 квалификационной категории

Муниципальное  Автономное Образовательное Учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5 с углубленным изучением  английского языка



  1. «Учебник английского языка  для 6 класса»:  О.В. Афанасьева и. И.В. Михеева
  2.  http://festival.1september.ru
  3. http://www.pedsovet.su

Обобщающий урок в 6а классе по теме “Royal London”, “Great Britain”

Цели урока:


-обобщение   материала по теме “Royal London”, “Great Britain”


-развитие  умений понимать иноязычную речь, строить высказывания;


-воспитание уважительного отношения к языку и культуре страны изучаемого языка;

Задачи урока:

-совершенствование навыков  грамматики (Participle1,2)  (Questions in Past Simple) и  лексики по теме “Great Britain”;

-развитие навыков аудирования  с целью полного извлечения информации и навыков пересказа;

-воспитание культуры общения и потребности в практическом использовании языка;

Оборудование: карта Великобритании, раздаточный материал, открытки с видами Лондона, видео материал.

                                                 Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент  (приветствие и объяснение целей урока)   

Т:  Good morning, children and guests! I’m glad to see you.

Do you like travelling? (T – Ps)

 Have you ever been abroad? (T – Ps) Have you ever been in Great Britain? (T – Ps) Today we have the opportunity to visit “Royal London”.  ; I suggest traveling there by time machine.

T: Do you want to meet a real King or Queen? (T – Ps)

T: To start our machine we have to answer a question. (Button start -вопрос)

 Question: What famous British kings and queens can you name?

P1: King Henry VIII.

P2: Elizabeth I…

T: Let’s get into the time machine and press the first button “Kings and Queens”

3) Совершенствование навыков аудирования  и говорения по теме Great Britain and Royal Family. Презентации. Учащиеся заранее готовят костюмы и свою презентацию. Также ученики после прослушивания выступающих могут задать им вопросы, используя Past Simple Tense, опираясь на схему. Приложение3)

T: We have guests from the past. Guess who they are. After listening to them we have to do the tasks.

 The first stop of our time machine is the beginning of the 16th 


P1: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I was one of the most famous of all English kings, especially because of my six wives.

As a young man I was known for my love of hunting, sport and music, I was an incredible athlete, loved jousting and hunting.  

I was good at Latin, Maths, astronomy, cosmology and music.

   Under me Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic Church; it got richer and more powerful. In 1534 Parliament named me head of the Church of England and gave me all the power in the country. Now guess, who I am?

Ps: Henry VIII.

T: The second stop of our time machine.

   P2:  Good morning! I was the daughter of King Henry VIII. I was the queen of England and Ireland from 1558.  I was an extremely strong and clever woman who controlled the difficult political and religious situation of the time with great skill.  Once I said to my soldiers before the battle, “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and of a King of England, too.”

   During my reign England became very important in European politics, the Spanish Armada was defeated, arts and especially the theatre developed, and the country became very powerful. However, I’m often seen as a very lonely figure and I’m known as the “Virgin Queen” because I never married. Who am I?

Ps:  Elizabeth I

 T: Now our time machine is making its way to the 19th century.

   P3:  Good morning! I ruled from 1837 to 1901. I was the granddaughter of King George III and became queen after the death of King William IV. My rule was the longest of any British king and queen, and happened at the same time as Britain’s greatest period of world power and industrial development. In 1840 I married a German Prince Albert and we had nine children. The death of Albert was a great tragedy for me and I took no further part in public affairs. During my reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies. Who am I?

Ps: Queen Victoria

T: Now it will be the last stop of our time machine.

P4: I was born in 1926 and was crowned on 2 June 1953, I was 25 then. In 1947 I married Prince Philip of Greece who later became the Duke of Edinburgh. . We have four children Charles, Ann, Andrew, Edward and eight grandchildren. I’m a highly respected and much loved monarch. I’m important because people like me, and want to have a Queen. I visit people all over the world, and thousands of people come to London, every year, to see me. Who am I?

Ps: Elizabeth II

 4) Проверка понимания прослушанного

T: Let’s check what you have learnt from our excursion, look at the following statements and say if the they are “TRUE or FALSE”(Приложение 1)- Work in pairs.


5) Повторение   грамматического материала по теме  Participle 1,2(Приложение 3)

T: Unfortunately our machine has broken. To repair it we have to do grammar task (Participle1 and 2).  Button “Repair”

T: Give me your papers.

  1. Совершенствование  аудиовизуальных навыков

T:  Now everything is all right and we can continue our trip. As you see our time machine has another button -“London” There are a lot of places in London connected with the crown, culture and history .You are going to see an extract from the film, get ready to do the tasks.  Work in groups of 3or 4.  Look through the tasks.

         -FILM  “Windows on Britain”  http://obuk.ru/main/60076-window-on-britain-i-n-ii-fullset-dvd.html


  1. Watch and tick the London sights you see. (для 1 группы)
  2. Watch and circle the correct answers. (для 2 группы)
  3. Complete the sentences below with numbers from the box (для 3 группы)

(Ответы учащихся)

7)  Т:You have already learnt a lot about famous British kings and queens have   visited a lot of sights connected with the crown. Look at the pictures and try to guess what places or what people they remind you of. (изображения достопримечательностей скрыты белой бумагой А4, а в этой бумаге вырезан лишь небольшое отверстие для того чтобы учащиеся могли угадать.Угадывать сложно , но интересно.) http://www.goodfon.ru/wallpaper/21300.html

8) So we must go back to present days. And let’s finish our lesson with a funny music note. (поем песню, с которой не раз работали на уроках)

9) Итоги: You worked a lot today, you were very active. So, I want to put you marks….

10) Home task: Imagine that you are a king or a queen. Introduce yourself and make the presentation of your Kingdom. Draw your portrait.

                    Приложение № 1 True or False.

1. King Henry VIII is one of the most famous of all English kings

      because of his eight wives.  (F) (six wives)

      2.   Under the reign of Henry VIII Britain became independent of

           the Roman Catholic Church. (T)

      3.   The 16th century is marked as the period of Elizabeth I. (T)

4.  Elizabeth I was an extremely weak-willed and silly Queen. (F)

    (She was an extremely strong and clever woman who controlled

     the difficult political and religious situation of the time with great



        5.   During the reign of Elizabeth I England became firmly  

              confident in world affairs. (T) 


 6    Queen Elizabeth I ruled for the longest period in the English

           history, for 64 years .(F) (Queen Victoria ruled for the longest

                                                    period in the English history).

7. The Royal Albert Hall and Royal Opera House are connected

      with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. (F) (The Royal Albert

     Hall and the Victoria and Albert Museum are connected with

     Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.)

      8.  Queen Victoria’s great-great-granddaughter, Elizabeth II, is on the

          British throne now. (T)

      9. The real power in Britain belongs to Queen Elizabeth II. (F) (The

      real power in Britain belongs to the Parliament and the British



       10.) Queen Elizabeth II has 7 children. (F) She has 4.

                           Приложение №2 ( Participle I,II)

       Complete the sentences choosing the right participle.

  1. Parts of Hadrian’s Wall (building, built) in an ancient times can still be seen.
  2. The birds (singing, sung) in the tree isn’t a parrot.
  3. The article (writing, written) yesterday should be translated immediately.
  4. Mr. Brown, a visiting, visited) professor from Oxford University, arrived yesterday.
  5. Read the names the cities (showing, shown) on the map, please.
  6. The game played yesterday was the best of all games (playing, played) this season.
  7. What is this part of the country (calling, called)?
  8. Potatoes (bringing, brought) to Europe from America have become very popular.
  9. Most people (living, lived) in Scotland are called Scots.
  10. What do we call the continent (discovering, discovered) by Columbus?

Complete the sentences choosing the right participle.

  1. Parts of Hadrian’s Wall (building, built) in an ancient times can still be seen.
  2. The birds (singing, sung) in the tree isn’t a parrot.
  3. The article (writing, written) yesterday should be translated immediately.
  4. Mr. Brown, a visiting, visited) professor from Oxford University, arrived yesterday.
  5. Read the names the cities (showing, shown) on the map, please.
  6. The game played yesterday was the best of all games (playing, played) this season.
  7. What is this part of the country (calling, called)?
  8. Potatoes (bringing, brought) to Europe from America have become very popular.
  9. Most people (living, lived) in Scotland are called Scots.
  10.  What do we call the continent (discovering, discovered) by Columbus?

Приложение №3

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