Школьный этап олимпиадных заданий
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Школьный этап олимпиадных заданий (с ключами)


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Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку

7 класс

LISTENING (20 points)

Listen to the text “Travelling” and choose if the statements below are true or false.

  1. They decided to travel in autumn.

A  True        B  False

  1. I took a pair of jeans.

A  True        B  False        

  1. I didn’t take the sun glasses.

A  True        B  False

  1. The birds were looking for the fish.        

A  True        B  False

  1. Their neighbours were from Uhta.

A  True        B  False        

  1. It took them a week to get to the seashore.  

A  True        B  False        

  1. Tracy was also twelve years old.

A  True        B  False        

  1.  It’s impossible to buy a newspaper at five o'clock in the morning.

A  True        B  False

  1. Spike ran at the house.

A  True        B  False        

  1. Girls write letters to each other since there.

A  True        B  False

READING (20 points)

. Прочитайте текст о Мартине и отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) – ложные.

My clothes

        I like trousers and jeans. I don’t like shirts but I like T-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like baseball caps. My favourite colours are blue and red.

        At school I usually wear my black trousers or blue jeans, and a T-shirt or sweatshirt. I’ve got a lot of T-shirts. My favourite T-shirt is blue with a picture of a tiger on it. I usually wear trainers. I’ve got some black shoes, but I don’t like them.

        At the moment I’m wearing blue jeans, a red and blue sweatshirt and my new trainers. I really love my new trainers!

  1. Martin likes jeans. ___
  2. He doesn’t like sweatshirts. ___
  3. His favourite colours are blue and green. ___
  4. He usually wears green trousers at school. ___
  5. His favourite T-shirt is black. ___
  6. He doesn’t like his black shoes. ___

USE OF ENGLISH (20 points)

  1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form.

  1. The children ……………… (to make) a snowman last winter.
  2. She ……………… (to clean) her room every day.
  3. They …………. already………… (to do) their homework.
  4. They ……………… (to go) to the zoo next Sunday.
  5. We ……………… (to have) dinner at 2 o'clock every day.
  6. Alice ……………….… (not to eat) her breakfast yet.
  7. The day ……………… (to be) nice yesterday.
  8. ………….. he …………….. (to be) on the lesson of Literature today?
  9. I ……………. (to go) to visit my grandmother tomorrow.
  10. …………. you ……………. ever (to be) to London?

  1. Read the article about the world getting hotter. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.  

The World is Getting Hotter

The world is getting hotter because (1) ……………… us! Our factories, cars, trains and planes (2) ……………… the air dirty. When (3) ……………… sun shines, everything gets hot and the dirt stops the hot air from going (4) ……………… to the sky. Because the hot air has nowhere to go, (5) ……………… gets hotter.

Already our world is (6) ……………… than it was one hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier and the people who live there will not be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold areas  (7) ……………… changing to water because of higher temperatures. When this happens, the seas become bigger. Some towns (8) ……………… the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help (9) ……………… we stop making the air dirty but we (10) …………….. do something fast!

1.   A        by                  B    for                 C   of

2.   A   make                 B    making            C   makes

3.   A   a                        B   the                    C   an

4.   A  on                       B   at                      C   up

5.   A  everything          B   all                     C  every

6.   A  warm                  B   warmer             C  warmest

7.   A  are                       B   be                     C   is

8.   A  near                     B   to                      C   in

9.   A  so                        B   if                       C  but

10. A   must                   B    should                   C   can

WRITING (20 points)

Your British pen-friend has written a letter to you. He wrote about his favourite dish, pizza. He wonders what traditional Russian dishes you like. What is your favourite dish? Do you eat fast food? Why? Write a letter back ( 70 words).

SPEAKING (20 points)

  1. Is it easy to be famous?
  2. What do you think is better for animals, to live in zoos or to live in wild animal’s park?




  1. Travelling

One beautiful spring morning right after my 12th birthday my parents and I decided to travel. My mom told me to pack up my things. It was warm and sunny and I decided to take a pair of jeans, a sweater, a couple of T- shirts and the sun glasses, of course. We went to the seashore. It was a little windy there and I saw as great waves were coming on the beach. The birds were flying above the water, they were looking for the fish, I guess.

Later it was found out that we had neighbours. It was also a family from Uhta. It took them a week to come there. Very soon I saw a girl of my age. She was walking with her dog. The girl’s name was Tracy. We liked to walk together with her dog, his name was Spike, he used to run along the beach and make a lot of sandcastles. Very soon we became friends.

After a week we came back home, but Tracy and I are still friends. Every week I write her a long letter and we often remember our spring holidays.


  1. B,  2) A, 3) B, 4) A, 5) B, 6) A, 7) A, 8) B, 9) B, 10) A

Use of English


  1. made 2) cleans 3) have done 4) will go 5) have 6) hasn’t eaten 7) was 8) has been

9) shall go 10) have been


  1. C, 2) A, 3) B, 4) C, 5) A, 6) B, 7) C, 8) A, 9) B, 10) B

Олимпиада по английскому языку

8 класс.

Listening (20 points)

Listen to the dialogue. Write down whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. The man is 43.
  2. He teaches English.
  3. He has a sister named Julia.
  4. The man has 2 children.
  5. He has a small flat.
  6. The man doesn’t like Salisbury.
  7. His friends live in Salisbury.
  8. He isn’t happy with his job.
  9. Salisbury is a historical place.
  10. He wouldn’t change his place of living.

Reading (20 points)

Read the text and do the tasks below.

The Travellers and the Bear.

It was a wonderful day. Through the thick leaves of the trees the sunlight played on the grass and flowers, on the bushes. But the two travellers who were walking through the forest were not happy at all. Their loud voices rang through the trees.

“Will you stop worrying?” cried one of the travellers in a loud voice. “Nothing is going to happen. I’ll look after you. Everything will be all right. So let’s try to enjoy the fine weather.”

His friend heard all this, but it didn’t help. He was so afraid that every little sound made him jump. He was sure that wild animals were waiting to jump at them.

A second later a great bear jumped out in front of the travellers. There was no time to think. It was too late to run away. The first traveller, who had promised so much, was light and quick on his feet. He climbed up the nearest tree as fast as he could and disappeared among the thick green leaves.

The second traveller was not so quick. When he saw that his friend had left him, he fell flat on the ground, held his breath, and lay very still.

The bear looked at him, quite surprised. This was something new and strange that the animal could not understand.

The bear moved slowly around the man, it sniffed him over, it touched the traveller’s ear with its nose. The traveller lay quite still, like a dead man. Was it true that bears didn’t touch dead bodies? Would the bear leave him alone?

Seconds passed. Each one seemed as long as a lifetime. At last the bear lifted its head. With an angry cry it left the man and ran off into the woods again.

The traveller in the tree climbed down. His face was white. “Tell me, my friend,” he said, ”what did the bear whisper in your ear?”

“He told me,” answered the other, “to be careful with a friend who runs away when danger comes.”

  1. Write down whether the following statements are true or false.
  1. The two travellers who were walking through the forest were talking loudly.
  2. The weather was fine.
  3. When a great bear had jumped out in front of the travellers, the first traveller climbed up the nearest tree as fast as he could.
  4. The second traveller disappeared among the thick leaves.                                                            
  5. The bear whispered:” Be careful with a friend who runs away when danger comes.”

  1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why were the travellers talking in such loud voices in the beautiful forest?

2. What was the weather?

3. Why did the first traveller forget about his promise to defend his friend?

4. Why didn’t the bear touch the second man?

5. Did the second man understand what kind of man his friend was?


Use of English (20 points)

  1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Cartoon Films

Cartoon films have very (1)    limits. If you can draw something, you can (2)   it move on the cinema screen. The use (3)   new ideas and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of (4)   ages.

By the (5)   of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that cartoons were only for children. But soon (6)   , one or two directors had some original new ideas. They proved that it was possible to make films in which both adults and children could (7)   the fun.

However, not (8)   cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too (9)   for children and too childish for adults. Directors learnt from this mistake and the film companies began to make large (10)   of money again.

1  A few                  B any                C little                D much

2  A get                   B cause             C wish                D make

3  A for                   B of                   C with                D by

4  A more                B other              C all                   D these

5  A end                  B finish              C departure       D back

6  A afterwards       B later                C next               D then

7  A divide              B add                 C mix                D share

8  A every               B both                C any                D each

9  A nervous           B fearful             C afraid            D frightening

10 A amounts         B accounts          C numbers        D totals

  1. Open the brackets and put the words into the proper form.


Elephants are the biggest animals that live on land. Some whales are (1 big) than elephants but whales live in the sea. When born a baby elephant (2 weigh) about 91 kilograms. That is the weight of a (3 grow) man. It is about 91 centimeters high. When it (4 reach) the age of six years,   it is about 183 centimeters high.

Elephants have very long noses which we call “trunks”. No other animals have trunks as (5 long) as elephants. The tip of its trunk can be (6 use) like a hand.

The elephant uses its trunk to feed (7 it). It likes to eat leaves, young (8 juice) branches of trees and fruit.

Two of the elephant’s (9 tooth) are very strong. They (10 be) called “tusks”. Elephants may use their tusks and trunks to lift heavy logs of wood.

4.Writing (20 points)

Your friend from Great Britain has sent you a letter, where he describes his school. He would like to know what school you attend, what subjects you prefer to study and what uniform you wear. Write a letter back (100 words) and answer your friend’s questions.

Speaking (20 points)

  1. What sport events would you like to talk about as a TV sports journalist?
  2. What you think an ideal friend should be like.




  • …First, tell me something about yourself.
  • Well, I’m 44 years old, unmarried, and I teach English in a local secondary modern school. I own my own house-a smallish terrace house just outside the centre of the city, with three bedrooms and a small garden. I’ve got two younger brothers. One of them, Julian, also lives in Salisbury. He’s a teacher too, but he works in a private language school teaching English to foreign students.
  • One more question, Jerry. You’ve lived and worked in Salisbury for over 20 years. What keeps you here?
  • That’s a difficult one. My job, I suppose. I often complain, but who doesn’t? On the whole, though, I’m happy with it. The most of my friends live here or nearby. And the city itself; it’s a beautiful place, full of history, surrounded by amazing countryside and within easy reach of some of my favorite places. No, I wouldn’t change it.

  1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False, 5. False, 6. False, 7. True, 8. False, 9. True, 10. True


  1. 1. True  2. True  3. True  4. False  5. False


      1. They were afraid of wild animals.

  1. The weather was fine.
  2. He was afraid of the bear.
  3. The second man pretended to be dead.
  4.  Yes, he did.

Use of English

  1. 1)A, 2)D, 3)B, 4)C, 5)A, 6)A, 7)D, 8)A,9)D, 10)A
  2. 1) bigger 2)weighs 3)grown 4)reaches 5)long 6)used 7)it 8)juicy 9)teeth 10)are

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