Урок английского языка в 10 классе Тема: « Компьютеры в моей жизни»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Тренировка в аудировании и чтении по теме.
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Урок английского языка в 10 классе
« Компьютеры в моей жизни»
Урок подготовила учитель английского языка
Алешина Наталья Петровна
Задачи и цели урока:
1. Подготовка к ЕГЭ
2.К концу урока учащиеся расширят свой словарный запас;
3.Попрактикуются в выделении ключевых слов в тестовых вопросах по аудированию, подумают какими синонимами их можно заменить;
4.Попрактикуются в работе над чтением, выделяя ключевые слова, выражающие основное содержание каждого микротекста.
5.Повторят видовременные формы глагола и сделают пробный тест.
1. Потренируются в аудировании с «Альтернативными ответами».
2. Потренируются в чтении на «Установление соответствия».
3. Поработают над тестом по грамматике.
1. Развитие умений в аудировании с целью извлечения нужной информации;
2.Развитие умений в чтении с целью извлечения нужной информации;
3.Развитие умений определять нужную форму глагола.
Развивать память, внимание и познавательный интерес;
Активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся.
Ход урока
Орг. Момент
Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you again. How are you? We’ll continue to prepare for the English exam. Today our lesson is devoted to the theme “Computers in our life”. Now we can’t live without computers. And nevertheless they have positive and negative sides.
Does a computer help you? (Yes, it does)
How does it help you? (I do my homework using a computer.
It helps me to do projects on Geography.
I find necessary information.
I relax listening to music.
I play computer games.)
- I see it helps you to learn and have a rest. But what is bad when we use a computer? ( I spend too much time using my computer.)
- How much time do you use your computer? (3-4 hours a day)
- Do you want to say that you are a computer addicted? (May be you are right.)
- Does it bother you in your life? (I don’t have enough time for my friends.
A computer damages my eyesight.)
- You are right. As we see using a computer has positive and negative sides.
2. Ознакомление и тренировка нового языкового материала.
1. Аудирование. Вопросы.
Let’s listen to a child psychologist, her opinion about the problem of computer addiction.
Сейчас вы прослушаете текст и попытаетесь ответить на тестовые вопросы. Нажмите на задание “Аудирование.Вопросы”.
Обращайте внимание на ключевые слова в тестовых вопросах и подумайте, какими синонимами их можно заменить.
Выбор ответа должен быть основан только на содержании текста.
Выбирайте ответ “Not Stated”, если информации в аудиотексте недостаточно, чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть утверждение тестового вопроса.
Если затрудняетесь ответить на какой-то вопрос при первом предъявлении текста, оставьте его и продолжайте отвечать на следующие вопросы. При повторном прослушивании текста, сосредоточьте внимание на пропущенной информации.
Are you ready? Let’s read the questions.
A1. The research has shown that most teenagers have some kind of addiction.
Not stated
A2. The majority of computer addicts in Margaret’s study miss classes at school.
3.Not stated
A3. All of the computer addicts in Margaret’s study are smart people.
3.Not stated
A4. According to the survey girls are not as keen on using a computer as boys.
3.Not stated
A5. The study has shown that most of the computer science teachers are males.
3.Not stated
A6. Margaret believes a computer makes people less sociable and less self-
3.Not stated
A7. Margaret’ research indicated that computer addicts suffer from serious diseases.
3.Not stated
Are you ready to listen?
Нажмите на задание“Аудирование”.
(Ss listen to the text)
Давайте проверим ваши результаты.
(Correct answers: A1-1; A2- 3; A3-1; A4- 1; A5- 3; A6- 2; A7- 3)
The answers A1 and A2 are correct. But number A3 is wrong. The word intelligent means smart that is why the correct answer is 1.
Unfortunately, the answer A6 is not right too because a computer makes people confident.
What conclusion can we make having listened to the text?
(The research has shown that most teenagers have some kind of addiction.
According to the survey girls are not as keen on using a computer as boys.
Computer addicts suffer from serious diseases.
T: О последнем утверждении ничего не сказано. Но мы можем утверждать, что «The majority of computer addicts in Margaret’s study miss classes at school.» - это верно.
(May I ask you a question?)
Yes, certainly.
(How much time can we work on the computer?)
We can work on the computer for 30 minutes and after that we should have a break for 5-10 minutes.
(If we do it the influence of the computer will be harmless?)
I can’t say so. But it will be less dangerous. Any questions?
No, thank you.
3. Чтение
- OK. The next part of our lesson is reading. We’ll expand our knowledge about computers and prepare for the English exam. Нажмите задание “Reading”.
Прочитайте каждый заголовок, пытаясь максимально запомнить их.
Прочитайте микротексты, выделяя ключевые слова, выражающие основное содержание каждого микротекста.
Не пытайтесь переводить текст дословно, сосредоточьте внимание на основном содержании текста.
Свои ответы запишите в таблицу.
Помните, что один заголовок лишний, и что каждую цифру вы можете использовать только один раз
- Read and translate the titles.
A. Unwanted mail
B. Needed protection
C. Fast and cheap
D. Clever criminal
E. Bosses are against
F. Stay connected
G. Isolated future
H. When I need to know
- Match the titles and the texts. Use 1 letter only one time.
Let’s do it together. Start.
(Ss read the texts. The teacher corrects the mistakes if they have them.)
1. I can’t imagine my life without a computer. I even do most of my grocery shopping on-line now. Price comparison websites show the best thing for me is you can get information on any subject in seconds. Now, when I am preparing for an essay or research for a project I don’t need to go to a library to get the information I need. I just click the right button to get it! (H)
2. I have filters, virus protection software and a fairly high tech system for storing unwelcome addresses but I still can barely cope with the huge amount of spam I receive. What is slightly alarming is that so much of it seems to contain risky or dangerous material. Many of them concern drugs and a lot are trying to steal your money. (A)
3. Social networking sites are for communities of people who share common interests and like to “chat” about them on line. Sites such as Facebook are very popular with teenagers and this site has 300 million users worldwide. Employers unhappy about social networking sites and ban their use in the work place. To them they are simply a huge waste of time. (E)
4. I don’t understand the motivation of these people. May be it is some kind of revenge мщение on society. But the kids (and it is mostly young people) who create and send out viruses cause incalculable damage. So everybody needs anti-virus software now. With all the updates needed it is not cheap. But these days you cannot go on-line without defending your machine. (B)
5. It is amazing to think that even twenty years ago most people wrote letters with pen, paper, and ink. These were sent in envelopes on which were stuck postage stamps and the message sent would arrive in two or three days. Business letters are still sent but it is increasingly rare. You could send and receive 10 or 12 letters in a month at some cost. You can exchange 10 or 12 emails in two hours at virtually no cost. (C)
6. On-line theft continues to grow year by year, in step with new technologies that continue to merge. Some of the computer criminals can hack through any firewall to penetrate a system and steal valuable data. Some have also created sensors for reading credit and debit card numbers whilst they are being used in cash machines. It is a good idea to change your passwords regularly but even this does not protected you completely. (D)
7. Company is stimulating and most of us prefer to travel to a place of work where we can be amongst other people all day. Like wise the majority would prefer not to stay at home working and be alone all day. But the fact is that communications technology is now so good that efficient and secure home working is now possible. Probably in the future, most people will need to work from home part time. (G)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
We have worked well.
Повторение раннее пройденного материала и развитие всех ВРД
What about having a rest? Нажмите на задание “Presentation Computers in our life”
1.Чтение. Письмо. (работа с презентацией)
-The first task is to answer the question: “What can computers do?” Put a plus if you agree, and put a minus if you disagree. (Ss do it reading the questions in turn) Let’s check up your answers. (Ss read the correct answers).
- What is your score? Who is the winner? … is the winner.
- In the world of computers we use special words and expressions. They all have two meanings: from the general English and from the sphere of computers. Let’s see the vocabulary. Read.
Have you remembered them? Try to fill in the gaps. I’m giving you two minutes to do this task. Are you ready? Read the right version. Were your answers the same? OK. Thank you.
2. Now the most difficult task, to my mind, is Grammar.
- Сколько времён английского глагола вы знаете?
- Чем отличаются времена в английском языке от времён глагола в русском языке?
(характер действия: длительное, повторяющееся или законченное)
Нажмите на задание «Тест». I’m giving you 3 minutes to do the test.
Тест 1
Выберите правильный вариант.
1 .When Mark arrived, the John sons______dinner, but
stopped in order to talk to him.
a) were having c) had been having
b) had d) was having
2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.
a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching
b) read, watched d) read, was watching
3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.
a) is smelling c) smelt
b) smells d) will smell
4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.
a) will plan c) plan
b) were planning d) have planned
5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______
a) is c) was
b) does d) were
6.1 feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.
a) will c) am going
b) go d) will be going
7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills
week they______five days.
a) work, work c) are working, are working
b) are working, work d) work, are working
8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.
a) rains c) is rain
b) is rain d) is rained
9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare
for the exam.
a) will have c) have
b) am having d) would have
10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______
a delegation in the office.
a) will receive c) will be receiving
b) is receiving d) would receive
Are you ready? Давайте проверим как вы сделали тест.
IV.Заключительный этап.
А) подведение итогов
Сегодня мы работали над аудированием, чтением и начали работу над грамматикой. Как вы понимаете, чтобы сдать экзамен по английскому хорошо, нужно заниматься регулярно и учить лексику.
В) Сообщение дом.задания
That’s great! Your hometask will be to review English grammar and do some tests.
С) сообщение оценок
Thank you for your active work. Your marks are good.
That’s all for today, the lesson is over. Good-bye!
1. Эванс В., Дули Д.-УМК Spotlight-7; издательство: М., Express Publishing “Просвещение”, 2009.
2. Романова Л.И. “Английский язык: Будь готов к ЕГЭ”, М., Айрис-Пресс, 2005.
3. Ньюбрук Д., Вилсон Д. “FCE Gold Plus”, изд. Pearson Longman, 2008.
4. Чаадаева М. А. “Английский язык”, М., Айрис-Пресс, 2004.
5. Иллюстрации:
http://www.whitewarez.info/wallpapers/3916-game-wallpapers.html http://talk.readmas.ru/tag/kompyuternye-igry
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