Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Жизнь в городе и в сельской местности".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок построен на обсуждении вопрса "Где жизнь лучше в городе или в сельской местности?" Город рассматривается на примере Вашингтона. К уроку есть звуковая презентация.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок для конкурса «Учитель года» ( регламент – 30 минут).
9 класс
Вид работы | Действия учителя | Действия учеников |
1.Приветствие. Знакомство. | -Goodmorning, dear children! Sit down, please. I am your new teacher of English. My name is Svetlana Anatolevna. I am from Mikhailov, Ryazan region. Mikhailov is not far from Ryazan, about 72 kilometers. | - Goodmorning, deer teacher. |
2. Определение темы урока. | Look at the screen! Try to guess the name of the lesson. What shall we speak about? ( на экране фото большого города и сельской местности) -That’s right. We’ll compare the life in a city with the life in the country. -What city shall we speak about? - Good, let’s take Washington, D.C. as a big city. | Смотрят на экран. -We shall speak about a big city and a village. Cмотрят на экран с фотографиями Вашингтона и говорят. -We’ll speak about Washington, D.C. |
3. Целеполагание. Определение темы урока. | - Tell me, please, what shall we do to discus s this topic? - OK, pupils! Включается музыка, где слышится шум машин из жизни города. Now, shut your eyes, listen to the sounds and guess «What are these sounds about? » What have you heard? Where can we hear such sounds? Shut your eyes again, listen to the sounds again. Звуки (пение птиц, спокойствие) What have you heard? Where can you hear these sounds? I want you to use sound and colour to discuss the theme of the lesson. Our theme is «Sound and colour», how they help us to discuss the theme. Well, What is the theme of the lesson? That’s OK. We’ll speak about the life in a city and in the country and compare them. | -We’ll read the text. - We’ll talk about Washington, D.C. - We’ll speak about the life in the country. - We’ll work in groups. - We’ll have a dialogue. Ребята слушают музыку и отвечают, что это жизнь в большом городе. -The noise of the cars. - in a big city -The singing of the birds. - In the country, in town. «The life in a city and in the country. Colour and sound» |
4. Беседа о жизни в большом городе и в сельской местности. Кластер на доске. | -Now, let’s have a talk about the life in a city and in the country. At first let’s find the word combinations which we can use to discuss the theme. First group, find the sheets of the paper with the words about the life in a city and hang them on the blackboard. The second group, find the sheets of the paper with the words about the life in the country. …go to the blackboard one after another. Is it all right? Yellow colour – the life in a city Orange colour - the life in the country | Ученики выходят к доске и прикрепляют выражения, связанные с жизнью в большом городе. -lot’s of museums, theatres and cinemas -beautiful parks -everyone may find an interesting work and earn a lot of money -prestigious education -a wider choice of shops, sports facilities and health centres -good restaurants -much pollution and traffic jams -need much money -a small stuffy flat -dangerous life for children -a lot of crime and violence -transport and industry -more problems with health -bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs) Выражения, связанные с жизнью в сельской местности. -the air is fresh -there is no pollution -eat lots of fruit and vegetables -a healthy lifestyle -live in their own houses with lots of rooms -go to the forests and gather mushrooms and flowers -spend much time in the open air - there is nothing to do -have to work hard all day long to grow fruit and vegetables -no cinemas and theatres -it is difficult to find a job -can’t get good education -Yes |
5.Группировка предложенных ответов в 2 столбика : «за» и «против» жизни в большом городе и в сельской местности. | And now …go to the blackboard and make two columns «For» «Against» the life in a city and the life in the country. Who wants to go to the blackboard? Two pupils from the groups may go to the blackboard. The life in the country. Good! Sit down, please! Let’s read after me and check up. | Одновременно по 2 ученика из группы выходят и группируют выражения в 2 столбика: «за» и «против» жизни в большом городе. «ЗА» -lot’s of museums, theatres and cinemas -beautiful parks -everyone may find an interesting work and earn a lot of money -prestigious education -a wider choice of shops, sports facilities and health centers. -good restaurants «Против» -much pollution and traffic jams -need much money -a small stuffy flat -dangerous life for children -a lot of crime and violence -more problems with health -bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs) Учащиеся группируют выражения в 2 столбика: «ЗА» и «ПРОТИВ» жизни в деревне. For -the air is fresh -there is no pollution -eat lots of fruit and vegetables -a healthy lifestyle -live in their own houses with lots of rooms -go to the forests and gather mushrooms and flowers -spend much time in the open air Against - there is nothing to do -have to work hard all day long to grow fruit and vegetables -no cinemas and theatres -it is difficult to find a job -can’t get good education Читают за учителем и проверяют правильность группировки слов. |
6. Составление предложений в группе по данным словосочетаниям: 4 ученика – «за» и 4 – «против» жизни в городе и в деревне. | Now let’s work in the groups and make sentences «for» and «against» living in a city and in a village. You are for and you are against. You have 3 minutes. Three, four…begin working. | Составляют предложения. |
7.Спор о преимуществах жизни в большом городе и в деревне. | Работа в группах. | По -очереди зачитывают свои предложения (« за», «против», «за», «против» и т. д.). |
8. Беседа с учащимися: где жизнь лучше в большом городе или в сельской местности. | And now answer my question: Where is the life better in a city or in the country? You may use these words and the word сombinations in your speech. On the one hand С одной стороны On the other hand С другой стороны As for me Что касается меня I (don’t) agree with you Я (не) согласна с тобой Besides - Кроме того because - потому что because of - из-за My opinion is that…-Мое мнение… To my mind…- по-моему In my opinion… - по моему мнению I am for/against… - Я за/против… Good! I am in favour of living in a small town such as our Mikhailov because I like to spend much time in the open air. | Ответы учащихся (на экране и на столе у уч-ся листы с выражениями для высказывания своего мнения). ---As for me the life is better in the city, because there are many cinemas, theatres, museums in the city… ---In my opinion there are many parks in the city that’s why I like the life in the city… ---I think the life in the country is better because I like fresh air… |
9. Беседа о Вашингтоне. 10. Цвет в Вашингтоне. | Let’s have a talk about Washington, D.C. -Is Washington, D.C. the capital of GB or the capital of America? -What do the letters D.C. in the name of Washington, the city, stand for? -What was the capital named after? - What river is Washington,D.C. on? Use Complex Object and advise your friends to visit some picturesque places in Washington. There are many colours that show the life in a city and in the country. -What colours can we meet in Washington? - What colours are there on the flag of the USA? -How many stars and stripes are there on the flag?
What colours can we meet in the country? Listen to the sounds. What do these sounds tell us? --- You may visit many interesting places in Washington, D.C. But some people say they don’t like living in a big city, because of the noise, pollution and traffic jam. Some people say that the life in big cities is rather expensive.
| Ответы учащихся.
Лист прилагается (разработка для учащихся, даётся опора). White because of the buildings there (the White House, the Capitol), the Lincoln Memorial with a huge statue of Lincoln in the middle, the Jefferson Memorial. Green, blue, red and yellow because of the rooms of the White House. Pink because of the cherry trees, leading to the Lincoln Memorial. Red, white, blue - the colours of the flag. Green because of the parks and lawns. Blue because of the water (the river Potomac, the falls). Цвет в сельской местности Green because of the forests, trees, fields. Bright because of the flowers. Слушают колокольный звон.
11. Вопрос по сказке о жизни сельской и городской мыши. | Did you read the tale «The city mouse and the countryside mouse»? On the table you see this tale. Where is the life better according to the opinions of the mice? Find the answer in the tale. | ---Yes, we did. Ребята находят ответ на поставленный вопрос и зачитывают ответ. |
12. Возвращение к кластеру. Что можно добавить после нашей беседы. | Look at the blackboard again. -What can we add to our cluster after our talk? | Ответы ребят In the country -the life is calm. In the city -the life is dangerous. |
13. Контроль усвоенного материала. Тест. | 1.In what building are the laws passed?
2. What is the picturesque place, surrounded by cherry trees?
3. What colours are the rooms in the White House? a) green,blue,red,yellow; b) black,pink,grey,red 4. What are the colours of the stripes on the American flag? a) blue and white; b) red and white; c) red, blue and white; 5. Washington, D.C. is on________. a)the Potomac, b)the Mississippi; c) the Columbia. Самопроверка теста по образцу (на экране). Выставление отметок.
| Учащиеся выполняют тест. Смотрят на правильные ответы и проверяют себя, затем оценивают себя, поднятием руки. |
14. Подведение итогов урока. | What have you done today at the lesson? -Have colours and sounds helped us to discuss the theme? | -We have spoken about Washington, D.C. -We have talked about the life in a big city and the life in a country. -We have found the plusses and minuses of the life in a big city and the life in the country. -We have read the tale about the mice. -Yes, of course. |
15. Рефлексия | Thank you for your work at the lesson. Let’s put the marks for our work at the lesson. On the table you can see the traffic lights. Green colour-you have good skills, Yellow – you make some mistakes, Red – you have no skills or they are poor. And now you see the sticker on the desk, take it and put it near the picture of the sun if you like your work at the lesson. Put the sticker near the cloud if you don’t like it. Great!!! | Ученики оценивают свою работу. Показывают цвет светофора. Самооценка. Выходят к доске и прикрепляют стикеры. |
16. Прощание. | Thank you for your work at the lesson. It’s time to say goodbye. The lesson is over. Goodbye, children! | - Goodbye! |
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