Коллекция компьютерных презентаций для проведения игровых уроков на тему "Рождество" для разных ступеней обучения
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Жарких Елена Владимировна

Данный сборник содержит несколько компьютерных презентаций, для проведения нестандартных уроков или внеклассных мероприятий на тему "Рождество и Новый год"

презентации расчитаны на разный возраст и уровень владения английским языком


Package icon merry_christmas_2012.zip2.13 МБ
Office presentation icon hogmanay.ppt384 КБ
Package icon santa_claus_quiz.zip2.17 МБ
Package icon istoriya_rozhdestva.zip2.18 МБ

Подписи к слайдам:

MERRY CHRISTMAS THE HISTORY What were the names of Jesus parents? What town did they go to? Where did they have to sleep? What did the wise men follow? What did the wise men bring? What was the evil king's name TRADITIONS Look at the at the pictures and try to remember the words! Presents Cracker Christmas tree Ornaments Deer Sledge Santa Claus Snowman Angel Bell Stocking Star Candle Wreath Lights
to decorate
Christmas globe
Confetti To decorate Christmas globe Unscramble these words:
to ecoterad
to decorate
And now is your turn : What bird is cooked for Christmas dinner? Where are the presents kept before opening them? Where do children hang their Christmas stockings? What is hung outside on the door? What do you kiss under? Before electricity, these were put on the trees. Santa Claus What other names of Santa? What is his transport? Where does he live? How does Santa gets into houses to deliver presents? Santa brings presents to well behaved children. What happens to badly behaved children? What gifts do children leave for Santa? “A Merry Christmas”in different languages: 1. Feliz Navidad 2. Meri Kurisumasu 3. Buon Natale 4. Hauskaa Joulua 5. Sheng Dan Kuai Le 6.Frohliche Weihnachten 7. Joyeux Noel 8. Wesolych Swiat A) China B) Poland C) France D) Spain E) German F) Japan G) Italy H) Finland Jesus Lord, at Thy birth. We Wish You a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year.  Good tidings to you, And all of your kin, Good tidings for Christmas, And a Happy New Year.  Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh Through the fields we go Laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight.  Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Подписи к слайдам:

Santa Claus Quiz 1. Santa Claus is also known as A) Saint Nicolas B) Father Christmas C) Santa 2. The image we have of Santa Claus today as a plump man dressed in red was created in A) the 18th century B) the 19th century C) the 20th century 3. Santa Claus’ traditional transport is A) a motobike B) a sleigh pulled by reindeer C) a horse 4. Santa Claus is thought to live A) at the equator B) in the Antarctic C) in the Arctic Circle 5. Santa Claus gets into houses to deliver presents A) down the chimney B) through a window C) through the front door 6. Santa brings presents to well behaved children. What happens to badly behaved children? A) he brings them coal B) they are caught and taken away C) they are whipped 7. What gifts do children leave for Santa? A) ice cream B) turkey C) milk and cookies 8. “A Merry Christmas”in different languages: 1. Feliz Navidad 2. Meri Kurisumasu 3. Buon Natale 4. Hauskaa Joulua 5. Sheng Dan Kuai Le 6.Frohliche Weihnachten 7. Joyeux Noel 8. Wesolych Swiat A) China B) Poland C) France D) Spain E) German F) Japan G) Italy H) Finland

Подписи к слайдам:

A CHRISTMAS QUIZ Just for fun! 1. Name the town where Joseph and Mary lived. Nazareth in Galilee 2. Name the angel who visited Mary to tell her about the birth of Jesus. Gabriel 3. What is a census? A count of the number of people living in a particular place at a given time 4. 4. Name the town to which Mary and Joseph travelled just before the birth of Jesus. Why did they go there? Bethlehem. To register in a census ordered by the Roman Emperor Augustus. 5. Name the three shepherds who came to look for baby Jesus. Matthew, Isaac and Benjamin 6. What did the angel tell the shepherds to follow? A star 7. Why was baby Jesus born in a stable? 8. Name the town where Jesus was born. Bethlehem 9. Who was king when Jesus was born? Herod 10. Name the three wise men. What gifts did they bring to the infant Jesus? Melchior – goldCaspar – frankincenseBalthazar - myrrh 11. Why did the three wise men decide not to tell Herod where Jesus was? They all had the same dream warning them not to tell Herod about the birth of Jesus and where he was 12. Do you think the wise men were correct not to tell Herod about Jesus? Yes, Herod was known to be cruel and later he ordered all male children aged two or less to be killed 13. What do French children leave by the fire on Christmas Eve? Their shoes. 14. What do the Poles call Christmas Eve? The Festival of the Star. 15. When do Dutch people celebrate Christmas? On St.Nicolas Day, 6th December 16. Who was Father Christmas? A Cristian bishop named Nicholas who lived in the 3d or 4th century. 17. Who or what are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Donner and Blitzen? Santa’s reindeer 18. What do you understand by 'Advent'? The season leading up to Christmas including four Sundays 20. What is meant by 'Epiphany'? The time (6th January) when the wise men brought their gifts to Jesus 21. What do Scots call New Year's Eve? Hogmanay 22. Who invented Christmas crackers? Tom Smith, a baker 22. Where does the name 'Boxing Day' come from? The dole of the Christmas Box, a custom from the Middle Ages when alm boxes were placed in churches at Christmas to collect money for the poor. 23. When was the first Christmas card produced? 1846 24. When and where did the custom of decorating the Christmas tree begin? Germany. An English missionary, St Boniface, started the custon in the 8th century 25. Who decided 25 December should be Christmas Day? Why? Pope Gregory In 354 AD

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