Урок английского языка. Тема. Толерантность. Зачем?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
1. Введение понятий, связанных со словом «толерантность».
2. Развитие критического мышления.
3. Обучение поиску информации в Интернет.
4. Повторение способов словообразования.
5. Развитие общего кругозора учащихся
6. Обучение поисковому чтению.
7. Обучение работе с разного вида словарями.
8. Обучение письменной речи с использованием нетрадиционных стихотворных форм.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Куркова Светлана Владимировна,
учитель английского языка
Гимназии г.Лабытнанги ЯН АО
Урок английского языка.
Тема. Толерантность. Зачем?
Класс 11 (гуманитарный профиль)
Продолжительность урока 80 мин.
- Цель: Воспитание толерантного отношения к окружающим средствами урока английского языка.
- Введение понятий, связанных со словом «толерантность».
- Развитие критического мышления.
- Обучение поиску информации в Интернет.
- Повторение способов словообразования.
- Развитие общего кругозора учащихся
- Обучение поисковому чтению.
- Обучение работе с разного вида словарями.
- Обучение письменной речи с использованием нетрадиционных стихотворных форм.
1.Рабочее место с ПК с выходом в Интернет на каждого ученика.
2.Выставка (планшеты) с плакатами фонда «Открытое общество», посвященные проблемам толерантности.
3.Портреты гуманистов, посвятивших жизнь продвижению идей ненасилия, толерантности.
4. Мандарины, салфетки, поднос.
5. Окcфордский или другие русско-английские, англо-английские
словари (в том числе компьютерные)
План урока.
1. Warm-up. ( The teacher or one of the students reads and translates , if necessary, the sentence written on the blackboard).
“A free society is a place where it’s safe to be unpopular”
Adlai Stevenson.
a) T: Say if you agree or disagree with this statement and why (students express their opinions and explain them).
b) Have a look around. You can see different posters made by children and printed by one of the most famous non profit organizations in Russia which is called “Open Society”. Try to guess what we are going to speak today. (Students make guesses using structures they know).
2. Vocabulary Learning.
a) The students are given the task to look up the meaning of the word “tolerance” in different on–line dictionaries.( Students are used to working with computer dictionaries). You can use
Oxford Dictionary of English Language
Encyclopedia Britannica
Dictionary. com http://www.dictionary.com
My virtual Reference Desk http://www.refdesk.com
b) The task is to find 1-3 definitions of the word “tolerance” and to translate it from Russian into English if it is given in Russian and vice versa.
c)As soon as all the students have found the definitions they read them aloud and ask any student from another group (if the work is done in groups) to translate them or any other student they want.
d) For the students who are not easy with the computer you can offer definitions of the word tolerance and ask them to translate them into English using Russian-English Oxford dictionary.
e)When the work is over the definitions are read aloud and translated by the students.
Here are some of the most interesting examples of the definitions of the word “tolerance” found during my class:
Толерантность-это гармония в многообразии.
Толерантность- это способность к диалогу.
Толерантность-это уважение собственной нации и культур других наций.
Толерантность-это дружелюбие, спокойствие, адекватное восприятие.
Толерантность- это взаимодействие, основанное на уважении к другим людям.
Толерантность- терпимое отношение к другим людям.
Толерантность-это умение разговаривать с каждым человеком, понимать его и уважать его мнение.
3. Problem Solving.
a)The teacher asks the class if they consider themselves tolerant according to the meaning of the word they have found. Most of the students usually say “yes”. b)Then the teacher asks the students to remember if they have ever heard or used rude words with regard to some groups of people especially when they were angry with them. Which they were (the task if done in Russian)? :
-black people;
- old people;
-people from Armenia, Chechen Republic or other southern republics;
-people wearing glasses;
-overweight people;
-people who think more slowly than you;
-people who study better than you;
-American people;
- Chinese people, etc.
If students are too shy the teacher can help them. But usually the students take an active part in the work understanding that they won’t be punished for using such words.
c) In the end, the teacher makes a conclusion saying that this problem worries democratic societies all over the world not only in Russia. That’s why the topic is discussed by international and Russian pedagogical societies and political parties. If the teacher has enough time he can show the students international documents on the problem.
4. Reading comprehension .
a) Introduce the text by telling the students that the word “tolerance” is connected with many different notions . Some of them are
multiculturalism cross cultural misunderstanding prejudice
xenophobia hatred discrimination human rights
b)Which of them can happen in the story Jogging Alone? (prediction of the idea of the story). If the task is too difficult for the students the teacher can help them asking:
- Have you ever jogged ?
-Have you jogged with your friends or alone? Why?
-What is people’s reaction when they see a jogging person?
c)Then ask the students to scan the text and find out if they were right. (The idea of the story is cross cultural misunderstanding.)The students read the story in groups ( the students can be divided into 2 groups by taking sheets of paper of different colours ). If the school has Internet connection you can find this or another story in www.peacecorps gov/www.bridges or www.worldwiseschools (Lesson 9.Resolving a Cross Cultural Misunderstanding). Finding information in the Internet makes the lesson more vivid and interesting.
Worksheet #8: Jogging Alone
An account of a Peace Corps Volunteer serving in the Dominican Republic
When I first arrived in my village in the Dominican Republic, I began to have a problem with my morning jogging routine. I used to jog every day when I was at home in the United States, so when I arrived in my village in the Dominican Republic, I set myself a goal to continue jogging two miles every morning. I really liked the peaceful feeling of jogging alone as the sun came up. But this did not last for long. The people in my village simply couldn’t understand why someone would want to run alone. Soon people began to appear at their doorways offering me a cup of coffee; others would invite me to stop in for a visit. Sometimes this would happen four or five times as I tried to continue jogging. They even began sending their children to run behind me so I wouldn’t be lonely. They were unable to understand the American custom of exercising alone. I was faced with a dilemma. I really enjoyed my early morning runs. However, I soon realized that it’s considered impolite in Dominican villages not to accept a cup of coffee, or stop and chat, when you pass people who are sitting on their front steps. I didn’t want to give up jogging. But, at the same time, I wanted to show respect for the customs of the Dominican Republic—and not be viewed as odd or strange.
d)After discussing the main idea of the story the teacher asks the students (in groups) to answer 3-4 questions of the table. (the answers should fill the table using a computer). Students then do the task in groups completing their own table. The teacher helps the students in this or that way. If the works is done quickly, the answers should be read aloud and compared . The teacher can also use the table as a form of test (it depends on the purpose the teacher has).
1. What was the American’s point of view here?
| 4. What was the Dominicans’ point of view here?
2. What American cultural norm, or custom, did the American think would be viewed as perfectly normal in the Dominican Republic?
| 5. What was the reason for the Dominicans’ point of view? What cultural norm did the Dominicans have that made them view the American’s behavior as strange?
3. Describe a way you think that the American could respect the Dominican need to show hospitality to a stranger and, at the same time, not have to give up jogging.
| 6. How might the Dominicans begin to understand and respect American cultural norms and, at the same time, satisfy their own need to show hospitality to strangers?
5.Poem Writing.
1.Warm-up.Now to relax a little the teacher brings a few oranges to the group. The students choose an orange and try to remember it carefully as it were their own friend. The oranges can be even given a name. Then the oranges are collected on the tray. The students should find their own “friend” on the tray (everybody does it easily if the oranges differ from one another) and peel it. ( remember to have napkins to dry the hands!) Again students have to find their “friend” but now without “clothes”. Now the task is more difficult. And when the students are asked to find their friend divided into pieces almost nobody can do it.
“What did I want to tell you”,- asks the teacher. The supposed answer is: “All people are equal, we differ from each other only in appearance. We should respect each other.”
b)After listening the answers, you can read a poem:
Tolerance is orange.
It tastes like a tangerine shared with your naughty brother.
It sounds like words of moral support and respect.
It smells like a bunch of flowers given to a rival to mark the truce.
It looks like a joyful and witty team of the University of Patrice Lulumba.
It makes me feel sympathy to all the people in the world.
It makes us closer to each other.
c)Now it’s students’ turn to write a poem in the form of cinquain (students know this form and have already worked with it).The topic is “tolerance”.(1st line-the notion; 2nd line-two adjectives; 3d line –three ing-forms or ed-forms; 4th line-a four-word sentence; 5th line-a synonym to the 1st line). The students usually use a Russian-English Computer Dictionary. The teacher also helps them.
d)The poems are printed and posted in the classroom. Each poem is given a mark by the students on the sheet of paper where it is printed.
Additional information. The best poems written by the students were
Odd, strange,
Bulling, laughing, misunderstanding
Never did I think it’s disgusting
Pleasant, welcoming
Asking, wondering, respecting
We are different, but not enemies
d) If you have a student who can’t do this work, you ask him to do the following exercise on the blackboard.
6.Use of English. (forms of the words)
Some day ___________ CHILD
will learn words whose_______________ MEAN
they do not understand. Children in India will
ask: “What is ______________?”. Children in HUNGRY
Hiroshima will ask: “What is _________ bomb?” ATOM
Children in Alabama will ask: “What is ___________?” SEGREGATE
And we will say to them: “These are words that no________ MEAN
have ___________, so we have _________ them from dictionary”. MOVE
(children, meaning, hunger, atomic, segregation, meaning,moved)
7. Homework.
After reading and translating the text with correct forms of the words, the students should remember whose words they are (Martin Luther King, Jr). The teacher explains that people who devoted their lives to the problems of justice, equality and human rights are called humanitarians. Many of them lived in the XX century and earlier. The portraits of some of them are on the walls of the classroom. The homework is to find out the main events in the life of these people using Internet or a library and make short reports about them.
(Mother Teresa, Andrei Sakharov, Leo Tolstoy, Nelson Mandela, Leonora Roosevelt, Melina Mercouri, Aung San Suu Kyi, Rigoberta Menchu, as well as Amnesty International MSF /Medicins Sans Frontieres/ organizations ).
The teacher advises to use
AltaVista http://www.altavista.digital. com
Education World http://www.education-world.com
Encyclopedia Britannica 2006 DVD
Microsoft Encarta.2006 DVD
Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com
Ask Jeeves http://www.askjeeves.com
8. Reflection.
The students complete the table without writing the name.
yes | no | not sure | |
I understand the meaning of the word “tolerance” | |||
I understand why we speak about it | |||
I want to know about this problem |
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