Урок - обобщение по теме "Animals"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок - обобщение по теме "Animals" c презентацией и раздаточным материалом
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по теме «Amazing creatures» УМК “Spotlight-5”. Модуль 5. Урок 5а.
Обучающие: - освоить новые лексические единицы по теме: «Животные» во всех видах речевой деятельности
- научиться описывать животных
- использовать в связной речи глаголов в Present Simple
Развивающие: - развивать навыки и умения в таких видах деятельности как говорение, чтение, аудирование.
- развивать умение запоминать новые слова
- развитие социокультурной компетенции
Воспитательные: - воспитывать любовь к животным, экологическую культуру
- воспитывать бережное отношение к природе
Активизация ранее изученной лексики.
Повторение изученных и введение новых слов по теме “Животный мир”.
Развитие умения прогнозирования содержания текста (ознакомительное чтение).
Развитие умения поискового чтения.
Умение вести диалог-обмен мнениями в связи с прочитанным (диалогическая речь).
Научиться работать в группах.
Повторение и обобщение употребления глаголов в Present Simple.
Оборудование урока: ноутбук, проектор, УМК, карточки с изображением животных и тексты; задания по аудированию, видеофайл с песней, мультимедийная презентация в Power Point.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
- Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Glad to see you. So, let’s start our lesson.
Today we are going to speak about animals
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T: So, let`s repeat after me
Crocodile, tiger, zebra, lion, elephant, bear
Do you like animals? What is your favourite animal?
P: My favourite animal is,,,
- Основная часть урока.
- Repeat the old words and learn new. Topic “Animals”.
Look at the book p.66 ex.2 and repeat the names of the animals. Slide 2.
Учащиеся называют животных.
- Predicting the content of a text. Page 66 ex.3.
Look at the title and guess what the text is about.
- Reading for specific information. (Технология проблемного обучения)
Answer the questions (Slide 3.)
Pupils read the questions, find information in the text and answer.
Предлагается объяснить значение выделенных слов в тексте. Можно объяснить с помощью синонимов, антонимов, мимикой, жестами.
Слова: stripes, hides, hunts, dangerous, head, heavy, trunks, horn, alone, mud.
- Group work. (Технология группового обучения)
Divide class into 4 groups, give them the text about the animals.
Tigers, lions, giraffes, elephants. (Приложение 1,2).
They read the text and complete the table. (Slide 4).
- Speaking. Discussing the content of the texts.
Each group talks about tigers, lions, giraffes, elephants using the table. (Slide 4).
- Grammar. Presenting the Present Simple.
T: Let`s remember some information about the the Present Simple.
(Slide 5).
Do exercise 7, page 67.
Put the verbs into correct form. (Slide 6).
- Подведение итогов урока
Thank you for the lesson.
Did you like our lesson?
What new information about animals did you know?
What part of the lesson did you like?
Homework . Write the conversation about your favourite animal.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A tiger A giraffe An elephant A lion A leopard A bear
Read the text and answer the questions 1.What kind of animals are there in India? 2. Where do dangerous animals like the tiger live? 3. What does the Bengal tiger eat? 4. What colour is a tiger? 5. What size is the elephant? 6. How do Indian people use elephants? 7. How do rhinos live?
Complete the table with your information Animals Size Weight Lives in Lives for Diet Habitat Colour
Present Simple Permanent state They live in Russia. Repeated action He plays tennis every Monday. Habits We have coffee in the morning.
Rhinos ……. ( eat) plants. The Bengal tiger …… (live ) in India. A lion ……. (sleep) during the day. Crocodiles ……. (swim) in rivers. Elephants ……. (like) bananas. A leopard …… (keep) moving. A crocodile…… (move) fast with its tail. Hippos …… (give) birth underwater. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
Предварительный просмотр:
A Tiger is a powerful carnivore, a hunter with sharp teeth, strong jaws, and a very agile body. Tigers do not live in Africa. They live in Asia. Tigers are an endangered species because their habitat is disappearing.
Tigers can live to 20 years of age in zoos but only 15 years in the wild. Most wild tigers do not live that long. Only half of all cubs survive to independence from their mother at about two years of age. Tigers are great swimmers. The roar of a tiger can be heard over a mile away. They are the largest of all cats with males growing up to 3.3 metres long and weighing up to 180-250 kilograms.
Most tigers have more than 100 stripes. Their stripes are much like a fingerprint, because no two tigers are exactly alike. Its favourite foods include elk, deer, wild boar, lynx and bear; wild boar makes up more than half of its diet. They will also eat fish, rabbits. Tigers can run very fast reaching speeds of up to 50 mph, however, they can only maintain this speed over short distances.
carnivore ['kɑːnɪvɔː] плотоядное животное
jaw [ʤɔː] нижняя челюстная кость
agile ['æʤaɪl] проворный
endangered species - вымирающие виды
cub [kʌb] детеныш
survive [sə'vaɪv] пережить
roar [rɔː] рёв
elk [elk] лось
wild boar [ˌwaɪld'bɔː] кабан
lynx [lɪŋks] рысь
mph=miles per hour – миль в час
maintain [meɪn'teɪn] - поддерживать
Giraffes are the tallest land mammals. A male giraffe grows to 3.8-4.7m. and weigh is about 800 кg . Their necks and legs alone are each about 6 feet long and their tails can grow to 3.1 m. Their coat is short and sandy coloured with different shades of brown. Their mane is short and it stands upright and they have a dark tassel of hair at the tip of their tail. They live for 25 years, in the zoo 28.
Giraffes are found in Africa but are becoming increasingly rare in the west. They live on open grasslands that are scattered with trees. Giraffes feed mainly from acacia and commiphora trees. Because of their height they easily pluck the leaves from the tops of these tall trees. A Giraffe can eat up to 50 Kgs of leaves per day.
Because of their height they easily pluck the leaves from the tops of these tall trees.
mammal ['mæm(ə)l] млекопитающее
sandy ['sændɪ] песочный
mane [meɪn] грива
tassel ['tæs(ə)l] кисточка
increasingly [ɪn'kriːsɪŋlɪ] все больше и больше
rare [reə] редкий
acacia [ə'keɪʃə] акация
pluck [plʌk] щипать
Предварительный просмотр:
Elephants are wonderful animals! They are the largest mammals in the world that live on land. There are two kinds of elephants; African and Asian. Asian elephants have smaller ears and shorter tusks than African elephants. The African elephant is bigger and taller than the Asian elephant. Adult males weigh is between 2.0-6.5 tons.
Females are smaller (3 and 4 tons). Elephants smell, drink, eat, and wash themselves with their long trunks. Elephants are capable of pulling up to 11.5 liters of water into the trunk to be sprayed into the mouth for drinking or onto the back for bathing. Elephants eat grass, small branches, and bark from trees. They especially like leaves from the top branches. They get the leaves by pushing down the trees with their large heads and bodies. Then they get the bark by scraping it with their sharp tusks. Most elephants live in the grasslands of Africa and in the forests of Asia.
They live for 60 years.
adult ['ædʌlt] взрослый
tusk [tʌsk] бивень
trunk [trʌŋk] хобот
capable ['keɪpəbl] способный
bark [bɑːk] кора
The Lion is described as large, carnivorous mammal, a symbol of power. Lions are the second largest feline.
Lions have a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and male lions have a heavy mane
around the head and neck. Lions are native to Africa and Northwest India.
Lions are found in savannas, grassland, dense bush, woodlands. Lions are the laziest of the big cats. They sleep 16-20 hours a day. They live for 13 years in captivity.
They are good hunters. Mice, lizards, tortoises, antelopes form part of a lions diet.
Fully grown males reach the height of 4 feet. An adult male weighs between 150-225кg. Lions are active during and at night but they prefer hunting at night.
A lion can run up to a maximum speed of 80 km per hour.
carnivorous [kɑː'nɪv(ə)rəs] плотоядный
feline ['fiːlaɪn] животное из семейства кошачьих
tawny ['tɔːnɪ] рыжевато-коричневый
dense bush - густой кустарник
in captivity [kæp'tɪvətɪ] в неволе
tufted ['tʌftɪd] с хохолком
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