Презентация "Сhristmas traditions''
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
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Santa Claus Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle , or simply "Santa", is an old man who brings gifts to the homes of the good children on Christmas Eve, December 24.
Santa Claus is generally described as a plump, jolly, white-bearded man wearing a red coat with a white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and a black leather belt and boots . Santa Claus lives at the NORTH POLE, with a large number of magical elves, and nine (originally eight) flying reindeer.
Fruitcake Fruitcake is a favorite traditional food. Fruitcake is considered to be a part of many families' Christmas traditions just as important as having a Christmas tree.
Poinsettias This flowering plant became a symbol of Christmas to the Mexican culture and it became a tradition to use poinsettia plants to decorate during Christmas time.
Christmas lights Christmas lights at one time were candles, chosen because their twinkling appearance reminded families of the twinkling of moon light through the branches of fir trees in the forest.
Christmas Stockings Many families hang large brightly colored Christmas stockings over the fireplace or on the walls of their homes during Christmas time in the hopes that Santa Claus will fill them with toys, treats, sweets.
History of the Christmas Tree The tradition of having an evergreen tree become a symbol of Christmas goes back past recorded written history. The Druids in ancient England and the Romans in Europe both used evergreen branches to decorate their homes and public buildings to celebrate the Winter Solstice ( солнцестояние) . Over the years, these traditions were adopted by Christians, who incorporated them as part of their Christmas holiday celebration.
Mistletoe Mistletoe (омела) was often hung over the entrances to homes of the pagans (язычники) in Scandinavian countries to keep out evil spirits. An old Scandinavian myth tells of the seemingly invulnerable (неуязвимый) god, Balder, who was struck down by a dart made from mistletoe. The tears of his mother, Frigga , became the white berries of the mistletoe, and it was decreed that the plant must never again be used as a weapon.
Christmas Gifting The idea of exchanging gifts at Christmas time originated with the birth of Jesus, when three wise men travelled to deliver gifts of gold, frankincense ( ладан) , and myrrh to the newborn baby. Shepherds in the fields also came to give gifts to the newborn baby Jesus.
The Candy Canes of Christmas Candy cane sweet treats made primarily (сперва) from boiled sugar seem to have first appeared in Europe in the late 1600’s to early 1700’s. They were made in many different colours (most often white) and shapes (most often straight sticks), evolving to the familiar cane or upside down J shape with the red and white stripes in the early 1900’s.
Christmas Carols and Caroling Christmas carols and caroling in the old world was a mix of singing and dancing . When Christmas was firmly established to be celebrated on December 25 th , many of the existing carols (or songs) were sung on that day and new ones written to celebrate Christmas.
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