Презентация "Easter traditions"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)
Презентация "Пасхальные традиции в России" может быть использована как дополнительный материал по теме "Holidays" , так и во внеурочной деятельность по предмету "Английский язык" и рассказывает о традициях празднования Пасхи у славянских народах. Язык презентации - английский.
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Two old calendars for Easter celebrations Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection. It is celebrated according to the Moon calendar on the first Sunday after the first spring full Moon. The Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches use Julian calendar, unlike the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches have been using the Gregorian calendar since the 16th century. Easter is called Paskha in Russian. Paskha is usually celebrated later than Catholic Easter. Paskha comes from Jewish word Pasque which means Passing with Christ to the other life.
People fast before Easter Paskha is preceded by 40 days of Great Lent, the most important event in the Orthodox Church year. Those who observe it are not supposed to eat meat, dairy and, on some days, even vegetable oils. On the last Friday before Easter (Good Friday), no food or drink should be consumed until the evening.
Easter preparations The last Sunday before Ester is called Willow Sunday ( Verbnoye Veskreseniye ). On this day people collect pussy willow branches, get them blessed in the church and keep them at home. The people tap one another with these branches repeating the wish: “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week”.
Palm Sunday In other parts of the world, the Sunday before Easter, called Palm Sunday, includes a procession of the assembled worshipers carrying palms, representing the palm branches the crowd scattered in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. Russia is a northern country and very few places have palm trees, the tradition has been adapted to prevalent botanic conditions. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, according to Christian belief
Pre-Easter chores Russian people are supposed to do all their pre-Easter chores during the last week before the holiday, also known as the Holy (Great) Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all field work before Thursday. Houses should be thoroughly cleaned before “Clean Thursday”, which is when Russians dye and decorate eggs. On Saturdays, everyone cooks traditional Easter food and those who fast are not allowed to taste it while cooking. It is also common to bless the food at church during the night service.
Easter celebrations Easter Sunday is a very happy and holy occasion for Orthodox Christians. You greet someone on the day with " Khristos voskres " and get a reply of " Voistinu voskres ," which literally means that Christ has risen. After that it is a custom to hug and kiss three times, symbolising belief, hope and love. Easter signifies not only a holy time but the beginning of the spring after long winter.
Matins and High mass Easter begins with the matins and high mass, during which the pasky (traditional Easter breads), pysanky and krashanky (decorated or coloured Easter eggs) are blessed in the church. Butter, leaf lard, cheese, roast suckling pigs, sausage, smoked meat are also blessed. After the matins the people exchange Easter greetings, give each other krashanky and then hurry home with their baskets of blessed food. Easter is the feast if joy and gladness. For these days people celebrate it.
Easter basket Russian Easter foods include Kulich (Russian Easter Bread), Paskha (dish made of cottage cheese, raisins and nuts) and eggs. The Russian Easter egg tradition dates back to pre-Christian times when people considered eggs as fertility symbols and as devices of protection. In Christian tradition red coloured eggs symbolize the blood of Christ.
Easter eggs In Russia, there is no custom of chocolate eggs or bunnies. We colour real eggs for the celebration. The common way of colouring is by using an onion peal. The purple onions in India are not suitable for this purpose. We usually collect the outer peal from white onions in advance. When you boil eggs covered with onion peals, they get a beautiful maroon colour with different shades.
Colour eggs yourself You can experiment with different patterns. Put rice on a wet egg, wrap it with damp cloth and then boil. You will get nice a motley design. The modern technique of egg colouring consists of soaking them in edible colours to get various results. Nowadays in Russia, you can buy beautiful stickers that make eggs look like they are professionally painted with different religious or non-religious themes.
Egg Fight tradition In some families, people have an Egg Fight tradition. Each person has to choose one egg and hit the tip of somebody else's egg with his egg. If the shell of your egg stays uncracked , you move to another person. The winner is the one who has the strongest egg.
Answer the questions: What kind of feast is Easter? Which old Calendar does Orthodox Christians use? When does Orthodox Church celebrate Paskha ? How is called the week before Easter? How is called the last Sunday before Easter? What do people do with branches of willow on Willow Sunday? What is blessed in the church on Easter? How long do people celebrate Easter?
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