Технологическая карта урока "Открываем достопримечательности Лондона"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок по теме "Лондон" в 5 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М. З. Unit 4. Section 3, презентация к уроку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Let’s make a trip! What should we do for that? Remember the words Speak about London’s places of interest Learn new information about London’s places of interest
Practice saying the words
What can tourists do in London? Tourists can watch relax visit enjoy walk pictures and sculptures sporting events monuments films plays beautiful buildings in art galleries. in theatres. in cinemas. in the streets. on stadiums. in parks. in squares. see collections of important things in museums.
Pronounce the words carefully Trafalgar Square The Tower of London The Houses of Parliament Big Ben Westminster Abbey The Bloody Tower The White Tower Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace
What place of interest can you see in the picture? Big Ben
What place of interest can you see in the picture? Westminster Abbey
What place of interest can you see in the picture? The Tower of London
What place of interest can you see in the picture? The White Tower
What place of interest can you see in the picture? Tower Bridge
What place of interest can you see in the picture? The Houses of Parliament
What place of interest can you see in the picture? Trafalgar Square
What place of interest can you see in the picture? The Thames and Westminster Bridge
What place of interest can you see in the picture? Buckingham Palace
What place of interest can you see in the picture? The London Eye
Symbols of London 1 2 3 4
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
The Tower of London
The Houses of Parliament
Say and do Up and down, Up and down, Which is the way To London town? Where? Where? High in the air, Close your eyes - And you are there!
Learn new words the Changing of the Guard Nelson’s column observation wheel Смена караула Колонна Нельсона колесо обозрения
Can you answer the questions? 1. What is Buckingham Palace? 2. What is there in Buckingham Palace? 3. Can tourists visit Buckingham Palace?
Can you answer the questions? Where is Trafalgar Square? 2. What can you see in the centre of Trafalgar Square? 3. What holiday do Londoners like to celebrate in Trafalgar Square?
Can you answer the questions? What is the London Eye? 2. Where does the London Eye stand? 3. What can you see from the London Eye?
What is Buckingham Palace? Buckingham Palace is the place where British kings and queens live and work when they are in London. Queen Elizabeth II
What is there in Buckingham Palace? There are 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a cinema, and a large garden with a lake in Buckingham Palace.
Can tourists visit Buckingham Palace? Tourists can visit some parts of Buckingham Palace. They can watch the Changing of the Guard near Buckingham Palace too.
Where is Trafalgar Square? Trafalgar Square is in the heart of London.
What can you see in the centre of Trafalgar Square? You can see a tall Nelson’s Column in the centre of Trafalgar Square. On its top there is a monument to Admiral Nelson.
What holiday do Londoners like to celebrate in Trafalgar Square? Trafalgar Square is the place where Londoners come to celebrate the New Year.
What is the London Eye? The London Eye is the biggest observation wheel in the world. It is very tall.
Where does the London Eye stand? The London Eye stands on the bank of the Thames River.
What can you see from the London Eye? When you travel in the London Eye, you can see all London’s places of interest.
Check your answers Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 1. + 1. b 1. places to visit 2. - 2. c 2. Big Ben 3. - 3. b 3. Buckingham Palace 4. - 4. a 4. Trafalgar Square 5. + 5. a 5. the London Eye
Thank you for your work!
Предварительный просмотр:
Огородникова Е.В.
Технологическая карта урока
Класс: 5б
Тема: Открываем достопримечательности Лондона
Тип: урок комплексного применения знаний
Дидактическая цель: создать условия для применения ЗУН в знакомой и новой учебной ситуации.
Цели по содержанию:
- образовательная: создать условия для применения ЗУН и осуществить предметную компетентность в стандартной и новой ситуации.
- развивающая: развивать познавательный интерес, иноязычные способности, общеучебные и специальные умения и навыки, внимание, логическое мышление, кругозор учащихся.
- воспитательная: формировать интерес к культуре, традициям, истории страны изучаемого языка; воспитывать толерантность к иноязычной нации; воспитывать культуру сотрудничества при работе в группах.
Практические задачи: совершенствовать фонетические навыки; совершенствовать лексические навыки; развивать умение говорить в диалогической и монологической форме; совершенствовать навыки ознакомительного чтения.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая.
Технологии: информационно-коммуникационная, коллективный способ обучения, игровой деятельности, уровневой дифференциации.
Средства обучения: учебник “Enjoy English 5-6 класс” Биболетовой М.З., компьютерная презентация, проектор, тексты с заданиями, карты самоконтроля, фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона.
Структура урока:
1 блок – целевой
1) оргмомент
2) речевая зарядка
3) самоконтроль уровня знаний на начало урока
4) целеполагание
2 блок – процессуальный
1) фонетическая зарядка
2) актуализация лексического материала
3) говорение в диалогической и монологической форме
4) динамическая пауза
5) ознакомительное чтение
6) игра
3 блок – аналитический
1) самоконтроль уровня знаний на конец урока
2) подведение итогов урока
3) рефлексия, перспективы
4) информация о домашнем задании
Ход урока
1 блок
1. Оргмомент.
Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to see you. How are you today? Are you ready to start our lesson? Let’s begin.
2. Речевая зарядка.
ФОПД – фронтальная
Look at the picture, please. (слайд 1)
- What can you see in it?
- What is London?
- What kind of city is London?
- On what river does London stand?
- What is there in London?
3. Самоконтроль уровня знаний на начало урока.
ФОПД – индивидуальная
Take the tables which you have on your desks and write down into the first column
what you know about London. (см. Приложение 1)
4. Целеполагание. (слайд 2)
ФОПД – фронтальная
- Would you like to visit London? Let’s make a trip to London and discover its places of interest.
- What do we need for that? Do we need
- to remember the words?
- to speak about London’s places of interest?
- to learn new information about London’s places of interest?
Let’s start then!
2 блок
1. Фонетическая зарядка. (exercise 15 page 65, слайд 3)
ФОПД – фронтальная
Let’s remember the words which will help you to speak and learn about London’s places of interest. Listen to the speaker and repeat after him. (
2. Актуализация лексического материала. (слайд 4)
ФОПД – фронтальная, индивидуальная
1) Let’s discuss what tourists can do in London.
- Name the verbs we can use (watch, relax, visit, enjoy, walk).
- Say what they can see (pictures and sculptures, sporting events, films, plays, monuments, beautiful buildings)
- Where can they do it? (art galleries, cinemas, theatres, on stadiums, in the streets, in squares, in parks)
- Make up sentences using the words.
2) What places of interest can tourists visit in London?
- Say after the speaker (exercise 17 page 66, слайд 5)
- What can you see in the picture? (слайды 6-15)
3. Развитие умения говорить в диалогической и монологической форме. (слайд 16)
ФОПД – фронтальная, индивидуальная
1) What do you know about the symbols of London? Answer my questions, please.
- What is Big Ben (the Tower, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament)?
- Where does Big Ben stand?
- How much does Big Ben’s bell weigh?
- Does the Queen of Britain live in the Tower?
- What takes place in Westminster Abbey?
2) Now some of you will be guides who will tell us about these places of interest and others will be tourists who will ask them questions. Get ready, please. Use the information of ex. 16 on p. 65) (слайды 17-20)
- Speak about Big Ben (Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament).
- Tourists, ask the guide questions, please.
4. Динамическая пауза. (см. Приложение 2, слайд 21)
5. Ознакомительное чтение.
ФОПД – групповая
- Now it’s time to learn about new places of interest. You will work in groups. You should read and understand your text and answer the questions. (см. Приложение 3)
- First learn some new words. (слайд 22)
- Please, finish your work. The first group, read your text. Other groups must listen to it and try to understand the text too.
- Now groups in turn will read and answer the questions. Each student in the group should answer at least one question. (слайды 23-34)
6. Игра «Tourists in London»
ФОПД - парная
Let’s play a game “Tourists in London”. I’ll give you short stories about London’s places of interest. You’ll read them and try to find the photo with this place of interest in our classroom. (см. Приложение 4)
3 блок
1. Самоконтроль уровня знаний на конец урока.
ФОПД – индивидуальная
1 вариант: Now you’ll see how well you know London’s places of interest.
- Choose one of the tests and do it. (you have 3 minutes) (см. Приложение 5)
- Look at the key and check yourself. (слайд 35)
- Write down your result in the second column of the table.
2 вариант: Take your tables and write down into the second column what you’ve learnt about London’s places of interest at the lesson today.
2. Подведение итогов урока.
ФОПД - фронтальная
So, what did we do at the lesson? Did we
- remember the words?
- speak about London’s places of interest?
- learn new information about London’s places of interest?
What places of interest did you learn about?
3. Рефлексия.
ФОПД – фронтальная, индивидуальная
Did you like your work at the lesson?
Would you like to learn still more about London?
4. Информация о домашнем задании.
You can learn about two new places of interest at home if you do exercise 22 on page 67. Write it down, please.
Thank you for your work! The lesson is over, goodbye!
Приложение 1.
Discovering places of interest in London
I know | I learnt | I want to know |
Приложение 2.
Up and down,
Up and down,
Which is the way
To London town?
Where? Where?
High in the air,
Close your eyes -
And you are there!
Приложение 3.
Read the text and answer the questions:
- What is Buckingham Palace?
- What is there in Buckingham Palace?
- Can tourists visit Buckingham Palace?
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the place where British kings and queens live and work when they are in London.
Buckingham Palace is a large building with 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a cinema, and a large garden with a lake. The rooms in the Palace are very big and beautiful. 550 people work in Buckingham Palace. They help the Queen Elizabeth II in her work and also keep the Palace clean.
Buckingham Palace is open to visitors during August and September when the Queen is on holiday. Tourists can visit some parts of Buckingham Palace. They can watch the Changing of the Guard near Buckingham Palace too.
A tennis court – теннисный корт , a lake - озеро, keep clean – поддерживать чистоту, the Changing of the Guard – смена караула.
Read the text and answer the questions:
- Where is Trafalgar Square?
- What can you see in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
- What holiday do Londoners like to celebrate in Trafalgar Square?
Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is the largest, the most beautiful and famous square in London. It is in the heart of London.
You can see a tall Nelson’s Column in the centre of Trafalgar Square. On its top there is a monument to Admiral Nelson, the man who won the victory over the Spanish fleet in 1805.
Trafalgar Square is the place where Londoners come to celebrate the New Year. There is a big nice Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square every year.
Heart - сердце, Nelson’s Column – Колонна Нельсона, top – вершина, верх, won the victory – одержал победу, fleet - флот, celebrate – праздновать
Read the text and answer the questions:
- What is the London Eye?
- Where does the London Eye stand?
- What can you see from the London Eye?
The London Eye
The London Eye is the biggest observation wheel in the world. The London Eye was opened in 2000. It stands on the bank of the Thames River. It is very tall, 135 meters. 25 people can travel in each of the 32 glass cabins of the London Eye. When you travel in the London Eye, you can see all London’s places of interest.
Observation wheel – колесо обозрения, bank – берег реки, glass cabin – стеклянная кабинка, each – каждый.
Приложение 4.
It is the largest bell in the world. You hear its deep boom every hour. | It is the place where British kings and queens live and work when they are in London. Tourists can visit some of its parts and watch the Changing of the Guard outside. |
It is one of the oldest buildings in London. Its history is long and sometimes cruel. It is one of the most interesting museums of London now. | It is famous for Nelson’s Column which stands in its centre. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson on its top. It is Londoners’ favourite place for meetings and celebrations. |
You can go by boat and see it from the river Thames. It is open to visitors and you can see how the country’s leaders work here. | It is one of the places where Londoners and tourists can walk, relax, enjoy green trees and beautiful flowers. |
It is the most beautiful church in England. The coronation of all British kings and queens takes place here. | It is a tall building. It is the oldest part of the Tower of London. |
Приложение 5.
Test 1. (mark “3”) True or false?
- Big Ben is a large bell.
- The British Queen lives in the Tower of London.
- The London Eye is in Trafalgar Square.
- The coronation of British kings and queens takes place in Buckingham Palace.
- The country’s leaders work in the Houses of Parliament.
Test 2. (mark “4”) Find the correct answer:
- British kings and queens live and work in
- the Tower of London
- Buckingham Palace
- The Houses of Parliament
- Tourists can watch the Сhanging of the Guard
- in Trafalgar Square
- near the London Eye
- near Buckingham Palace
- The monument to Admiral Nelson is
- in Westminster Abbey
- in Trafalgar Square
- near the Tower of London
- The London Eye is one of the
- newest places of interest
- oldest places of interest
- historical places of interest
5. Londoners like to celebrate the New Year
a) in Trafalgar Square
b) on the bank of the Thames river
c) near Buckingham Palace
Test 3. (mark “5”) Read the advert (рекламное объявление) for tourists about London and fill in the words.
Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, places to visit, the Tower of London, the London Eye, Trafalgar Square. |
London is one of the most beautiful and famous cities in Europe. It has so many 1) _______. You can see the largest bell and listen to the deep tone of 2) ________ . It is very interesting to watch the Changing of the Guard near 3) ____________ . In 4) _____________ you can see the tall Nelson’s Column. But when you travel in 5) _________ you can see all London’s places of interest. London is a fantastic city!
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