5 класс итоговый контроль тема "Лондон"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Коржова Варвара Александровна

Дорогие пятиклассники! 

В конце учебного года мы отправляемся на виртуальную экскурсию по Лондону! Наша задача - узнать о достопримечательностях этого прекрасного города. 

На уроке итогового контроля Вашему вниманию будет предоставлена презентация ,созданная специально для этой экскурсии) 


Файл Лондон.13.43 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. The Romans  went to England many many years ago.
  2. They built a town on the River Thames.
  3. The name of the town was Londinium.
  4. The Romans built a lot of roads from Londinium to other parts of Britain.
  5. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the Thames in its centre.
  6. Now London is a very large city but The River Thames is still in the centre of London.
  7. Until  1749 there was only one bridge over the river:  London Bridge.
  8. The old London Bridge looked very strange.
  9. There were houses and shops on the bridge.
  10. Now there are 27 bridges over the Thames and 8 tunnels under the river.
  11. London is the capital of England.
  12. London is 46 kilometers from north to south and 58 kilometers from east to west.
  13. More than 7 million people live in London.
  14. London is one of the most important cities in the world.
  15. It`s political and business centre.
  16. There are about 10 thousand streets.
  17. Oxford street is London`s main shopping centre.
  18. You can find many old and new beautiful parks in the city.
  19. The largest park in London is Hyde Perk.
  20. London is in fact two cities: The City Of London and The City of Westminster.
  21. The heart of London is the City.
  22. It`s the oldest part of London.
  23. There are a lot of banks and offices there.
  24. The Tower of London is in the City.
  25. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace and the kings`s Zoo.
  26. Now it`s a museum.
  27. One of the oldest churches in London is St. Paul`s Cathedral.
  28. Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire.
  29. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years.
  30. It`s a beautiful building with many columns and towers.
  31. Trafalgar square is in the center of London.
  32. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson.
  33. There are two beautiful fountains in front of the National Gallery.
  34. The political centre of London is Westminster.
  35. The British Prime Minister lives there.
  36. He lives at number 10 Downing Street.
  37. Next to Parliament Square you can see The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben.
  38. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour.
  39. On the other side of Parliament square is Westminster Abbey.
  40. It`s more than nine hundred years old.
  41. There was a coronation of queen Elizabeth II
  42. The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.
  43. The Queen Victoria Memorial is in front of it.
  44. Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London.
  45. It`s more than 300 years old.
  46. Many writers and critics live there.
  47. The British Museum is not far from Bloomsbury Square.
  48. The British museum is very old.
  49. It was founded in 1753.
  50. It`s in Great Russel Street.
  51. The British museum has a large Reading Room.
  52. One of the famous London cinemas is “Odeon”.
  53. One of the famous London Theatres is The Royal Opera House or Covent Garden.
  54. I`d like to visit London because………

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