Итоговое обобщение по теме "Знаменитые британцы"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Белоусова Оксана Валерьевна

Данная презентация позволяет в игровой форме завершить тему "Знаменитые британцы" и обощить языковые знания по данной теме. Перед данным уроком детям даётся материал про всех персонажей игры, по ходу игры они должны по изображению и фразе о нём (на английском языке) угадать о ком идёт речть.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Famous Britons Quiz Знаменитые британцы

Слайд 2

He invented a machine on which the modern computer is based. Charles Babbage

Слайд 3

He discovered the law of gravitation when an apple fell on his head. Isaak Newton

Слайд 4

He tried to prove that our remote granddads and grannies were monkeys. Charles Darwin

Слайд 5

The author of The Lord Of Rings. JRR Tolkien

Слайд 6

Scotland`s national poet. Robert Burns

Слайд 7

The most famous playwright in the world. William Shakespeare

Слайд 8

The author of Jungle Book . Rudyard Kippling

Слайд 9

The monument to this man stands in Trafalgar Square Admiral Horatio Nelson

Слайд 10

The first woman Prime Minister of Britain. Margaret Thatcher

Слайд 11

The member o а The Beatles who was murdered in the USA. John Lennon

Слайд 12

The author of OliverTwist . Charles Dickens

Слайд 13

The beautiful Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in Paris. Princess Diana

Слайд 14

This guy tried to blow up Parliament on November 5,1605. Guy Fawkes

Слайд 15

This Queen ruled for the longest period in British history. Queen Victoria

Слайд 16

The author of the Harry Potter book. JK Rowlling

Слайд 17

One of Britain`s greatest leaders, who was the Prime Minister of the country during World War II. Winston Churchill

Слайд 18

The creator of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple . Agatha Christie

Слайд 19

This man invented the telephone. Alexander Bell

Слайд 20

A famous explorer who discovered Australia and Hawaii. David Livingstone

Слайд 21

The author of Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carrol

Слайд 22

The member of The Beatles. Paul McCartney

Слайд 23

This famous scientist discovered the law of electricity. Michael Faraday

Слайд 24

The author of The Canterbury Tales. Geoffrey Chaucer

Слайд 25

This brave scientist discovered penicillin. Alexander Fleming

Слайд 26

The inventor of the steam engine. James Watt

Слайд 27

This romantic poet died in Greece while fighting against the Turks f or Greek independence. Lord Byron

Слайд 28

The author of Robinson Crusoe . Daniel Defo

Слайд 29

This man was leader of the Parliamentary army against King Charles I and after Charles`s execution , became Lord Protector. But he was as tyrannical as the king he defeated and the monarchy was restored two years after his death. Oliver Cromwell

Слайд 30

The name of the author of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Arthur Conan Doyle

Слайд 31

The author of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen

Слайд 32

The name of a film director famous for his horror films, like Psycho . Alfred Hitchcock

Слайд 33

This Englishman was the first to sail around the world. He also led the English navy to victory against the Spanish Armada. Francis Drake

Слайд 34

The author of The picture of Dorian Gray . Oscar Wilde

Слайд 35

A famous landscape painter of the 19 th century. John Constable

Слайд 36

A famous explorer of Africa, the first European to see the Zambezi River and the Victoria Falls. David Livingstone

Слайд 37

A comic actor with a small moustache, a bowler hat and a funny way of walking. Charlie Chaplin

Слайд 38

A famous footballer. David Beckham

Слайд 39

The inventor of television. John Logie Baird

Слайд 40

The author of Treasure Island . Robert Louis Stevenson

Слайд 41

The author of Ivanhoe . Walter Scott

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