Вечер "В гостях у сказки"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку по теме
Вечер "В гостях у сказки" (мероприятие для учащихся начальной школы)
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Вечер ” В гостях у сказки”
Мероприятие для учащихся начальной школы.
Практические задачи: 1)совершенствовать навыки устной речи;
2)тренировать навыки аудирования.
Образовательная задача: расширять лингвистический кругозор учащихся.
Развивающие задачи: 1)развивать творческие способности учащихся;
2)формировать готовность к коммуникации;
3)поддерживать интерес к изучению английского
Воспитательные задачи: 1)развивать интерес к русской и англоязычной
литературе и чтению;
2)воспитывать уважение к культуре других наро-
мероприятия: декорации, костюмы для инсценировки англий-
ских сказок, аудиокассеты с записями песен и
Ведущий 1: Good evening, our dear guests! Today we shall have a party.
Ведущий 2: Do you like to read fairy-tales?
Ведущий 1: Yes, all children like to read fairy-tales or to listen to them.
Ведущий 2: I am sure it is interesting to meet your fairy-tale characters.
Ведущий 1: Today we are going to have a very interesting fairy-tale party.
Ведущий 2: You will see the fairy- tales: “The house in the wood”, “The turnip”,
“Three little kittens”, “Little Red Riding Hood”.
Ведущий 1: It is time to see the acting of the pupils of the 3A Form. They will
show us the fairy- tale “The house in the wood”.
Ведущий 2: Thank you very much.
Ведущий 1: And just now let’s see the next fairy- tale. It is “The turnip”. The
students of the 4A Form will be the actors.
The storyteller The Dog
The Turnip The Cat
Grandfather The Mouse
Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man.
(An old man comes in).
Once spring he sowed a turnip seed.
Some time passed.
Look! There green leaves on the turnip…
Soon the turnip will grow.
Grandfather (sees a big turnip): Oh! What a big turnip we have in our kitchen- garden! I want to pull it out.
(He is pulling the turnip):
One, two, three! It’s too big for me.
Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, grandfather. I am coming.
Grandfather and grandmother: (they are pulling the turnip together) One, two, three! One, two, three! Oh! It’s too big for us!
Grandmother: Granddaughter, granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, granny. I am coming!
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three!
One, two, three! It’s too big for us!
Graddaughter: Dog, dog! Help us, please!
The Dog: All, right, granddaughter. I’m coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog: One, two, three! One, two, three!
One, two, three! Oh, it’s too big for us!
The Dog: Cat, cat! Help us, please!
The Cat: All, right, dog. I’m coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! Oh, it’s too big for us!
The Cat: Mouse, mouse! Help us, please!
The Mouse: All, right, cat. I’m coming.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (They pulled the turnip out) OK!
The turnip: I am so big! I am so sweet!
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse (together):
Oh! What a big turnip we have!
Ведущий 2:Thank you very much! And now let’s see a fairy- tale” Three little kittens”- the pupils of the 4B Form.
Ведущий 1: Do you like our actors?
Ведущий 2: And now it’s high time to see a very famous fairy- tale. Do you know
a tale about a nice girl with a red hat?
Ведущий 1:Yes, this is the fairy-tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. We will see the acting of the pupils of the 5A Form.
Little Red Riding Hood
The Wolf
The Hunter
Scene I
Little Red Riding Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning, children!
Children: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am here, Mother. What’s the matter?
(Little Red Riding Hood comes in.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother’s birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, Mother.
Mother: Don’t speak to anybody on the way. Don’t stop in the wood. And don’t pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, dear Mother. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Scene II
(Little Red Riding Hood in the wood.)
Little Red Riding Hood: How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms. I’ll pick some flowers for my grandmother.
(The Wolf appears.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.
Children: Go away, do away, you bad Wolf!
The Wolf: Hush, children! (He goes up to Little Red Riding Hood.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf!
The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother. It’s her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your grandmother?
Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from here?
Little Red Riding Hood: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye Little Red Riding Hood!
Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf!
Scene III
(The Wolf comes to Grandmother’s house and knocks at the door.)
Grandmother: Who is there?
The Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandmother: Come in, darling.
(The Wolf runs up to Grandmother and wants to catch her up, but she runs away. The Wolf puts on Grandmother’s dress and cap and lies in bed. Soon Little Red Riding Hood appears near Grandmother’s house.)
Little Red Riding Hood (singing):
Clap, clap, clap,
Rap, rap, rap,
I’m knocking at the door,
Tap, tap, tap.
The Wolf: Who is there?
Little Red Riding Hood: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
(Little Red Riding Hood puts the basket on the table and comes up to Granny’s bed)
Little Red Riding Hood: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(And the Wolf jumps out of the bed and wants to catch Little Red Riding Hood, who is shouting: “Help! Help!”
Grandmother and the Hunter come in. The Hunter shoots and the Wolf falls down.)
Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh! It’s really nothing.
Grandmother, the Hunter, Little Red Riding Hood: That’s the end of the story. Did you like it, children?
Children: Yes, we did! Thank you!
Ведущий 2:That’s all for today. Thank you for your fairy- tales.
Ведущий 1: You were real actors. I think you enjoyed your English today.
Ведущий 2: What fairy–tale do you like most of all? Let’s clap our hands to thank our actors.
Ведущий 1: Will you stand up and recite the poem?
Together, together,
Together every day.
Together, together
We work and play.
Teacher: Thank you for your acting! Good bye!
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