The World of Animals
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
конспект урока для 4 класса "В мире животных"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: В мире животных
Цель: воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка при помощи игр, стихотворений, загадок.
учебные: - обобщение знаний учащихся, полученных при изучении раздела «В
городе и в деревне. Дикие и домашние животные»;
- контроль уровня сформированности умений и навыков по теме «Степени
сравнения прилагательных».
развивающие:- развитие внимания, памяти, воображения, мышления, смекалки;
- развитие эмоциональной сферы учащихся;
воспитательные:- воспитание культуры общения в коллективной деятельности.
Тип урока: Контрольно-обобщающий
Оборудование: картинки животных ,карточки, буклеты, магнитофон, призы для победителей.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент (объяснение условий игры, представление команд и капитанов).
- Good morning, boys and girls.
- I’m glad to see you!(слайд)
- How are you?
- Let’s start our lesson. Today we shall continue our talk about tag-questions, read and act out the dialogues.
II. Ход игры
- The teams in turn name one animal. (слайд)
- Guess the riddles.
a) Long-ears, long-ears,
Hop, hop, and hop!
Long-ears, long-ears,
Never stop.
They like carrots,
They like hay.
They grow longer
From day to day.
b) Who is the king of the animal world?
c) It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
d) This animal like grass, gives milk.
e) It is grey, but it isn’t a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hoofs (копыта), but not a horse.
What is it?
f) Not a horseman, but wears spurs (шпоры).
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
- What animals can you see here?
- Look and say
- Whose tail is it?
- Whose eyes are these?
- Whose ears are these?
- Whose legs are these?
- Whose paws are these?
- Whose head is it?
- Match the picture to the word. (слайд)
- Who can find the most animals?
- Write the names of the animals correctly:
god, nilo, getry, nomeky, omuse, sohre, rabe, helaw.
- Match the name of the animal and its description. (слайд)
The animal is timid and shy. | Bear |
The animal has a red bushy tail. | Zebra |
The animal sleeps all winter in a den. | Lion |
The animal can live without food and water for a long time. | Fox |
The animal with a beautiful white skin with black stripes. | Rabbit |
The animal has long hair around its neck. | Camel |
- How long do animals live?
A rabbit – 5, a sheep – 12, a cat – 13, a goat – 15, a cow – 25, a pig – 25, a horse – 30, a camel – 40.
- Compare these animals, using as many adjectives as possible: (слайд)
a cat, a pig, a wolf;
a tortoise, a fox, a squirrel;
a tiger, a bear, an elephant;
a cock, a tiger, a wolf.
( strong, weak, big, small, kind, angry, fat, thin, clever, cunning, slow, quick)
- Finish the saying: (слайд)
As hungry as ...
As brave as ...
As cunning as ...
As heavy as ...
As dirty as ...
As tall as ...
A busy as ...
As funny as ...
As slow as ...
- Do you agree? (слайд)
- These animals give wool: a sheep, a camel, a cat, a dog.
- People drink milk of these animals: a cow, a goat, a sheep, a horse.
- People use fur of these animals for making hats: a fox, a dog, a rabbit, a sheep.
- These animals can carry things and men: a camel, an elephant, a dog, a kangaroo.
- People eat meat of these animals: a bear, a horse, a sheep, a duck.
- Do crossword puzzle
- Read the information and decide if it is true or false. (слайд)
- Frogs cannot live in the sea.
- Some frogs live in Antarctica.
- There are poisonous (ядовитые) frogs in Russia.
- Some tropical frogs have red eyes.
- Monkeys begin to roar when they see a group of other monkeys. People hear this roar up to 2.5 kilometers.
- Elephant can pick coins with tongue.
- Elephant is the cleverest animal.
- The cleverest domestic animals are dogs and horses.
- In some Russian rivers there are crocodiles.
- Crocodiles can hold their breath (задерживать дыхание) for more than an hour.
- When crocodiles get hot, they rest with their mouth open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouth and pick food from between their teeth.
- The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the world’s crocodiles.
III. Подведение итогов(слайд)
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