Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе (углубленное изучение) УМК И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева по теме "Health is Above Wealth".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Данный урок направлен на обобщение наиболее интересных и эффективных приемов работы по теме "Health is Above Wealth". Постановка цели урока, содержательность, многообразие используемых упражнений, мотивационная обеспеченность урока, соотвествие речевого и неречевого поведения учителя целям урока составляют воспитательную и образовательную ценность данного урока. Приёмы, используемые на уроке, соответствуют задачам урока и психологическим особенностям учащихся. Данная форма урока позволяет стимулировать внутреннюю (мыслительную) и внешнюю (речевую) активность учащихся на уроке. Содержание материала личностно ориентировано, затрагивает интеллектуальную и эмоциональную сферу учеников. Содержание урока позволяет развивать и совершенствовать произносительные, лексические, грамматические навыки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Плехова Валентина Ивановна
Учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ №21 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»
г. Ухта.
Класс 5
Тема урока: Health is Above Wealth
Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе (углубленное изучение) УМК И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева.
Оборудование: аудиозаписи, дидактический материал по заданиям этапов урока.
Цель урока – обучение устному общению на английском языке, активизация приобретенных навыков и умений, формирование новых речевых умений. Задачи урока: развитие навыков аудирования и говорения, обеспечивающих устное общение как в диалогической, так и в монологической формах.
- Организационный момент
How are you? –How’re you?
- Предъявление темы и задач урока
Использование технологии «Алфавит». Упражнение. Read and Complete the sentences.
- Taking drugs is a bad…
- To keep fit we should do a lot of physical…
- To be fit you should be physically …
- When the doctor examines us he listens to our …
- When we eat too much ice-cream we got a soar …
- If you follow all the doctor’s advice you will be …
Use the first letters of these words. What word have you got?
Health is Above Wealth, isn’t it?
Teacher: I’m sure at the end of the lesson we’ll be able to answer this question.
Are we going to discuss the problems of health? Suppose what will help us to discuss the problems connecting with health. P1, P2, P3 – Listening to some texts, reading texts, answering questions, dialogues.
- Let’s brush up our phonetics (формирование произносительных и интонационных навыков)
Listen to the funny poem “Robin the Bobbin”, then read it.
Robin the Bobbin Робин- Боббин
Robin the Bobbin, Робин - Боббин
The big-bellied Ben, Кое-как
He ate more meat Подкрепился
Than fourscore men; Натощак:
He ate a cow, Съел теленка
He ate a calf, Утром рано,
He ate a butcher Двух овечек
And a half, И барана,
He ate a church, Съел корову целиком
He ate a steeple, И прилавок с мясником,
He ate a priest Сотню жаворонков в тесте
And all the people! И коня с телегой вместе,
A cow and a calf, Пять церквей и колоколен -
An ox and a half, И остался недоволен!
A church and a steeple, Перевод С. Маршака
And all good people, Барабек
And yet he complained Робин- Боббин Барабек
That his stomach wasn’t full. Скушал сорок человек,
И корову, и быка, и кривого мясника
И телегу, и дугу, и метлу, и кочергу.
Скушал церковь, скушал дом,
И кузницу с кузнецом,
А потом и говорит:
«У меня живот болит».
Перевод К. Чуковского
А) Прослушивание записи стихотворения
Б) Фонетическая отработка слов
С) Чтение стихотворения по частям
As you see there are two versions of translation of this poem by S. Marshak and K. Chukovski’.
- Which translation do you like more? What is the main idea of the poem?
- What deadly sins (bad habits) does Robin have? - P1, P2 – Robin eats too much.
- What does he suffer from? – Obesity.
-What diseases does obesity cause? – Heart disease, high blood pressure.
- What pieces of advice can you give Robin to improve his health? – P2 – Not to eat too much. – P2 – To take regular meals. – P3 – To eat high fibre food. - P4 – To eat low fat food.
Данная работа позволяет логично перейти к обсуждению темы урока «Здоровье». Учащиеся выделяют логическую цепочку – проблема – причина (bad habits) – последствия (diseases) – решение проблемы.
- Активизация использования усвоенных знаний, навыков и умений на этапе аудирования.
Teacher: Some people take care about their health, others don’t. Three teenagers Helen, Bob and Kate are expressing their points of views about health. Listen to the stories and answer the following questions.
- Helen: I am not going to be a supermodel. But I think it is very important to be fit and healthy and look nice. Some firms don’t employ people who are overweight or who are smokers. I agree with that because smoking affects other people’s life, too. I pay a lot of attention to my health. I try to eat only low-fat food, more fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and less sweets. I don’t smoke. I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. Besides, I have been doing aerobics for a year. I feel great. And all my friends think I look great.
- Bob: I have no problems with my health thougt I am a smoker and a bit overweight. I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I have been smoking since I was 12. All my friends are smokers. I don’t want to be the odd one out. I know all facts, but you only live once, don’t you? So why not enjoy yourself? As for dieting I think it is very dangerous. You are what you are. It is impossible to change. Besides, I like chocolate bars, ice cream and the like. Why should I give up such tasty things? Eat only cucumbers? Never! Of course I have some problems with my skin and hair, but I don’t want to change.
- Kate: I think people should choose for themselves if they want to be healthy – it’s their life, it’s their bodies. They are free to decide. It is not very good to think too much about your appearance but it is good to think about your health. I don’t pay much attention to my friends’ health habits. My friend Willie likes sweets, he is pleasantly fat and I like him, he is very clever. He is good at the computer. And Dennis is very sporty. He has been exercising all his life. He isn’t as clever as Willie but he is nice. I like to have different people with different likes and dislikes as my friends.
- Why does Helen look great?
- What does she think about her future?
- What does Bob look like?
- What health sins has he got?
- How does he justify himself?
- What is he afraid of?
- What does Kate like in her friends?
- Формирование навыков общения в рамках речевой ситуации.
Whose opinion do you share? Do you take care of your health? Do you try to keep fit? What do you do to be fit? Of course, if you want to keep fit you should remember some good rules.
Good Rules to Remember
- Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit
- Take regular exercises to keep fit
- Take a cool/cold shower to keep fit
- Eat healthy food to keep fit
- Never smoke to keep fit
- Clean your teeth every morning and every evening to keep fit
- Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit
Don’t forget
- Too little food makes you thin
- Too much food makes you fat
- The wrong food makes you ill
- The right food makes you well
- Too many sweets are bad for you especially for your teeth
- Teacher: Unfortunately, we fall ill sometimes. Answer the following questions.
- What do you do when you fall ill? Do you like being ill?
- What does the doctor do when he/she comes?
- Who looks after you when you are sick?
- What do you like doing when you are sick?
- What do you hate doing when you are sick?
- Do you take care of your parents/sister/brother when they are sick?
Would you like to become a doctor/a dentist/a nurse? Why? Why not?
- Teacher: When we fall ill doctor usually advise us to take vitamins to be healthy? By the way do you know which vitamins are necessary for your skin, bones, blood? Give your suppositions. VA, VB, VC, VD. Now I’d like you to read the text about vitamins and you’ll be able to compare your suppositions with the text.
You are going to read about vitamins. Before you read, mark the statements true (T) or false (F). Then read the text and check your answers.
- Vitamins make people healthy
- We get vitamins doing sports
- People don’t need vitamins C
- If you want to be healthy you should eat fruit and vegetables
- There are about ten vitamins extremely necessary for the people
People need vitamins to stay healthy. “Vita” means life in Latin. People get vitamins from the food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. But you can hardly find any useful vitamins in Coke, chips and other fast food. Each vitamin is responsible for different things in the human body. There are about ten major vitamins. They are usually named by a letter of the alphabet (A, B, C, D, etc.) Vitamin A is in green and yellow vegetables, milk and eggs. It’s necessary for seeing in the dark. Vitamin B1 is in meat, porridge and bread. B1 is responsible for the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin leads to serious illnesses and even death. Vitamin C is in every fruit and vegetable. You can find this vitamin in black currants, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits, onions, cabbages and green peppers. Vitamin C is important for building bones and teeth. It helps to prevent colds. Vitamin D is in eggs. People can also get it from sunlight. It makes our bones strong. Vitamin E is necessary for skin and body. It’s in the wheat and nuts. VitaminaB6 and K are necessary for human blood. You can find B6 in beans and milk: K- in potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Vitamins make people healthy, optimistic and strong. Remember: I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat. Choose healthy food. Complete the sentences using the text.
- If a person has some problems with her/his skin, he/she should have …
- If you have got a bad cold, you need vitamin …, which is in … .
- To make your bones strong you should …
- If you can hardly see in the dark, you should have … every day
- You should have … to make your nervous system work
- People need vitamins to …
А) Самостоятельное чтение текста
В) Выполнение упражнения True/False (ответы – 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-T)
С) Complete the sentences using the text (1-VE, 2-VC, 3-VCD, 4-VA, 5-VB, 6- To stay healthy)
Teacher: What about you? Do you eat vitamins?
- Рефлексия «Завершите фразу» - “Complete the phrase”
- To keep fit I …
- To be fit I …
- Health means …
- If you follow all the doctor’s advice you …
- I’m sure you are not gluttons, are you? PP – Of course, not. Let’s sing our funny song “ I like food” and relax.
I Like Food
I like food,
I like eating lots and lots of food.
Bread and jam and meat and fish,
Cakes and biscuits too,
Beans and rice and eggs and chips,
Apples, pears, potato crisps
And salted nuts to chew.
I like food ..
Ice-cream, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,
Chocolates and cheese,
Toast and butter, soup and spices,
Honey, cereals, cucumber slices,
Grapes and tangerines.
Don’t forget I also like
Drinking when I eat –
Coffee, tea, milk, water, soda,
Fruit juice, lemonade, milk-shake, cola,
With sugar in to make them sweet/
I like food …
Will you answer the question? – P1, P2, P3 – Yes, …
Health is Above Wealth.
Использованная литература
- Верещагина И. Н., Афанасьева О. В. Английский язык: Учебник для 5 класса школы с углубленным изучением английского языка – 2-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 1997.
- Английский язык: Книга для учителя 8 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений/ В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова, – М.: Просвещение, 2004. (текст для аудирования)
- Биболетова М. З. Enjoy English – 4.
- Филиппов В. Н. Английский язык: (Интенсив. курс): Учебник для 5 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: Просвещение, (песня I like Food) стр. 217.
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