Молодёжные субкультуры
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
В работе рассказывается о молодежных субкультурах, о причинах их возникновения, описываются молодежные течения. Для изучения и закрепления материала приведены различные виды работ с лексическим и текстовым материалом, а так же даны материалы для самопроверки.
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Why this presentation is useful for you You’ll learn some new English words and word combinations on the theme “ Youth subcultures “ for their further use in speaking, reading, and writing. You’ll read the text and you will be able to use the new material in your practice. 2
Words youth – молодежь, молодежный sub с ulture - субкультур a recent – современный, последний fashion – мода mainstream - общепринятый to accept - принимать views – взгляды clothes – одежда to express – выраж a ть impolite - невежливый to realize – осознать urban - городской Goths – готы Punks - панки Hippies - хиппи Skinheads – скинхеды “Heavy metal” - металлисты 3
Do you know anything about urban sub с ultures of the youth? It is generally held that sub с ulture is the с ulture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. On the whole Teds, Mods , Ro- ckers , Bikers, Skinheads and Punks are the sub с ultures of the politically or economically weak segments of the society. 4
What do recent sub с ultures protest against? As it known, recent sub с ultures reflect a refusal to conform in post-1945 society. For example, the sub с ulture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost world. They idealized Africa. 5
Who were Rastafairians ? Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They dreamed of golden age in Africa before the slave traders came. They viewed Britain as part of the Biblical “Babylon”, the land of slavery, and Africa especially Ethiopia as the “Promised Land”. These Rastafairians began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in “dread- locks”. They took to speaking in a special “patois” or dialect. Rastafairians were defiant until they became a recognized and legitimate minority group in Great Britain at the end of the 1980. 6
What made the greatest impact on the development of urban sub с ultures ? Black music which came to Britain through the Rastafairians made its impact on urban sub- cultures. Such types as ska , reggae and “Hip- hop” evolved in the Caribbean and the United States, developed in Britain during the 1970, came to Russia in the 1990. In Britain reggae music is held as powerful expression of dissidents. In our country reggae is the music of the teenagers . Many sub с ultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures. 7
Can you give an example of such fusion? Skinheads developed in the 1970 in England out of an older cult, the Mods . They imitated black mannerism and fashion and danced to reggae. At the same time the white teenagers who loved the music and copied the clothes of the Afro-Asian immigrants were violent to them. They wore heavy boots, jeans and braces, and shave their hair or cut it very short. They aggressively sought to recover a crude working class identity which their parents’ generation had largely abandoned. In the main, Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Now this movement is in decline in Britain but it flourishes in East European countries and Russia. The Skinheads in Great Britain were identified with extreme right wing views. 8
What can you say about Hippies? Hippies belonged to the opposing young people of the late 1960. Their forms of protest corresponded to the standards of their contem - poraneous society. Coming against the war in Vietnam the young Americans, who associated themselves with Hippies, established their com- munes . The movement spread throughout Europe. Hippies led a primitive life in their own countries and then moved to the East. They rebelled against the values of their society. Their idol was J.R.R. Tolkien, who created the fairy tale of the 20-th century. His epic trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” became the guidelines for Hippies. 9
What do you know about Punks ? As far as I know, Punks appeared in Britain in the 1970 as a reaction to the glamour of the pop star world of the 1960. Punks, like the Skinheads are regressive, but inactive and politically indif - ferent . Their real attraction to the young has Been their ability to insult middle aged opinion especially among the guardians of social values. They have done it by using vulgar language, wearying green and pink hair, dressing in torn clothes, mutilating their bodies with safety pins. Now Punks are in decline in Britain but are popular in our country. Punks, Skinheads and Rastafairians , each in their own way asserted that they resided in a world, as they understood it, alienated by class and race. Generally they were young people with low self respect, who did poorly at school. Joining a gang was a means of finding a status. They opposed the traditional world in which they were settled as fiasco elements. 10
Are there other cults within urban subculture? Yes, there are. “Heavy metal” is one of them. This music of failure is widely despised by those who enjoy pop, reggae or soul. Unlike other rebel cults the followers of heavy metal behave them selves as victims. They wear gothic script and grinning sculls, expression of disheartened interests. It is known that cults arise and disappear over periods of a decade or two. Ragga Gothic arose in the 1980. Raggas are American inspired. They are clothed in baseball caps, tracksuits trousers and chunky trainers. Gothic is a blend of 1970 Punk and 1960 Hippies. “Goths” wear their hair very long and dyed black, and dress in cheap, loose clothes. They put on make up, looking very pale with cosmetics around the eyes. They are not aggressive and seem to feel nostalgia for the youth culture and music of the 1960. 11
Are there other cults within urban subculture? At the end of the 1980 Acid House was a fashionable subculture. It fascinated thousands juveniles who had not earlier belonged to a cult. Acid House guaranteed fun and all night dancing It had its own music which was another variation on black music from America (“House Music”). By the 1990 this movement was also in decline. It is interesting to note that subcultures follow a cycle. At first they shock then provoke a strong response. As soon as the subculture gains momentum it magnetizes youth in search of rebel unity. Many adopt it for fun and play at rebellion in their leisure time. The subculture rapidly ceases to express serious dissent. In the end it becomes another recognized and colourful part of urban culture 12
What can you say about Goths ? As punk faded, they became a culture in their own right. With startling white make-up, black or purple hair, black lipstick and fingernails, these people certainly stand out in the crowd. They see the world as a dark place and like it that way. 13
Fill in the blanks with missing letters and read the words H_pp_es G_t_s P_nks 14
Copy the words and match them with the translation Goths Punks Hippies Skinheads “Heavy metal” sub с ulture recent fashion to accept views clothes to express urban youth субкультура готы скинхеды панки хиппи мода современный, последний металлисты молодежь городской одежда принимать выражать взгляды 15
Check yourself Goths Punks Hippies Skinheads “Heavy metal” sub с ulture recent fashion to accept views clothes to express urban youth готы панки хиппи скинхеды металлисты субкультура последний, современный мода принимать взгляды одежда выражать городской молодежь 16
Read the texts find a title to each text among the names of groups in: Goths, Punks, Hippies, “Heavy metal”, Skinheads. 1. They are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in the society. They express this in loud and violent music, lyrics which frequently contain oppositional themes (anti -romantic love songs, anti-parents, anti-police, etc.), strange clothing and hair of unusual colours . 2. As punk faded, they became a culture in their own right. With startling white make-up, black or purple hair, black lipstick and fingernails, these people certainly stand out in the crowd. They see the world as a dark place and like it that way. 17
Check yourself 1. Punks 2. Goths 18
Share your opinions on the following questions. Would you be interested in joining any of these groups? Why / why not? What is easier: to join a group or to leave it? Why? 3. Do you become different or stay the same when you join a group? 19
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