Открытый урок по теме"Школа в нашей жизни" в 7 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Этот урок -урок закпкления знаний, урок формирования умений и навыков по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English".Урок способствует формированию положительного отношения к школе,помогает прививать уважение к своему речевому партнёру,к своей культуре и культуре другой страны,способствует расширению кругозора учащихся.
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Урок по теме «Школа в нашей жизни»
“ School is fun if you are optimistic”
Урок закрепления знаний, формирования умений и навыков.
Учебник М.З. Биболетовой “ EnjoyEnglish”
Воспитательные – способствовать формированию положительного отношения к школе;
создать условия для привития уважения к своему речевому партнеру, к своей культуре и культуре другой страны.
Развивающие - развивать умение выбирать необходимые вербальные средства для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач в устной и письменной форме; развивать умения догадываться о значении слов по словообразовательным элементам и сходству со словами родного языка, « обходить» незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основного содержания текста, выражать и обосновывать свою точку зрения.
Образовательные – способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся.
Практические – закрепить фонетические навыки и правила чтения буквосочетаний: ea, ead, ee, ear , практиковать в чтении и аудировании и умении использовать полученную информацию для создания самостоятельных высказываний; формировать умение строить диалог – расспрос по предложенной ситуации.
Методы обучения:
Формы обучения:
Фронтальная работа
Парная работа
Индивидуальная работа
Групповая работа
Средства обучения:раздаточный материал, презентация, мультимедиа, магнитофон, знаки транскрипции, аудиозапись журнал”Click”CD,фильм «Английский для школьников 5-9 класс».
Ход урока
I. Начало урока
Standup! Stand straight. Good-morning, boys and girls.
Good-morning, N.M.
- I hope you are fine?
-We hope you are too.
-Please, take your places. Tanya, I want you to answer my questions.
-Yes, certainly. What do you want to ask me about?
-Tell me, please, what have you got for the lesson today?
-I have got a book, a pen, an exercise-book, a dictionary, a diary.
-Are all ready for the lesson?
-Yes, we are.
I see. Let’s start it. Please, who is on dutytoday?
-I am on duty today.
-Tell us necessary information to begin the lesson.
- All are present. Today is the 24th of January. It’s Friday. It is winter .Winter moths are December, January, February. December is the first winter month, January is the second winter month and February is the third winter month. The weather in winter is cold, frosty, sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy, slippery and foggy. Today it is cold, frosty and windy.
-Tell me, please, what temperature is it today?
-It is 35 degrees below zero.
II.Постановка цели и задач урока.
-Children the head teacher of our school has informed me that our school takes part in the exchange program. So the students from Great Britain are going to stay with us during their visit to Russia. I hope we’ll approve the trust of our head teacher and will be good students.
That’s why today we are going to practice our knowledge on the theme “School”: we’ll remember the rules of reading, make some dialogues and listen to your topics and opinions on this theme and speak about your schooland English schools and try to answer the question, whichworries not only you but all children and teachers:“What do the students think about school?”Let’s start.
Look and say what sounds we are going to repeat?
-[i:], [e], [iә], [ә:]
- Look what letters can give these sounds?
- Open your books. Ex.33p. 68 (tape→Cl, P1P2P3)
Listen and repeat.
IV. Речеваяразминка.
-Well, I believe that Learner’s Creed will help us to make a good starting of the work and also to bein the appropriate mood .OK, let’s read it in groups:
I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times,
Because I am responsible for my life and for all of my actions;
I will listen,
I will see,
I will speak,
I will feel,
I will think,
I will reason,
I will read, I will write.
I will do all these things with one purpose in mind:
To do my best and not to waste this day for this day will come no more.
V. Работа с текстом, чтение и заполнение пропусков.
-It is a very good beginning. I believe we should practice English to speak properly with English partners. Just now we beginwith thereadingof the text and filling in the blanks with the appropriatewords. You have 3 minutes for it.(Planet, learn, important, a lot, make, from, begins)
School is very (1)… for us. Every child (2)…going to school when he is six. We stay at school (3)… six to sixteen years. At school we learn (4)… people need to know.We (5)… to read, to write the first letters, to (6)… friends, and learn that our (7)… is large and beautiful.
-Your time is up, let’s check itup. Exchange your sheets with your desk mates; look at the screen, there are the keys.
-N, read the text, please.
VIРазвитие навыковустной речи
1. Развитие навыка диалогической речи (диалог - расспрос).
Children you should know how to support the conversation with foreigners. So let’s have some practice.
1. Russian student and English student are talking. Ask about the name, the age, the place he is from, how did he get here, how long it takes him to get to…, what is special about his country, native languages in his country, big cities, how long will he stay, about the impression of Russia.
2. Russian and Australian student. Ask about the name, the country he is from, his school (new or old), the capital of his country, theweather, hisfavourite subjects, his hobbies, how he got to school.
3. Russian and Canadian students. Ask about the country ( big or small), official languages in the country, the national sport, how did he get to Russia, how long did it take him to get here, how he gets to school in Canada..
4. A policeman and a foreigner. Ask about the way from railway station in Belogorsk to Tomskaya School.
5. A passer-by and you. Ask how to get to your school from Belogorsk.
6. Ask about the way to the nearest library.
2.Развитие навыка вопросно-ответной работы.
0h, I see you can have a talk with English partners. And now we should think about the person who will show the guests our school. Answer my questions and will see who will be this person.
1. What is it? Is your school new or old?
2.When was it founded? 1988
3. How many floors are there in your school?
4. How many teachers are in your school?
5.Are your classes light and clean?
6. Does your school have modern equipment?
7.What extra- classes’ activities do you have?
8.How many lessons do you have in a day?
9.What can you say about your teachers?
10.Do you have to wear a uniform?
11.Do you want to wear a uniform?
12. Are your classmates friendly?
13. Is your school far or near your house?
14. How do you get to school?
15. How much time does it take you to get to school?
3. Развитие навыка монологической речи.(Индивидуальное домашнее задание)
Well, I see you know something about the school you are studying at? I think you’ll be very glad to show our school to English friends. To my mind V. and R. are the best persons who can make an excursion around our school.Listenandwatch,please.
Презентация-экскурсия “Myschool”
4. Развитие навыка письменной речи (групповая работа).
a)As you knowopinions about school may be different. So, there are students who think that school is fun, but there are some who don’t like school at all. Well,let’s have a play. You see a weigh which can help us to see your likes and dislikes of school. The 1st group will tell us what is good at school, why do students like school;the other -what is bad at school?
Use ex 30-31p. 68
It’s high time tosum everything up. Please, finish my sentence. There are more…(Positive) reasons.
It’s a very good conclusion. School is really fun and it’s great.
b) Now I want you to put down your opinions in your activity sheets
As for me I like my school because … .
VII. Физкультминутка.
We can do anything
We can do anything
We can do anything
We want to
We can sing this song
La lalalala,
Sing this song
La lalalala,
Sing this song
La lalalala,
We can do anything
We can do anything
We can do anything
We want to
We can clap our hands
Clap clap-clap clap-clap
Clap our hands
Clap clap-clap clap-clap
Clap our hands
Clap clap-clap clap-clap
We can do anything
We can do anything
We can do anything
We want to
We can whistle this tune
Whistle the tune….
We can do anything…
VIII. Развитие навыка чтения (извлечение информации о Британских школах).
-To my mind before meeting our guests it is necessary to learn something about school education in Britain. We’ll see the film and read some information.But the text is rather difficult, that’s why before listening let’s do some exercises.
a) Read and match the words and word combinations with their meanings.
Secondary school платитьза
Comprehensive средняя(бесплатная) школа
Allabilities-школа пансионат (закрытое учебное заведение)
Grammarschoolсредняя школа(грамматическая)
Privateschoolвсех способностей
Topayforобщеобразовательная школа
Publicschool красно-коричневый
Boardingschoolчастная школа
Maroon привилегированная школа
Most secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive: state schools which take children of all abilities. About 6% of students go to grammar schools that pass an examination at the age of 11.About 7% of students go to private school. These schools do not receive any money from the state: parents pay for their children to go to school instead. The most expensive private schools are called public schools. Most of them are single-sex boarding schools and students can live there during term-time. The most famous of these schools are Eton and Harrow. Most pupils in British schools wear school uniform. The famous colours for uniform are blue, grey,black and maroon.
b) Finish the sentences in your sheets.
1. Most secondary schools in….
2. About 6% of students go to…
3. About 7% of students go to…
4 The most expensive private schools…
5. The most famous of these schools are…
6. Most pupils in British schools wear…
7. The famous colours for uniform are…
c) I know that all of you enjoy playing sport, especially football. I believeour football players dream to visit Rugby school. Listen to the information English partners have given us and watch some slides about Rugby school (школа rugby)
d) Agree or disagree
1. Children learn more 30 subjects at school+
2. Music and drama are not compulsory subjects.-
3. Children pass exams to enter Rugby School.+
4. There are more than 10 kinds of sport at school-(20)
5. Students don’t wear school uniform.-
6.The discipline is very strict at Rugby school+
IX. Аудирование и развитие речи.
-You see, boys and girls, most British schools have school uniforms. By the way, our English partners sent us a soundmagazine ”Click”, which speaks about school –uniforms. I hope you’ll enjoy listening to it. Try to answer the question: Is it obligatory to wear uniform at English schools?What are the favouritecolours of pupils’ uniform?
Click CD
-Is it obligatory to wear uniform at English schools?
-What are the favouritecolours of pupils’ uniform?(blue, black, white, purple, pink)
-NowI’d like to listen to the attitude of the pupils of your class about school uniform. What can you tell our English partners about it?
Tanya and Agata
And what do the boys think? PleaseNikita
X. Групповая работа.
Thus, we’ve come to the last point of our lesson. Work in groups and answer the question: what dothe students think about school.
XI. Подведение итогов урока
That’sallfortoday.We have spoken about school and find out positive and negative opinions of school, listened and read information about our and British schools, school uniform and, of course, we have answeredto the main question «What is school for you?”. I hope we can make up conversation with our English guests, because we are well prepared.I suggest you are keen on meeting our English guests.
Thank you for the lesson.
Now your results, your marks.
Homework: ex. 11p. 23
Stand up! The lesson is over. Good bye! See you later.
Activity Sheet
Full Name: _______________________________
I. Fill in the words:planet, learn, important, a lot, make, from, begins.
School is very … for us. Every child…going to school when he is six. We stay at school … six to sixteen years. At school we learn … people need to know. We … to read, to write the first letters, to… friends, and learn that our … is large and beautiful.
II. Finish the sentence.
As for me I like my school because … .
III. Read and match the words and word combinations with their meanings.
Secondaryschool платить за
Comprehensive средняя (бесплатная) школа
Allabilities- школа пансионат (закрытое учебное заведение)
Grammarschool средняя школа (грамматическая)
Privateschool всех способностей
Topayfor общеобразовательная школа
Publicschool красно-коричневый
Boardingschool частная школа
Maroon привилегированная школа
Most secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive: state schools which take children of all abilities. About 6% of students go to grammar schools that pass an examination at the age of 11.About 7% of students go to private school. These schools do not receive any money from the state: parents pay for their children to go to school instead. The most expensive private schools are called public schools. Most of them are single-sex boarding schools and students can live there during term-time. The most famous of these schools are Eton and Harrow. Most pupils in British schools wear school uniform. The famous colours for uniform are blue, grey, black and maroon.
IV Finish the sentences.
1. Most secondary schools in….
2. About 6% of students go to…
3. About 7% of students go to…
4 The most expensive private schools…
5. The most famous of these schools are…
6. Most pupils in British schools wear…
7. The famous colours for uniform are…
V.Agree or disagree
1. Children learn more 30 subjects at school.
2. Music and drama are not compulsory subjects.
3. Children pass exams to enter Rugby School.
4. There are more than 10 subjects at school.
5. Students wear school uniform.
6. The discipline is very strict at Rugby school.
VI. What do you think about school?
Resource id #5030
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