План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку “Happy Easter”
план-конспект урока (английский язык) по теме
Особое место в изучении английскому языку занимает внеурочная деятельность. Участие ребят в различных мероприятиях развивает их творческие способности, что позволяет каждому ученику, независимо от его успеваемости, проявить себя, у них формируются навыки публичного выступления на английском языке, группового взаимодействия. Подготовка к таким мероприятиям длится более двух недель.
Внеклассное мероприятие «Happy Easter» проводится для приобщение учащихся к культурной традиции изучаемого языка такой страны, как Великобритания, с целью повышения интереса к изучению английского языка и расширения кругозора учащихся.
Внеклассное мероприятие предполагает проведение подготовительного этапа, на котором учащиеся получают первоначальные представления об истории праздника и его проведении в наши дни (учащиеся читают и переводят тексты, заучивают лексику к ним). Некоторые учащиеся участвуют в подготовке праздника, а именно рисуют плакаты, иллюстрирующие символы праздника: пасхальные кролики, яйца, открытки, шляпы, деревья. Эти плакаты используются в качестве оформления актового зала при проведении мероприятия.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку “Happy Easter”
1. Формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, понимаемый как их способность и готовность общаться на английском языке, а также на чувашском языках.
2. Создание условий для самореализации учащихся в процессе внеурочной деятельности. 3. Усиление знаний и умений как о стране/странах изучаемого языка, так и своей страны, которые позволяют учащимся адекватно представить культуру своей страны в процессе общения с представителями других стран и культур.
4. Повысить эффективность духовно-нравственного воспитания, через приобщения учащихся к основам православной культуры.
1. Создать условия для создания учащимся явлений действительности, происходящих в англоязычных странах, через знания о культуре, истории и традициях этих стран;
2. Развитие познавательных, творческих способностей учащихся, их интереса к учению;
3. Понимание важности изучения английского языка и чувашского языка, как средства достижения взаимопонимания между людьми;
4. Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности;
5. Расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора.
6. Способствовать становлению духовно-нравственных ценностей на основе познания и раскрытия значения православных праздников.
Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация, проектор, иллюстрации, воздушные шары, пасхальное дерево, костюмы участникам мероприятия, призы, пластмассовые яйца
Ход мероприятия:
Dear boys and girls ! Today we are going to celebrate Easter. Imagine that right now you are either in England or in Russia and today is the 24 th of March .
Easter is a very popular holiday all over the world. Easter has no fixed date. It is held on the 1st Sunday after the date of the first full moon that occurs on or after March 21st.
Easter lasts for a week. The three most important days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Maundy Thursday, the king or a queen of England gives money to poor people. The tradition is very old.
Here is how the Holy Bible describes Jesus Christ resurrection.(На экране картина Воскрешение Христа и звучит аудиозапись.) “Suddenly there was a great earthquake: and the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door of the tomb and sat on it. And the angel said, “I know that you seek Jesus who was scrucified. He is not here for he is risen”
That is why people nowadays greet each other on the Easter day by the words, “Christ is risen”. And the expected answer is, “He is risen indeed”. There are many symbols connected with this holiday .Easter symbols are: The Cross, Rabbits, Eggs.
Easter Lilies - the white blossoms symbolize the purity of Jesus. Lilies, emerging from the earth in the spring, also symbolize new life and the resurrection of Christ.
The lamb - Represents Jesus, "the Lamb of God".
Easter hats & wearing new clothes for Easter- Symbolizes new life offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Candles - Symbolize Jesus, "the light of the world".
Pretzels - A food eaten during Lent- the twisted shaped symbolizes arms crossed in prayer.
Easter & Spring flowers - Daffodils and tulips bloom in the spring, and symbolize spring and new life.
The Butterfly is one of the significant symbols of Easter. Its whole life cycle is meant to symbolize the life of Jesus Christ. The first stage, is the caterpillar, which stands for His life on Earth. Second phase begins from the cocoon stage, portraying the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The third and final stage is the butterfly, representing His raising from the dead in a glorified body and peace.
Children like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. All the families colour eggs and put them into green, yellow and pink baskets. Today’s Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons, flowers and straw.
On Good Friday, people eat fish instead of meat. On Easter Sunday, people eat traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. They also give each other chocolate Easter eggs and special hot cakes with a cross on the top. They call these cakes hot cross buns.
There is a legend connected with Hot Cross Buns. Now, let’s listen to it.
Granny: Ann, Jane come here. You were going to help me with hot cross buns.
Jane: Yeah, with great pleasure.
Ann: Well, what do we need for buns?
Granny (перебирая пакеты): flower, baking powder, milk, water, salt, nuts, raisins, eggs, butter.
Ann: Granny, why do people call them hot cross buns?
Granny: Well, listen. Once, long ago in England there lived a monk. In this town there were a lot of poor families. Very often they had nothing to eat.
Jane: Even on Easter?
Granny: Yes, so he baked many buns with raisins inside and decorated them with crosses.
Ann: And why did he decorate them with crosses?
Granny: The cross has a special meaning to Christian. It represents Christ victory over death.
Jane: Who helped him?
Granny: A poor boy. He went from house to house singing a song. Do you guess what song he sang?
Jane: Oh, yes. Hot cross buns!
Do you like this legend? Let’s sing a song. (slide 14) “Hot Cross buns” together with Jaizle.
(Все вместе поют песенку, слова песни на экране, зрители тоже могут петь.) Приложение 2.
Hot Cross Buns.
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns.
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughters
Give them to your sons.
One a penny, two a penny, hot cross bus.
People buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday.There is a popular tradition to wear three new things at Easter. They believe these will bring good luck in the year. They go out into the streets. This procession is called The Easter Parade.
Another symbol of Easter is an Easter Tree. There are 12 eggs on the Easter Tree. Can you guess why there are exactly 12 eggs?
- I think because there are 12 months in a year.
- You are right. People walk around the Easter Tree and hope that each month of the year will be happy for them.
30 days has September, April, June and November.
All the rest have 31excepting February alone.
Which has 28 days clear and 29 in each leap year.
(Выходят 12 детей, представляющих 12 месяцев, у каждого какой-то атрибут. Они читают стихи и каждый вешает на пасхальное дерево расписанное яйцо.)
In January falls the snow
In February cold winds blow
In March peep out the early flowers
And April comes with sunny flowers
In may the roses blooms so gay
In June the farmer movers his way
In July brightly shines the sun
In August harvest is begun
September turns the green leaves brown
October winds then shake them down
November days are bleak and drear
December comes and ends the year.
(Все вместе поют песенку о временах года.)
Spring is green, summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow, winter is white.
There are many Easter games in Britain on Easter. One of them is ‘Eggs rolling’
"Egg rolling" is an old Easter game, traditionally played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy slope and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner.
British children look forward to Easter because they get presents on this holiday. These presents are hidden carefully and children must find them. Easter Rabbit is a kind symbol of Easter. It is a very innocent animal. It eats only grass. Children think that Easter Rabbit prepares the presents.
But why do they think so?
There is a legend about it.
Long ago there lived an old woman who loved children very much. So she hid coloured eggs and presents in the grass. Children tried to find them. One morning they were looking for the eggs. Suddenly they saw a rabbit. The rabbit was jumping in the grass showing the children where to go. The children followed him and found eggs.( Инсценировка)
We also prepared presents for our guests. Let’s call our rabbit to help us: Mr. Rabbit! (ПЕСНЯ)
Here Comes the Easter Bunny
Here comes the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
Here comes the Easter Bunny hopping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny,
Here comes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.
There goes the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny hopping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.
(Дети зовут кролика, ребёнок в костюме зайца + фрак и цилиндр выбегает под весёлую музыку и танцует.)
Rabbit: Hi! I’m Easter Rabbit! I’m happy to see you. I want to play with you. Who wants?
(Из зала 2 человека выходят на сцену и кролик знакомится с ними.)
Rabbit: Hello! What’s your name? What form are you in? Do you like holidays and gifts? If you want to get a present , find it in the hall! По мере приближения и удаления игрока от места заранее спрятанного подарка кролик комментирует:
It is warm! It is cold! It is hot! Go to the left! Go to the right! Stop! Well done! This toy is your gift!( Они уходят и появляются все ведущие для заключительной речи. Она идёт с синхронным переводом).
Easter Day in Britain has a lot of traditions and habits. We tried to tell you about some of them.
Пасха в Британии имеет множество традиций и обычаев, и мы старались рассказать лишь о некоторых из них.
Easter ducks and Easter chicks,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick
Easter hats for one and all
Easter bunny comes to call!
Ch: Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
T: Merry Easter!
Ch: Merry Easter!
We, who are sitting here in the hall, live in Russia. So we are Russian and orthodox people. Our Easter will be soon. We congratulate you with this holy and light day! We wish you to meet it with joy and hope! Happy Ester!
Мы же, сидящие в зале, живём в России. Мы -русские и православные. Наша Пасха совсем скоро. Мы поздравляем всех с этим святым и светлым днём и желаем встретить его с радостью, надеждой и обновлением! С праздником Великой Пасхи!
(Звучат колокола, повторяются слайды. Кролик и ведущие разносят гостям пасхальные булочки и яйца , сделанные заранее детьми на уроках трудового обучения.)
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