Презентация Russian Art.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Презентация предназначена для учащихся 11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка по теме: Russian Art of the 17th -19th centuries.
Основная цель презентации : ознакомить учащихся с творчеством русских художников, расширить кругозор учеников, привить им интерес к посещению музеев, выставок, галлерей.
Учебная цель: расширение словарного запаса, снятие языкового напряжения.
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16th–17th centuries icon painting A new style in icon art was inaugurated by the Straganov School in the late 16th century, the masters of which produced highly elaborate icons, mostly miniatures, while the 17th century saw the decline of the art into mere virtuosity. (By the 19th century it had degenerated into a mass-production monopoly in Vladimir .) Representing the last vital stage of Russian medieval painting before the westernization of Russian art
This type was characterized by its small size, its miniature technique, and its exquisite refinement of detail The Stroganov icons are characterized by unusually fine , meticulous brushwork and mild , sandy colours . Icon Desert Angel John the Forerunner (Иоанн Предтеча ангел пустыни) by Prokopy Chirin as displayed at the Tretyakov Gallery . The Nativity of St Nicholas The Tretyakov Gallery 17th century
18th century From the 18th century Western styles were gradually absorbed into Russian art. Despite the founding of the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg 1754 by Catherine the Great, court patronage of painting continued to be given chiefly to foreign painters and no major Russian talents emerged. As patronage became secular, Russian painting was devoted almost solely to portraiture. The leading Russian portrait painters are D G Levitski (1735–1822), ‘the father of the Russian school of portraiture’, and V L Borovikovski (1757–1826), a pupil of Levitski , both of whom studied under Italian or French masters in St Petersburg. .
19th century figures of international standing and OUR own cultural background. Venetsianov (1799–1847) evolved his own naturalistic style as a genre painter. His pupil Aleksiev , the first Russian landscape painter of any real note, is outstanding as a colourist . Aivazovski (1817–1900) and Lebedev (1812–1837 ). Italian art strongly influenced Russian art in the early 19th-century, as is shown in the well-known Last Days of Pompeii by Brulov the 1870s, Savva Mamontov assembled on his Moscow estates the group of artists later known as The Wanderers , Vassily Surikov's The Boyarina Morosova 1887, a detailed, anecdotal depiction of Russian folk-history. Symbolist Mikhail Vrubel (1856–1910 )
18 TH CENTURY Europe THE REIGN OF Peter the Great ENLIGHTMENT love and appreciation of Western art was cultivated and encouraged the Academy of Fine Arts in Russia took on a centralizing role
OUTSTANDING ARTISTS OF THE 18 TH CENTURY Dmitrii Grigorevich Levitskii , Vladimir Lukich Borovikovskii , Ivan Petrovich Argunov , Aleksei Petrovich Antropov , Fedor Stepanovich Rokotov , Ivan Firsov , Ivan Nikitin , Andrei Matveev
THE 19 TH CENTURY Time of great changes and developments the establishment of a truly Russian school of art numerous artistic movements which can be divided into three main trends: Romanticism, Ideological realism, Russian (Slavic) revival.
A new emphasis was placed on the portraits of individuals (in particular, portraits and self-portraits of artists) and representations of historical events
Karl Briullov occupies an important place. versatile painter, he achieved international fame with his historical epic canvas The Last Day of Pompeii
Peredvizhniki (Wanderers, Itinerants). naturalistic and more nationalistic tendencies began to replace the Western European style. several years later they formed the Society of Traveling Exhibitions
romantic realism. The new interest in peasant life, culture, and traditional costumes can be seen in the works of Aleksei Venetsianov . His realistic portrayal of the Russian peasant and his poetic attitude towards the Russian landscape are important starting points of this tradition. A Peasant Girl with cornflowers, 1820ies Spring, On a plough-land, 1820ies Summer, Reaping, 1820ies
ideological realism embodied a new degree of realism and national spirit By combining social criticism with realistic presentation, Ilya Yefimovich Repin , a leading Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school, created a model work of the late nineteenth-century realism.
Burlaks on Volga , 1870-73 ( State Russian Museum , St. Petersburg )
Ivan Kramskoi and Nikolai Ge (Gay, Ghe ) played important roles in the development of the religious painting. Kramskoi's Christ in the Wilderness (1871) combines an almost photographic vision with a haunting mysticism. At a time when new ideas seemed to contradict traditional beliefs, this painting became an important marker in Russian religious painting
The late nineteenth century was the time of the Slavic (or Russian) Revival
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