ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ К УРОКУ "People we admire. Famous Russians"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
… the Russian land could give birth to its own Platos and quick minded Newtons. Mikhail Lomonosov
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Vocabulary compatriot – соотечественник contemporary – современник generation – поколение contribution – вклад innovator – новатор scientist – ученый historical figure – истор.деятель designer – конструктор cosmonaut – космонавт artist – художник representative – представитель politician – политический деятель unforgettable – незабываемый marvellous – изумительный charming – очаровательный success – успех successful – успешный to succeed – добиться успеха to be proud of – гордиться to investigate – исследовать to support – поддерживать to invent – изобретать to discover – открыть , исследовать military leader – полководец outstanding - выдающийся essential – существенный emotional – эмоциональный ambitious – честолюбивый significant – значительный unpredictable – непредсказуемый realistic – реалистичный landscape – пейзаж title – звание , титул Nobel prize – Нобелевская премия to d е scribe – описывать to perform – исполнять , играть to perfect – совершенствовать to make an impression – произвести впечатление to enter – поступить to graduate from – окончить to admire – восхищаться the Periodic System of Elements – Периодическая система Менделеева heritage – наследие branches of science – области науки
Russian scientists, poets, artists … the Russian land could give birth to its own Platos and quick minded Newtons. Mikhail Lomonosov
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711 – 1765) Scientist, writer, poet, teacher. Branches of science – chemistry, physics, mineralogy, natural science, history, art, philology, optical devices. 1711 – Lomonosov was born in province of Arkhangelsk. He began to read when he was a little boy. 1730 – entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow 1736 – was sent abroad to complete his studies in chemistry and mining 1745 – published a catalogue of 3,000 minerals 1760 – explained the formation of icebergs Achievements: made a telescope observed a lot of stars and planets with his telescope wrote the first scientific grammar of the Russian language wrote many poems built a factory near Petersburg where glass was produced was a founder of the first Russian University Moscow State University was renamed “ M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University ’’ in his honor in 1940.
Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 – 1907) Mendeleev is a chemist of genius, first-class physicist, a fruitful researcher in the fields of hydrodynamics, meteorology, geology, certain branches of chemical technology and physics, and an original thinker in the field of economy.“ L.A. Tchugayev, Russian chemist and science historian 1834 – D.I.Mendeleev was born in the village near Tobolsk. 1847 – entered the Gymnasium in Tobolsk 1855 – graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Saint-Petersburg 1865 – became a Doctor of Science for his dissertation "On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol“ 1905 – became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1869 – created The periodic System of the chemical elements , founded the Russian Chemical Society 1892 – invented smokeless powder The radioactive mendelevium, is named after him.
Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799 – 1837) He wrote about his experiences in the south in several romantic narrative poems. He started work on a novel in verse called Yevgeny Onegin . He did not finish it until 1833. This was to be his most famous work. It was used by many musicians including Tchaikovsky who made it into an opera. The poem shows typical Russian people in the society of his day. His influence on other Russian writers was enormous and many Russian composers wrote music for his stories and poems.
Alexander Grin(1880 – 1932) The most famous of his novel is Scarlet Sails , written in 1923. It is a simple but powerful love story. Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904) These plays are still often perfomed today Ivanov Kashtanka Uncle Vanya Three Sisters The Cherry Orchard The Lady With the Dog
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817 – 1900) “ The Sea is my life” His creative work is like a sea encyclopedia–6000 paintings The English writer W.Turner, renowned for his seascapes, devoted verses to Aivazovsky, in which he called him a genius. Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. Edison Kazimir Severinovich Malevich «Black square» , 1915 the most famous painting by Malevich
CROSSWORD Famous Russians 1 – Six Russians were given Nobel Prizes in ……… (science). 2 – The founder of the first Russian University 3 – There is no Noble Prize in ……. (science, school subject). 4 – Russian physiologist – Nobel Prizewinner 5 – The first cosmonaut in the world 6 – «выдающийся» (in English) 7 – The first president of the USSR 8 – Famous Russian figure-skater, Olympic champion of three Olimpiads 9 – Bunin is Russian ……. Prizewinner in Literature. 10 – Korolev – …….. of the first Russian spaceship
compatriot We are proud of our outstanding compatriots !
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