Открытый урок по английскому языку
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
«The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?»
Цели: 1 Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме «The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?».
2.Активизация лексики по теме.
3. Расширить знания учащихся о проблемах окружающей среды и пути их решений.
4.Воспитать бережное отношение к природе, окружающей среде.
Оборудование. Учебник(автор М.З.Биболетова),презентация, выставка рисунков по теме,ВИДЕО РОЛИК ПО ТЕМЕ «Жить или не жить», эпиграф к уроку «If you don’t think about the future,you can not one».(J.Galsworthy).
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
-Hello girls and boys. The theme of our lesson is « The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?». Today we will discuss the problems of ecology. First let’s рronounce the phrases. Repeat after me please. Open your books at page 40.(Для начала провожу разминку для повторения лексики предыдущих уроков).
-protect- from pollution
protection of
protective clothing
-waste------- chemical waste/ waste paper
pollute- to be polluted by
air pollution
antipollution laws
environment--------to protect the environment
the pollution of enviroment
the environmental problems/ research.
T. Do you know when people celebrate the Earth day ?
P . The 22nd of April is the Earth day.
T. Where can people breathe the fresh air?
P . In the forest.
T .Our district is nice and beautiful.But there are some ecological problems. What are they?(варианты ответов)
Pupils. Air pollution, water pollution, the pollution of environment.
T. All these problems are very serious and important.
Now we’ll watch video about ecological problems.(просмотр видео клипа).
2.Teacher. As you have seen from the film,the Earth is our home. Our country. Our environment. There are many big and small rivers, green forests,high mountains, lakes and seas in Russia. Our Earth is our home. I think people must take care of our Motherland. There are some laws and decisions on this important question.We have state organisations which pay attention to this problem. We have got the main aim of the protection.Our environment must be clean. We have to control atmospheric and water pollution, to study the mans influence on the climate.
The people all over the world do everything to protect their nature, to make their country richer, to make their life happier.
Начинается основная часть урока, где присутствуют журналисты и ученики из разных местностей.
Teacher. Our lesson is unusual today. We have journalists from TV and guests from different countries. And they have some questions to discuss.Let’s listen to you.
-Journalist. Where are you from?
-Guest. – I am from Scotland.
-J. –Tell me please, why have many species of birds and animals dissappeared?
-Guest. For thousands of years the Earth has given support to all forms of life –human beings, fish, birds etc. But now human beings are killing our planet.Millions of animals and birds die every year because man has polluted their natural homes. Besides every year people cut down more trees, build more roads, and use more land for farming.People, take care of birds and animals!
-Jour. Thank you very much. What are the air, rivers, lakes polluted by in Russia?
Guest. I am from Russia. As for me the country air once clean and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories. Some of our rivers are now empty of fish.For example, Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on the Earth.It is 1741 metres deep. The lake is very beautiful but now it is in great danger because of the factories which are near it.At some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it can kill animals, plants in Baikal.People, help to keep all water clean!
- Jour. Why are forests dissappearing all over the world?
- I am from England. I think people cut trees down because they need wood and paper or new places for farms and houses.Even if new trees are planted it takes many years for them to grow.
Many animals and plants lose their homes.People, plant trees and flowers!
-Journ. What can you say about pollution at the seaside?
- I am from Tatarstan. If you go to any lake or river you will see the pollution around you. There is a lot of litter on the beaches. Some of it was left by people and some was brought by water.People, clean rivers!
-Journ. OK. Let’s continue our talking. May be there are some environmental problems in your village?
-Student from Sirenkino. My name is ..... I live in a beautiful village called Sirenkino.The main attraction in my village is our picturesque spring Narspi.For many years the spring has been the purest drinking sourse of water.It is also an initial part of culture of native livers .Many holidays take place here every year.However,our spring has become more polluted with litter left by visitors and locals.Litter is damaging for birds, animals and people. Our polluted spring has become the main environmental problem in our village.People, clean springs and take litter home!
- Journ. What are the most serious environmental problems now?
-Student from Almetyevsk. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves. People don’t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food. As you know Almetyevsk is an industrial town.The main industrial products produced here-are gas, oil.We fight against water and air pollution and take part in environmental actions. Every year our local government makes different conferences where they discuss environmental problems.
I think our town is more polluted than others.And we solve the problem how to make our town environmentally clean.
-Journ. What can our pupils say from school Sirenkino?
-Pupil. Every year we take part in ecological competitions. We draw different pictures and write interesting compositions about ecological problems. Of course ,every year we celebrate the Day of Birds. Everybody makes bird houses.The Earth needs a friend.I agree with it. If we don’t protect our nature who will protect it?We must take care of the Earth. People, take care of birds!
T. Let’s have a break. There are not only environmental problems in our life.Of course, there are a lot of disasters which can happen all over the world.Our crossword is about it.We must guess it. (физкультминутка).
1.A ...happens when a lot of water comes over a place that is usually dry.(flood).
2.Yungay was a terrible...that happened in Peru.(earthquake).
3.Etna is a ...in Italy. It is a mountain with a crater on the top.(tornado).
4. A...is a long period of dry weather. People suffer from heat and then from hunger as the crops cannot be grown without water.(drought).
5. A... is a violent wind in the form of a very tall funnel. It goes over the land.(volcano).
6. A... is a very strong wind that destroys houses, uproots checked trees, and can kill people.(hurricane).
Journ. I see you have brought interesting notices. What are they about?
-Student from Almetyevsk. We have an ecological group in our institute.They do a lot to help our local government in « keep clean the town» .We have prepared such notices to attract our local people attention.For example, no dogs here! It means you are not allowed to take your dog to this place.No fishing! It means you are not allowed to fish here. Please keep off the grass! You are not allowed to walk on the grass.
Journ. Thank you for your interview. It was very useful and interesting. Such discussions must take place more often I think.
T. I have just got a letter from the President of the «Clean up the Countryside Society» in our district.He gives us some information and suggests some important rules to ptotect environment. Let’s read the letter.( чтение письма)
Hello girls and boys! I am the President of the «Clean up the Countryside Society» in our district. There are a lot of ecological problems in our world. You know that polluted air,water and land are harmful to plants,animals and people. We have found out that our district is polluted too. 80% of air pollution is caused by the gas compressing station and by different means of transport-cars,buses and trucks.Nowadays people do less exercises, use cars instead of walking, watch TV for many hours and work with computers.
We must do something about this. Let us organize our own «Clean up the Countryside Society» for children.They will take part in actions for cleaning up, trees and flowers planting, protecting wildlife and organising outdoor activities.I think these actions are very important in our life and let’s hope for the best.
T. OK. Thank you. Leonid, imagine if you were a President of the «Clean up the Countryside Society» or an ecologist what advice would you give to us. (Эколог дает советы ученикам).
-1. Try not to waste energy.
2.Keep yourself informed about environmental problems.
3. Before you throw anything away, stop and think.
4. Don’t waste paper.
5. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it.
6. Never drop a litter.
7. Help to clean up your local environment.
8. Put out food for wild animals in winter.
T. Have you something to add? (Варианты ответов учащихся).
Pupil 1. Plant a tree to create homes for birds , squirrels and other small animals.
Pupil 2. Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw rubbish into their homes.
Pupil 3. Leave wild flowers for other to enjoy.
Pupil 4. When you hike, leave the place clean.
Затем предлагается работа в группах по знакам , которые были подготовлены к уроку.
T. OK. Now let’s divide into 4 groups and discuss about these notices. What are they about and where could you see them?
Time is out. 1. STOP USING YOUR CAR! You shouldn’t use your car because it causes noise and air pollution.You could see such notices in big cities where people use their personal cars even if they can do without them.
2. No swimming.-Man eating crocodiles. You are not allowed to swim in the river or lake. You can see this notice by the rivers and lakes visited by tourists where crocodiles live.
3.Save the elephants. It means that people should protect elephants. Their population is getting smaller because hunters kill elephants for their ivory.
You could see this notice in the places where elephants live.(Africa or India).
4. Protect the forest! Take your garbage home with you! You shouldn’t throw away the garbage in the forest ,woods, or park after you have had your picnic there.
You can see this notice by the roadside or in special places in the forest where people come to have barbecues or just for a picnic.
В конце урока делается вывод, урок завершается чтением стихотворения.
T. Our discussion is over. I am sure that you are real friends of our planet.We all must do everything to keep the air,water, land clean.
Teacher. At the end of our lesson I would like to retel a poem by P.Seagar.
«This land is your land, this land is my land.
From the Arctic regions to the
southern Irelands,
From the red wood forests to the
farthest bodies---
This land was made for you
and me». P.Seagar.
The lesson is over. Thank you.You may be free. Good bye.
Home task. Ex.14 p.44.
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