Лексический материал по теме "Clothes and Appearance", "Shops and shopping"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Дмитриева Светлана Эльинична

В материале содержатся упражнения на знание лексики по предложенным темам. 


Предварительный просмотр:

Лексические упражнения по темам:

Clothes and appearance:

1. Match the words with the definitions: blouse, cap, dress, shorts, skirt, sock, suit.

1. Part of an item for clothing for covering the arm. 2. Woman`s or girl`s clothing that covers the body from shoulders to knee or below. 3. Jackets together with trousers or skirt made from the same material. 4. A soft covering for the head worn by soldiers and in some sports. 5. Trousers that end above or at the knee. 6. Item of clothing for women or girls that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. 7. Loose items of clothing for women or girls covering the upper half of the body. 8. Soft item of clothing that covers the lower leg and foot inside the shoe.

2. Complete each sentence using either wear, dress or put on in a suitable form .

1. What did you ………to Jane`s birthday party? 2. When I get up late I have to….. very quickly. 3. I like Tom`s hairstyle, and I like the way he……. 4. Suddenly Jim stood up,  ….. his coat, and left the room. 5. Jack always …… the same trousers and pullover!

3. Complete each sentence with a verb from the list: disguise, dress up, fit, go with, look, put on, suit, wear.

1. This dress doesn`t ……. Me. It`s far too big. 2. The children decided to…….. as astronauts for the party.  3. Elen always seems to …… trousers. She says they are more comfortable. 4. I like your new haircut. It makes you…….. younger. 5. It`s a nice pullover, but the colour doesn`t …… you. 6. The escaped prisoner managed to….. himself as a policeman. 7. I got up late and had only a few minutes to…… my clothes. 8. I don`t think that yellow socks ……. a black suit.

4. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be (1)… but they don`t want to look exactly (2)… everybody else. Not all clothes are (3)…for work or school, perhaps because they are not (4)…enough, or simply not (5)…. It`s easy to buy the (6)…size, and find that your trousers are too (7)…, especially if you are a little bit (8)… Very (9)… make you feel (10)…, but when they have (11)…in the washing machine, then you have the same problem. If you buy light (12)… clothes, then they might not be (13)… enough for winter. If your shoes are not  (14)…, and if you are not (15)… for the cold, you might look good but feel terrible.

  1. a) of fashion   b) fashioned   c) fashionable   d) fashion  
  2.  a) alike     b) like    c) similar     d) same
  3.  a) fitted    b) suitable    c) comfort    d) equal
  4. a)  formal    b) strict    c) uniform    d) suited
  5. a) comforting   b) comfort   c) comforted   d) comfortable
  6. a) false   b) mistake   c) wrong   d) error
  7. a)  straight   b) close   c) stiff   d)tight
  8. a) slim   b) overweight   c) thin   d) enormous
  9. a) loose   b) lose   c) loosened   d) lost
  10.  a) thin   b) slim   c) narrow   d) spare
  11.  a) lessened   b) reduced   c) decreased   d) shrunk
  12.   a) of cotton   b) in cotton    c) cotton    d) cottoned
  13.   a) warm   b) cold   c) hot    d) cool
  14.  a) tight    b) enclosed   c) firm    d) waterproof
  15.   a) worn   b) clothed   c) dressed    d) fitted

5. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

1. At Joe`s school, the children have to wear a special appearance/ style/ uniform.2 If we go to the Embassy ball we`ll have to wear fashion/ formal/ polite clothes. 3. I really like John`s new dress/ suit/ trousers. 4. In summer I always wear shirts with short collars/ cuffs/sleeves. 5. Nick answered the door wearing his pyjames and his dressing gown/night dress. 6. You get really dirty repairing a car unless you wear a jumper/ overall/ underwear. 7. I didn1t get wet in the rain because I put on my plastic mac/ overcoat/tights. 8. When it snows Ann always wears a/ an anorak/ glove/ scarf around her neck. 9. David had to stop three times to tie up his small daughter`s heels/shoelaces/ soles. 10. My hands were cold so I put them in my jacket/ pockets/ turn-ups. 11. I don`t like that dress, it isn`t in fashion/ mode/ style/. 12. Kate was given a lovely fur/ hair/ skin coat for her birthday. 13. All the men at the wedding were wearing top caps/ hats/ helmets. 14. The waitresses in the restaurant all wear white aprons/ dungarees/robes. 15. When Jim goes to a party he always wears a bow/ butterfly/knot tie.

6. Complete the word in each sentence. Each space represents one letter.

1. It`s cold today. I`m going to put on a thick s………. 2. When they go to church the women wear lace s…..... over their heads. 3. Harry usually wears a leather j……… 4. My trousers are falling down! I must buy a b…… 5. It`s too hot for trousers. I`m going to wear my s…… 6. Let`s roll up out shirt s…….. and start work. 7. I can`t wear these jeans! They are too t…… 8. I bought this lovely s…. scarf in Japan. 9. Don`t forget to put your clothes away in the w…….10. I`m never cold as long as I wear my woolly u……..

Shops and shopping

1 Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

  1. That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargain/sales. 2. On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/ shoppers. 3. It costs 3.5$, so give her 4$, and she`ll give you 50c change/rest. 4. I don`t go to that supermarket, it`s a bit priced/ pricey. 5. You can`t return goods without the original recipe/receipt. 6. Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. 7. A carrier bag is free with each buyer/ purchase over 5$. 8. If you pay cash, we can give you a 10% cutting/discount. 9. How much did you pay / spend for your new shoes? 10. This is a good shoe shop, but the costs/ prices are very high.

  1. Complete each phrase with a suitable word from the list: loaf, box, packet, bunch, tube, bar, tin
  1. a ……of biscuits  2. a…..of  toothpaste  3. A….of tomatoes    4. A……of milk   5.  A large….of tissues 6.  A….of chocolate    7. A…..of  bananas  8.  A…of bread.

3.Complete the shopping situations a) to h) with a remark from 1. to8.

  1. I can`t decide whether to buy it or not , so I think …….
  2. Have you got a pair like this in red?.....
  3. Can I pay by credit card?......
  4. Can I help you? No, thanks……
  5. That`s 39.99$, please……
  6. Thanks very much for your help……
  7. There isn`t a price label on this shirt…….
  8. This computer looks difficult to use……

  1. Not at all, madam. It`s pleasure.
  2. I`m just looking.
  3. Could you explain how it works?
  4. How would you like to pay?
  5. We`re out of stock at the moment. Sorry.
  6. I`ll leave it.
  7. Sorry, we only accept cash or cheques.
  8.  How much is it?
  1. Match these words with the descriptions given: advertisement, bargain, catalogue, deposit, list, manager, purse, receipt, trolley, wallet.
  1. You push this at the supermarket and fill it with food. 2. You are given this as proof of buying something. 3. This tries to persuade you to buy something. 4. You put money, especially banknotes, in this. 5. This person is in charge of the chop. 6. You might make this before you go shopping. 7. Leave this if you can`t pay now but want to buy later. 8. Do this if you want to get a better price. 9. Coins are usually carried in this, especially by women. 10. Read this to find descriptions of goods.

  1. Complete each sentence a) to j) with one of the endings 1.to 10.
  1. I bought my new television from a department….
  2. Don`t forget to write a shopping…..
  3. Can you pay over there? This cash….
  4. Most of the tourists went bargain…..
  5. Why don`t we go to the new shopping…..
  6. Quite late at night the little corner…..
  7. It would be much better to buy an economy….
  8. Don`t forget that we have to stop at the filling……
  9. There is a very nice suit on display in the shop……
  10. Janet has just started work as s shop…..

  1. …centre near the public library
  2. …register doesn`t work
  3. …window of that new shop next to the post office
  4. …size box of paper tissues
  5. …store in the town centre
  6. …shop down the road is still open
  7. …assistant in a shoe shop
  8. …list before we go to the market tomorrow
  9. …station  to get some petrol
  10. …hunting in the old part of the city

Предварительный просмотр:

American quiz

Сultural  Test

The United States of America

  1. The most popular indoor game in the U.S.
  2. The American English word for tights
  3.  A shop where you can buy food, cosmetics and medicine
  4. The centre of film industry in the U.S
  5. Dallas cowboys come from this state
  6. The president of the U.S.A. before Bill Clinton
  7. The American English word for a very tall building
  8. The capital of the U.S.A
  9. A first-year student in the college
  10. The tall metal “lady with the torch” in New York
  11. The American English word for a lift
  12. A popular music style coming from America
  13. A famous bridge in San Francisco
  14. The longest river in the U.S.A.
  15. The head of an American high school
  16. This U.S. president was assassinated
  17. The American English word for a sofa
  18. A famous gambling city
  19. Pants made of denim
  20. Americans play this outdoor game with a bat and a ball
  21. Indians hunted this big animal for its meat and skin
  22. The Colorado River run through this monument of nature
  23. A deadly North American snake
  24. Some people say this rock star did not die after all
  25. The long mountain range across North America
  26. The Windy City
  27. A shopping centre
  28. The official residence of the President of the U.S
  29. The world`s largest museum complex
  30. The name of the street where the White House and The Capitol are situated

The keys:

  1. Basketball                                  12. Jazz                                23. Rattle snake
  2.  Pants                                         13. Grand Gate                    24.Elvis Presley
  3. Drugstore                                   14. The Mississippi            25. Rocky Mountains
  4. Hollywood                                 15. The Principle                26. Chicago
  5. Texas                                          16. Lincoln and Kennedy  27.Mall
  6. George Bush                              17. Coach                            28. The White House
  7. A skyscraper                              18. Las Vegas                     29. The Smithsonian
  8. Washington                                19. Jeans                             30. Pennsylvania Avenue
  9. A fresh man                                20. baseball  
  10. Statue of Liberty                        21. buffalo
  11. Elevator                                     22. Grand Canyon

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