конкурс "Enjoy English" для 5 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Лексико-грамматический тест, аудирование, чтение, говорение
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Look at the picture and choose the correct variant
1. There are many animals … the picture.
А) in B) on C) at
2. How many squirrels are there?
А) One В) Two C) Three
3. The two birds are … branch of the tree.
А) near one B) in one C) on one
4. The rabbit has a small white … .
А) ear B) tail C) nose
5. There are many … in the forest.
А) flowers B) berries C) mushrooms
6. Snow … dress is nice.
А) White B) White’s C) Whites
7. What is Snow White like? She … .
А) is blond B) is kind C) like animals
8. Which sentence is wrong? It is … .
А) night B) summer C) warm
9. Which animal mustn’t be in this picture?
А) a hedgehog B) a hare C) a crocodile
10. What is not happening? They are … .
А) walking B) standing C) sleeping
2. Reproduce the telephone call: find the best answer (1-10) to each of the phrases
1. Hello, is that you, Ann?
A) 4 B) 8 C) 2
2. How are things with you?
A) 2 B) 4 C) 9
3. I’m fine too. What are you doing?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 9
4. Really? Would you like me to find you one?
A) 7 B) 2 C) 8
5. My aunt has got a nice puppy. Would you like
to take it? They’re coming to my place tomorrow!
A) 5 B) 8 C) 3
6. Let’s meet on Saturday then.
A) 5 B) 7 C) 3
7. Let me see. All right, let’s meet on Sunday
in the evening.
A) 8 B) 10 C) 9
8. Her house is opposite the bank.
A) 7 B) 4 C) 6
9. It’s too late. Maybe at five?
A) 6 B) 7 C) 8
10. See you on Sunday.
A) 1 B) 8 C) 4
1. Bye! See you.
2. I’m writing a story for my English class.
It’s about my dream. I’d like to have a pet
3. I’m sorry, I’ll be so busy with my homework
4. I’m speaking.
5. Oh, not on Saturday! I’m helping my parents
in the garden. What about Sunday?
6. Great! Let’s meet near the main entrance of
the bank at seven o’clock.
7. OK. I’m looking forward to meeting you,
8. Yes, of course! Could you find me a puppy?
9. Everything is fine, thank you. And what
about you?
10. Where does your aunt live?
3. Read the text and fill in the gaps using the right words
Everybody … (11) that cats love sleeping. They spend half of their … (12) asleep and enjoy every minute of it. Other animals … (13) very different sleeping habits, however. For example, … (14) horses may not look like they … (15) asleep, but they are! Horses only spend three hours asleep … (16) day and they do it standing up! Fish sleep for about seven hours but they too have strange habits – they don’t close their eyes to sleep. So, what about people? Most … (17) us sleep for about a third of our lives. But the … (18) of hours we sleep depend on the age. Newborn babies sleep a lot – about seventeen hours in every twenty four. Children need about eleven hours and grown-ups sleep for about eight hours every night. But you’re not just asleep – you’re not really doing nothing. … (19) happens during sleep. Dreams are one way that the … (20) rests after a busy day.
1. A) know B) knows C) knew
2. A) life B) lifes C) lives
3. A) have B) has C) had
4. A) any B) some C) much
5. A) be B) were C) are
6. A) the B) a C) no article
7. A) of B) for C) about
8. A) many B) most C) number
9. A) A lot B) A lot of C) Many
10. A) legs B) body C) mind
Read the text again and find the correct answer
11. … sleep half of their lifetime.
А) Horses B) Cats C) People
12. The animals have … sleeping habits.
А) the same B) similar C) various
13. When horses sleep they … .
А) lie B) stand C) don’t stand
14. … don’t have strange sleeping habits.
А) Fish B) Horses C) Cats
15. … sleep less than other animals in this story.
А) Fish B) Horses C) Cats
16. The length of our sleep … .
А) depends on how old we are B) depends on our work C) depends on our rest
17. … need more sleep.
А) Grown-ups B) Children C) Babies
18. Babies sleep seventeen hours … .
А) a day B) a week C) a night
19. When you sleep you do nothing.
А) It’s true B) I agree C) It’s wrong
4. Listen to the text and choose the right answer
1. How old is Mary?
A) Forty B) Fourteen C) Twenty four
2. What time is it?
A) Twelve B) Ten C) One
3. How many students are there in the class? … three.
A) Twenty B) Thirty C) Forty
4. The next bus to London is at … p.m.
A) one B) two C) three
5. She wants … biscuits.
A) any B) one C) some
6. Mr. Rossi is invited to go to the … desk.
A) sports B) check-in C) information
7. Flight AZ677 to Toronto is boarding at gate … .
A) Eight B) Eighteen C) Five
8. Passengers must go to the gate for … .
A) control B) boarding C) information
9. Kate has a broken … .
A) foot B) arm C) leg
10. The pupils … to study English.
A) want B) wants C) don’t want
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