статья (английский язык) по теме

Васина Валентина Ивановна

Статья о достопримечательностях места рождения( деревня Бредовка Порецкого района ЧР)


Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                              SPOTLIGHT ON BREDOVKA.                                                                                      

                                                                                        г. Чебоксары

                                                                     ВАСИНА ВАЛЕНТИНА ИВАНОВНА

                                                                           учитель английского языка

                                                                                    МБОУ СОШ №60

Г.Чебоксары, бульвар Юго-западный, д. 6,  кв.143

2012  year is a Year of History and I would like to tell you about some  historical moments of my small mother land - the country Bredovka, wich is located in  Poretsky district,  in Chuvashia. Bredovka is included into the Octyabrskoe settlement.  It also includes the villages  Stepanovka, Durasovka, Bredovka, Antipinka, Vypolzovo. The length of the settlement is about 9 kilometers. The streets have beautiful names: Polevaya, Zelyonaya, Lugovaya, Novaya and so on.

The first documented mention of the villages can be found in the book "From the distant past of Porechya " by I. M. Vavilov.  It refers to 1774, during the Peasants' War under the leadership of Pugachov. The way to the town Alatyr passed through our village. His troops destroyed  rich people’s houses, took the money, killed the country landlords. At the cemetery there is a tombstone with the inscription "Here is buried the landowner Praskovya B., who died from the hand of the villain Pugachov in July 22, 1774."

Being a teacher I am interested in the education of my ancestors. The first church school was opened in 1870. There were about 10 pupils at school. It was 2 years teaching. There were no special teachers,   it was the priest who taught the children. The second church school was built in 1880 and had three classrooms and about 30 pupils. It was the beginning. And now there is a 2-storeyed school in the country. It was built in 1990.

 The decoration of the village is a functioning church of St. Ioann Bogoslov, built in 1864.  In the metric book one can find the disappeared names: Vassa, Alistrat, Duklida, Anemnodist, Login.

 It is interesting to study our own history!


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