Урок английского языка в 6-м классе по теме "Faces of London"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Ознакомить с географией, символами, достопримечательностями и сформировать уважение к народу страны изучаемого языка. Научить учащихся применять изученные ЛЕ и РО в новых речевых ситуациях.
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Faces of London
Тема: «Faces of London”
«Чем Англия привлекает туристов?»
Тип урока: Урок применения знаний, умений и навыков.
Цель урока: ознакомить с географией, символами, достопримечательностями и сформировать уважение к народу страны изучаемого языка. Научить учащихся применять изученные ЛЕ и РО в новых речевых ситуациях.
Развивающий аспект: формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний и навыков: умение воспринимать на слух и понимать небольшие сообщения, активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал, расширить лексический запас, вести диалог, выражать свое желание;
Образовательный аспект: развитие языковых и познавательных способностей, чувств и эмоций школьников, готовности к коммуникации; интеллектуальное развитие учащихся, формирование логического мышления;
Воспитательный аспект: формирование уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка; воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности.
Оборудование: карта географическая, картинки с видами Англии, раздаточный дидактический материал, компьютер и презентации, CD для прослушивания.
Ход урока:
- Оргмомент.
Good afternoon boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Today we have a competition on a topic ‘’ Faces to London”. We have got two teams.’’ Travelers” and “Tourist”. We have some pupils from the 8 th form as a jury. They will count your points. How much we know about the Britain? You have already known a lot about Britain and its people, but some things are easily forgotten. So, are you ready to start? Now let’s answer the questions.
The first task for you is to work in groups and choose the best answers. For the correct answers you will get points. At the end of our lesson the team which has more points will be a winner.
1. A question –an answer (short of full)
- Have you ever been to London? –No, I haven’t.
- Is London the biggest city in Great Britain? - Yes, London is the biggest city in Great Britain.
- Are there many interesting places to visit in London?- Yes, there a lot.
- What is the White Hall? - A street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament, a White palace near the Trafalgar Square.
- Can you see many beautiful churches there? - Yes, we can.
- Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London, isn’t it? Yes, it is.
- Was the Tower of London a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo many centuries ago? - Yes, it was.
- How many ravens are there In the Tower of London?—There are 12 ravens in the Tower of London.
- Who built the Tower of London in the 11th century? - William the Conqueror.
- Do English people like to talk about the weather? - Yes, they do.
- What’s the name of the English Queen? - Her name is Elizabeth second.
- How many parts of London do you know?-I know three parts of London: the City of London, the East End and the West End.
- In 1666, a lot of Londoners lost their homes. How?-It was the Great Fire of London.
- Who build St. Paul’s Cathedral in the 17th century? - The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century.
- Are there different kinds of transport in London?-Can you name them?—a train, a Double Decker, a through train, a ship, a boat, a black cab.
2. Cities in England
Before the task all of you have 1 minute only to look at the map of G.B. carefully.
After that you take the cards and match the parts of the words which are the cities of England. For example: Lon don.( 2min to prepare the task)
For the fist team: For the second team:
Birming ham Cam bridge
Man chaster Ox ford
Brigh ton Stratford-upon-Avon
Bris tol Wins dor
New castle Notting ham
Liver pool Nor wich
Der by Covent ry
3. Make up the sentences:
The next task for you is very interesting. But listen to it very attentively. Some pupils of one team say a few words at the same time. Another team guesses the sentence. If the children don’t understand the sentence, you repeat it again and again till they catch it. For example:
I am a teacher.
I | like | England | ||
I | love | London | ||
Big Ben | is | of the Tower | ||
Big Ben | is | a clock | ||
The symbol | Of England | is | a red rose | |
The Queen | is | the symbol | of England | |
They | don’t | know | England | well |
He | doesn’t | want | to travel | by plane |
4. Places of interest in England.
Both teams have a common table. You should name any words on the topic “London” using these letters. For example: B- Big Ben. Please begin.
B | H | T | O |
S | W | A | D |
R | M | E | Q |
5. The contest for the leaders.
Now our leaders will have a special task. They must look at any pictures, name it and describe this place with 2 or 3 sentences. Who is ready to start?
(There are the pictures of Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and the House of Parliament, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace).
Чтение с общим пониманием информации:
Read and name the places:
1) You can find it not far from St. James’s Park. It is a great palace, a home of the Queen in London.
2) It is a famous museum. It is not far from Hyde Park.
It organizes sleepovers. Here you can learn about animals, plants, minerals.
3) It is a famous square in London. People name it “The heart of London” On the column in the centre there is a statue of the great English seaman.
4) It is a famous museum of a well- known English detective.
Key: 1) Buckingham Palace 2) The Natural History Museum 3) Trafalgar Square 4) Sherlock Holmes’s House;
6. Find the place from to…. Look at the map of London, follow the instructions and find the places –Palace, Two museums, Underground station
1) Start from Victoria Station, turn left at Eccleston Street, turn left at Knightsbridge underground station, and go down Brampton Road. It is on the right side of the road.
2) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, and go past Westminster Abbey. It is near the park.
3) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, go past Westminster Abbey, go past Big Ben and go up White Hall, turn right.
4) Start from Charing Cross, turn left at Charing Cross Road, go up Charing Cross Road, turn left at Oxford Street, go along the street and turn right at Baker Street. Go up the street
Key: 1 The Natural History Museum 2Buckingham Palace 3 Charing Cross underground station
4 Sherlock Holmes’s House.
7. Find the way from …to… (Using the map and phrases)
-How can I get to…?
-Turn to the left and turn to the right and you will see..
-Could you tell me the way to the..
-Yes, please.Go straight on three blocks and you will see the…
8. Quiz: “What do you know about London?”
Now let’s see what you’ve learned about London. (Раздаются карточки с вопросами)
1. Where does the British Queen live?
- in Westminster Palace
- in Buckingham Palace
- in the Tower of London
2. Where does the coronation of all British kings and queens take place?
- in St. Paul’s Cathedral
- in the Tower of London
- in Westminster Abbey
3. What famous place in London was named after Sir Benjamin Hall?
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- Big Ben
- Hyde Park
4. Where did the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer take place?
- in St. Paul’s Cathedral
- in Westminster Abbey
- in the Houses of Parliament
5. What birds live in the Tower of London?
- swans
- ravens
- pigeons
6. Where is the monument of Admiral Nelson situated?
- in front of the Houses of Parliament
- in the Tower of London
- in the centre of Trafalgar Square
7. Where does the British government sit?
- in Buckingham Palace
- in the Houses of Parliament
- in the Tower of London
8. What is Hyde Park famous for?
- a big clock
- Nelson’s column
- Speakers’ Corner
9. What is the most famous work of Sir Christopher Wren?
- Big Ben
- Westminster Palace
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
10. Where are the Crown Jewels kept in London?
- in the Tower of London
- in Buckingham Palace
- in Westminster Abbey;
9. Let’s have a rest and remember the poems and songs.
A rhyme with actions (pupils think of the actions according to the rhyme).
Up, down, up down,
Which is the way to London Town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air.
Close your eyes
And you are there!
10. Results of the competitions.
While jury is counting the points of the team pupils are singing a song “Magic Boat”
Our results are…..Thank you for your work. You were active and clever today. Both teams were good. But the team…is the winner. Let’s clap to them. And you get prizes. Our lesson is over. Good-bye, my dear friends.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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