методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Артюшина Ольга Олеговна

Данная презентация является примером плана проведения заседания английского дискуссионного клуба. В нашем лицее стало традицией встречаться в клубе и обсуждать актуальные темы. Тема "Видео игры" была выбрана учениками и они с удовольствием делились своим мнением в ходе дискуссии.   


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Video Games WHAT ARE VIDEO GAMES? source of entertainment allow to escape in your own reality a chance to feel your omnipotence ( всемогущество) a case to work out your teamwork skills etc…

Слайд 3

Video games for you

Слайд 4

VIDEO GAMES HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1970-s Atari video games 1980-s Nintendo and Sega 1990-s Playstations 2000-s Playstation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360 2010-s Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3,Nintendo Wii , Sony PlayStation Vita 3G

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Video Games Interesting Facts

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Video Games Age Limits

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Video Games Expert’s Opinion

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Jeremy Soule composer

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ART is a language, a process of expressing, conveying and understanding emotions throughout common activity of imagination. Robert Collingwood ART is a language ART is a process ART is a imagination

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Entertainment Magic Puzzle Studying Propoganda

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Why anything can be addictive Video Games Scientists’ Approaches Game transfer phenomena Computer gamers’ brains ‘differ’

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Video games for you

Слайд 15

Video Games Students’ Opinion “…I know games which develop attention, such games in which you have to find differences between pictures.” “…there are a lot of games in which children learn to work in a team, also it can develop your imagination and creativity.” “I believe that computer games are useful… computer games often help young people.” “…there are a lot of video games which can help teens, for example, games where children can see memorable things, persons, places and cities.” “…if teens have some problems at school …they can come home, play a little, relax, forget about all problems and maybe save the world…”

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Video Games Students’ Opinion “…playing video games is a pleasant way to spend your free time. Some of the computer games help children to learn new interesting things. It is clear that kids learn something much better when they play. …video games can help people relax if they get tired of work.” “On the one hand video games are necessary but on the other they are not. … I admit playing games but not all day and night, because real life is full of adventures. We just need to get out of our home.” “Games influence each person differently: some people become dependent and other people are not interested in them. … I’m not a zealous opponent of games because I play some games myself.” “I think that video games are harmful. I know many people who play games every day, they sit much time at home and forget about their friends. People become very nervous and angry. They do not make progress at school and finally fail their exams. I have never played video games and I will never do it.” “… computer games are pointless and even harmful. I don`t understand people my age or even older spending hours a day on playing. “ “ Now I believe there is no vainer way of spending time than playing. With the help of the game you don`t become more clever or healthy so now I have no games on my PC.” “… there is much dangerous information in brutal games, where heroes have to kill and shoot. It learns cruelty and advocates violence.”

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Video Games Advantages

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Video Games Disadvantages

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Video games for you

Слайд 20


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