Методическая разработка "Англицизмы в русском языке : причины использования иностранных заимствований"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
« Англицизмы в русском языке : причины использования иностранных заимствований"
Языки постоянно находятся в процессе эволюции, новые слова возникают ежедневно, обогащая наши языки и придавая им колорит. Предметом исследования данной работы является проблема использования англицизмов в русском языке.( Англицизм-это заимствование из английского языка в каком-то другом). В качестве объекта исследования послужили лексические единицы английского происхождения и их производные. Отсюда целью работы является анализ специфики функционирования англицизмов в русской речи . В целом иноязычная терминология представляет собой интереснейший лингвистический феномен, роль которой в русском языке весьма существенна. Англо-русское языковое взаимодействие постоянно привлекает исследовательское внимание, направленное на изучение общего притока иноязычной лексики в русский язык. Практическая ценность настоящей работы состоит в том, что данный материал может использоваться в процессе преподавания английского и русского языков в школах, лицеях, гимназиях. В данных учебных заведениях необходимо проводить планомерную работу по воспитанию у школьников культуры обращения с иноязычными словами, хорошего языкового вкуса. А хороший вкус – главное условие правильного и уместного использования языковых средств, как чужих, так и своих.
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Государственное образовательное учреждение
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The research work
English loanwords in Russian language.
Bondar Ulyana
form 8-2
Project manager:
Smirnova Elena Evgen`evna
1. Introduction | 3-4 |
2. Borrowing from English into Russian language | 4 |
2.1. English loanwords in Russia (the historical review) | 4-5 |
2.2. Types of anglicisms | 6 |
2.3. Reasons for using anglicisms | 6-7 |
2.4. An experiment (what types of anglicisms are most popular today) | 7-8 |
3. Conclusion | 8 |
The subject of my research work is to study the problem of borrowing the words in the modern Russian language. The object of my work is the anglicisms in Russian language. Therefore
the purpose of my work is to find information about borrowing words which occurred in Russian language from English and make an analysis of the problem of loanwords .We have been learning English for many years and the question “What is The history of appearing English loanwords in Russian?’ motivated me to spend my time on answering it.
The research tasks are: to present historical review of the problem of borrowing, find different types of anglicisms and suggest the appropriate reasons for borrowings. And one of the main task is to hold an experiment and answer the question: “What types of anglicisms are used more often by teenagers?”
Why are there so many English loanwords in the modern Russian language? Why
do Russian speakers choose to use English loanwords, when there are perfectly good native counterparts already present in the Russian language? What affects the process of lexical borrowing and why do some loanwords survive and others fade into obscurity?
This thesis will attempt to answer all of these questions by presenting an explanation based on the theory of language contact, the history of English loanwords in the Russian language, and the analysis of several modern loanwords and their meanings.
To understand how English loanwords enter the Russian language it is necessary
to know both the theory behind language contact as well as its long history in Russia.
Language contact is the interaction of speakers of two languages, through both direct and indirect contact. Depending on the nature and intensity of this contact, a language change can occur, as one language adopts words or features of another. Even the least intense forms of language contact can result in lexical borrowings or loanwords, the focus of this thesis. During the interaction of target language speakers with source language speakers, or with media that uses the source language, new words can be introduced into the target language. When a word enters a target language it can do so in several ways. The two ways relevant to this thesis are lexical addition and lexical replacement. Lexical addition takes place when a loanword enters a language where it has no native counterpart with the same meaning. This situation is common when a foreign item or concept is introduced to a target culture along with the foreign word that describes it. Lexical replacement takes place when a native counterpart with the same meaning as th loanword already exists in the target language. In this case, lexical competition takes place as the target language speakers decide whether to use the foreign loanword or its native counterpart. Language contact, language change and lexical borrowings have occurred all over the world and Russia is no exception English Loanwords in Russian.
2. Borrowings from English into Russian language
Borrowings are the way of enrichment the language. The foreign language vocabulary is presented in the area of policy, science, culture, tourism and modern slang.
2.1. English loanwords in Russia (the historical review)
The intensity of language contact between Russian and English and the rate of borrowings has varied over time, with English only relatively recently becoming the preferred source language for foreign borrowings. The first significant contact between Russians and English speakers occurred in the middle of the 16 the century, when King Edward VI sent an envoy to Czar Ivan IV the Terrible to open new markets for British merchandise. Thereafter, British and Russian merchants began incorporating the first English loanwords into Russian: words that usually were not already present, such as mister, alderman, and earl. Although a few Russians visited Britain, more British subjects visited Russia, usually after being invited by the government. British professionals, doctors, pharmacists, artisans and officers began working in Russia and in exchange, a 14
small number of Russians were sent abroad to be trained as translators and interpreters.
In 1649 relations deteriorated and British merchants were deported or restricted to
the north, as Russia feared subordination by Britain. But Peter the Great later
reinvigorated the relations between the two countries. After he visited Britain from 1697-8, he appointed British engineers, mathematicians and ship builders to Russian offices and departments. He also promoted the field of translation, believing that a translator should learn a craft or science and a scientist or craftsman should learn a language. During Peter’s rule loanwords were considered necessary, and the attitude towards them was quite positive, since it was natural to name foreign concepts using foreign terms. During Peter’s reign approximately 150 English words were added to the Russian lexicon, for the most part terms related to navigation, titles, religion and some words pertaining to daily life and culture. During the second half of the eighteenth century the number of English words added to the Russian language increased, as Russian government and high-ranking nobility became more Anglophilic. Catherine the Great favored English culture and promoted translation of its literature into Russian by establishing a translator’s society. But the majority of books, particularly fiction, were first translated from English to French or German and only then into Russian. In the 1770s, visiting actors performed English language plays in the English theater, and translations of English literature, especially Shakespeare, were abundant. Many technical inventions of that time facilitated even more English borrowings. The first official Russian-American contact occurred in the late 18the century, when the president of the Russian Academy of Science 15 met with Benjamin Franklin in Washington. John Quincy Adams became the first US ambassador to Russia and became a close friend of Emperor Alexander. In the early 19 the century American merchants and manufacturers began establishing themselves in St. Petersburg.
In the 19 the century, English language, literature and culture were second in
popularity to French, but that slowly began to change. Originally, French was the
language of the educated classes and the nobility, and many writers, like Pushkin and Tolstoy, were bilingual. But by the end of the 19 the century, education became available to other classes and the proportion of French speakers decreased as did the familiarity with French borrowings. At that time English borrowings were still only a small percentage of the total foreign borrowings into Russian
But even once English became most popular, the intensity of borrowings from it varied, as Russia suffered through two World Wars and a Cold War and underwent two revolutions of ideology. These events helped to shape the attitudes of Russian speakers towards borrowings from English. It was during the times of change,
like the 1917 revolution or the collapse of communism in 1991, that using new foreign
words to describe new foreign concepts was seen as common sense and acceptable.
2.2. Types of anglicisms
An English word or expression that is used in another language called an anglicism. There are many reasons for using anglicisms. They began to penetrate into the Russian language at the turn of the 18 - 19 centuries. But their influx to the Russian vocabulary stayed unimportant until the end of the 20 century. Later started appearing new words, without borrowing which they couldn't exist in our native language.
As you can suppose there are a lots of kinds of anglicisms. I think, only linguists have to know all of them. But it’s not very important for us – the ordinary people. I’m going to tell you about the most important types. They are the most popular:
1. The first type is called « phonetic borrowing» . These are words that are the same in pronunciation. For example, these are words like “browser”, “teenager”, “telephone”, “jeans”, “soup” and many others. Theirs equivalents are “браузер”, “тинэйджер (подросток)”, “телефон”, “джинсы”, “суп”.
2. The second type is “Hybrids”(гибриды). These are English words with Russian suffixes, prefixes and endings . As examples these are “creative”, “primitive”, “objective”, “positive” which stand for “креативный”, “примитивный”, “объективный”, “позитивный”.
3. Direct loans. The words appeared in the Russian language in approximately the same form and the same meaning as in the original language. It is words like weekend - выходные; black - негр, money - деньги.
4. Exotic words. Words that describe specific national customs of other nations, and are used to describe the non-Russian reality. A distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. Eg: crisps (chips), hot dog (hot-dog), cheeseburger (cheeseburger).
5. Emotional expressions. These words usually have lexical equivalents, but stylistically different from them and are fixed in a specific field of communication which gives a special speech expression. For example: о'кей (OK) вау (Wow!).
6. Compounds. These are the words consist of two English words, such as second- hand shop , a video- lounge ( a room for watching movies.)
2.3. Reasons for using anglicisms
I think many of you know that in English a tough field of loanwords. But does everyone know how they occurred or from which language? Clearly it is not only English, but in the spoken language, as the language for the borrowing, it is used more than others. Of course, there are mane times of borrowings. Firstly, let us talk about reasons for them:
1. The first reason is the lack of corresponding concepts in the language.
For example, these are words “Scanner”, “Touchpad”, “Laptop”. The translation is “сканер”, “тачпэд”, “ноутбук”.
2. The second reason is the lack of appropriate or more exact name in the language. There’re simple examples – “spray”, “virtual” which translation are “спрей” and “виртуальный”.
3. A need for a name of a new object or an item. Once again, we could easily find the example. Now it’s the word “printer”, “scanner”, “journalist” and others.
4. A need to discriminate related but different meanings. For example it’s a “killer”. English killer is an any murder. But Russian killer is a hired murder.
5. Providing stylistic, emphatic effect. It becomes more prestigious and attractive to use English words in the speech. It can emphasize the high information content of the speaker.
Составьте свой рейдер. Где ваш пресс-релиз?
Certainly, there are lots of reasons. But I think that these are most widespread than others.
2.4. An experiment.
I interviewed my class with the question “What types of anglicisms are the most popular today with teenagers?” I gave them such areas as science, politics, tourism, culture and modern slang with several examples to each group. That is how my classmates answered:
3 Conclusion
The purpose of the research work has been achieved. My findings are significant for students who study English at school. Teachers can use my research work as a tool for teaching students. Language is alive mechanism, it is constantly evolving, anglicisms are an important part of the language that enriches it.
Relevance of this study is that the consideration of the problems associated with the theory and practice of borrowing, especially important today, because nowadays many people express serious concernment about the strong influence of borrowings, which may lead to a depreciation of the Russian words. But I suppose that language is able to self-clean, get rid of excessive, unnecessary words.
In general, foreign language terminology is a very interesting linguistic phenomenon whose role in the Russian language is essential. Anglo-Russian linguistic interaction consistently attracted research attention directed to the study of the total inflow of foreign vocabulary in Russian. The practical value of this work is that this material can be used in the teaching of English and Russian languages in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. These institutions need to conduct systematic work to promote students' cultural treatment of foreign words, a good taste of the language. A good taste is the main condition for the correct and appropriate use of linguistic resources, as loanwords.
4. References ( используемая литература и ссылка на сайты)
1.М.А.Брейтер Англицизмы в русском языке: история и перспективы:
Пособие для иностранных студентов-русистов.
Владивосток: изд-во «Диалог»,1995
2.Л.П.Крысин Иноязычные слова в современной жизни// Русский язык
конца ХХ столетия.-М., 1996
3. Современный словарь иностранных слов.-
«Русский язык», 1992
4. http://art.ioso.ru/seminar/2008/projects1/angl/angl.htm
5. http://azenglish.ru/anglicizmy-v-russkom-yazyke/
6. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/410377/
7. http://www.ldoceonline.com/
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