Презентация "School Planet"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Презентация "School Planet" , 5 класс. разработана для закрепления изученного материала и расширения представлений учащихся о системе образования в Америке, Великобритании, Австралии.
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Schools in England is free and compulsory for all children. At the age of 5 children go to primary school. Boys and girls study together. When children are 11. Primary school is over. From 12 to 16 Children go to secondary school. Students go to school From Monday to Friday and have classes from 08.55 till 15.15 Read and translate the text
1 How many times are there the main school holidays? о твет h r e t e 2 How many terms are there in a school year? ответ s i x 3 How many days do they go to school? ответ f i v e
primary secondary free compulsary term break перемена бесплатная средняя начальная обязательная четверть Match the pairs
Complete the sentences 1. Mary is 9, she goes to the ? primary school 2. George is 15, he goes to the secondary school ? 3. In most schools children wear ? school uniform 4. Teachers at primary schools are always called by their surname, Mr , Mrs or Miss. ? 5. At secondary schools teachers are always called ? Miss or Sir
Usefull Phrases to take exams t o be interested in t o be over t hree times a week t wice a week Дважды в неделю т ри раза в неделю с давать экзамены интересоваться заканчиваться Well Done!
Презентация Schools in the USA
Timetable School is free and compulsory for all children. Children go to school when they are 7 and finish when they are 19. Students study 6 years in elementary school. They study 2 years in middle school and 4 years in high school. A school year has 2 terms. After every term students have to take exams. They can get A, B, C, d or F grade. The best students get A, good students have B, and students, who don’t study well, have C. If a student gets D or F, he will study a year again. There are 30 to 38 students in one class. Uniform is not worn at school. But some schools have their own dress code Do you like English? С lassrooms are large and Every student has his or her own table and chair. There are special computer classrooms for different lessons.
1 Children who go to American school are called … ответ 2 ответ In what school do children study 6 years? 3 ответ 4 ответ A school year has 2 … … When children like Music and Painting they can choose … School in the USA is free and … ответ s t u e n t s d a r t e l e m e n t a r y t e r m s c o m p u l s a r y 5 6 They study six years in high … s c h o o l ответ 7 They study … years in middle school t w o ответ 8 They can get A, B, C, D or F … g r a d e ответ 9 After every term students have to take… e x a m s ответ What do some schools have?
Schools in Australia
Hi ! My name is Krosh . I’ve got a pen-friend in Australia. Her name is S usan. She has sent me a letter. But I don’t know English well. Help me to read it, please
Hello, Krosh ! How are you? I’m fine. I’m at secondary school now. We have a lot of new subjects: History, Geography, Biology and two foreign languages. The fourth term has just begun. Remember that a school year in Australia begins in the end of January and f inishes in December. I’m looking forward to my summer holidays, they are the l ongest school holidays. We don’t go to school for some weeks. We also have small breaks between terms: usually 10 or 14 days in April, July and September. I have six lessons a day. They are given from Monday to Friday. Usually the school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 3pm. There are breaks for lunch between lessons. We have lots of different school clubs. My parents have bought me a great bicycle! Now I go to school by bike.
Bicycles are very popular in Australia. Lots of students use them. For those who live far from school there are special school buses, they bring children to school. All students wear school uniform. The colour of the uniform is chosen by the school. See you! Susan P.S.
Now, do my tasks! Choose the right ending A school year in Australia begins In September In January In May OK! i n January A school year in Australia has t wo terms s ix terms f our terms Great! f our terms The longest school holidays are In April and May in December and January In July and August Well! i n December and J anuary Students go to school by bus by bicycle o n foot You are right! b y bike and by bus In Australia all students w ear the same uniform w ear d ifferent uniform c) don’t wear school uniform Thanks! w ear different school uniform Thank you!
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Schools in America http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school17/school1702.gif - 1 слайд http:// funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2540.jpg - 1 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school23/school2360.gif - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2543.jpg - 2слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2521.jpg - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2534.jpg - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school23/school2359.gif - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school21/school2128.gif - 2 c лайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school21/school2138.gif - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2516.jpg - 2 слайд http://funforkids.ru/pictures/school25/school2511.jpg - 2 слайд http://allforchildren.ru/pictures/school3_s/school0301.jpg - 2 c лайд http:// best-animation.ru/lanim/smiles/lubov/2.gif - 3 слайд смайлик http:// best-animation.ru/lanim/smiles/animals/9.gif - 10 слайд, сова - Информационные источники
Использованные источники http:// allforchildren.ru/pictures/school23_s/school2314.jpg - рисунок 1 слайда http :// teacherdo.ru/moodle/file.php/151/flag/flag_files/australian_flag.jpg - флаг http ://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4094208/post152451784 / - 2 слайд, макет письма http://animated-images.su/_ ph/21/2/189224884.gif - 2 слайд, картинка Кроша http :// www.study-abroad-australia.com/uploads/pics/Whoof_297_01.jpg - картинка 4 слайда Schools in Australia
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