Открытый урок по теме "Музыка и мы"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
Цель: 1. Овладеть навыками анализа музыкальных произведений в классической и современной музыке.
2. Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении урока.
3. Усилить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка как средства знакомства с культурой англоязычных стран.
Задачи: 1. Формировать умение анализа и синтеза полученных знаний.
2. Выявить взаимосвязь музыкального искусства с общим развитием культуры.
3. Совершенствование речевых навыков на английском языке (монологическая речь).
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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слухаМузыкальная академия
Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей
Современно, удобно, эффективно
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Проект урока Форма: Комбинированный урок. Жанр: Урок – презентация. Цель: 1. Овладеть навыками анализа музыкальны х произведений в классической и современной музыке. 2. Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении урока. 3. Усилить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка как средства знакомства с культурой англоязычных стран. Задачи: 1. Формировать умение анализа и синтеза полученных знаний. 2. Выявить взаимосвязь музыкального искусства с общим развитием культуры. 3. Совершенствование речевых навыков на английском языке (монологическая речь). Подготовка к уроку Урок готовится на базе двух предметов: английского языка и МХК. Учащиеся разбиваются на две команды. Одна команда готовит материал о современных композиторах. Учащиеся готовят мультимедийные проекты и аудиозаписи. Ход урока В начале урока на столы учащихся ставят коробки с ленточками (синие и красные), цвет каждой ленточки обозначает приверженность к одному из двух стилей (классического и современного). Учащиеся выступают парами с изложением: биографии, творческого пути, произведений автора: 1. Чайковский «Вальс цветов» - Битлз « Yesterday » 2 . Моцарт – Tokio Hotel «1000 морей» 3. Паганини «Каприз № 24 ля-минор» - Оззи Осборн « I just Want you »
4. Бетховен «Лунная соната» - Nirvana Band « Smells like teen spirit » 5. Бах «Фантазия соль-минор» - Кристэл Кастэл « Fainting Spells » После прослушивания данных произведений учащиеся берут ленточку понравившегося им стиля и прикрепляют ее на доску (доска может быть оформлена под нотный стан). По завершении прослушивания всех произведений выбирается жюри для подсчета голосов и объявления победителя. Домашнее задание (по выбору учащихся) 1. Описать свои впечатления от прослушанной на уроке музыки. 2. Насколько изменилось мое отношение к музыке (доклад, выступление, сообщение).
Mozart Wolfgang Amadej - the Austrian composer. The big influence on Mozart's musical development was rendered by its father Leopold Mozart who has trained the son to game on musical instruments.At the age of 4 Mozart played on a harpsichord, from 5-6 years has started to act. From 6 years in Mozart's biography the success is visible:he went on tour in Germany, Austria, France, England, Switzerland, Italy. In the age of 11 he has acted as the theatrical composer. In 14 the musician has been selected by a member of academy in Bologna. The young composer conducted in Milan the opera " Митридат , tsar Pontijsky ". By 19 years Wolfgang Amadej Mozart was the author of 10 products of various genres… The collective has been created in 2001 by two brothers-twins from east Germany, Bill and Volume Каулитцами . The group referred to «Devilish». With group has signed contract Sony BMG. After an output of a clip the group had a set of fans.. The Group has let out an album « Schrei » in September. In the beginning of 2006 there was third video « Rette mich ». The clip on a composition « Rette mich » has reached 1-st place. The second studio album « Schrei - so laut du kannst » has left in March. Release has left with three new songs - «Schwarz», « Beichte », « Thema nr. 1 » In September the group has let out the fourth single « Schrei - der letzte Tag ». On November, 18th 2006 group has given a concert in Moscow. Round « Zimmer 483 » on April, 3rd, 2007 has begun. Musicians of a distance of 20 concerts across all Europe (Germany, France, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland). They have arrived on delivery of the musical premium to Moscow and have given a concert in St.- Petersburg…
Оззи Осборн the present name John Michael Osborn, was born on December, 3rd 1948, in Birmingham - the British vocalist, one of founders of group Black Sabbath All over the world it is sold more than 75 million his records and more than 30 million in the USA. Albums « Blizzard Of Ozz » and « No More Tears » have received the status квадро -platinum. In the age of 15 years Осборн has been expelled from school, and the future fate-musician was arranged to work as the assistant to the plumber. Оззи tried to work as the assistant to the mechanic, the house painter and even the grave-digger. Later he has been taken in Бирмингем prison. Having left prison, Оззи has decided to try himself as the musician . He became the vocalist in group « Music Machine ». He has based the группу «Earth». It was progressive-blues. With 1969 for 1970 the group played various clubs. They have replaced the name on « Black .Sabbath » After leaving from Black Sabbath Оззи spent time in idleness. He creates new group .First performance was a concert in 1980 in Glasgow. Nikolo Paganini was born on October , 27 th 1789 in Генуе ( Italy ). Father Nikolo , Antonio Paganini, was the port loader, after became the fine shopkeeper. His hobby was a game on mandoline . Николо was the second child. He was born very small and much hurted . ·The Father forces Николо many hours to play on a violin. He dreamed to make son the great violinist. It undermines his health. Lasting many hours employment lead up the child up to каталепсии - conditions between a life and death. When Николо grew up, he was started to invite teachers. The first was the Genoa violinist and composer Franchesko Nekko . The glory about extraordinary presented boy is carried on the city.1794 - Nikolo Paganini's first concert. Marquis Dzhankarlo ди Негро , incurs cares of the boy and his formation. 1797 eight-year Nikolo Paganinis are composed with the first piece of music - скрипичную сонатт . It is engaged with violoncellist Gasparo Giretti . Paganini composes 24 fugues for a piano in four hands. Any of these products not cunningly till our time .
Mozart Wolfgang Amadej - the Austrian composer. The big influence on Mozart's musical development was rendered by its father Leopold Mozart who has trained the son to game on musical instruments.At the age of 4 Mozart played on a harpsichord, from 5-6 years has started to act. From 6 years in Mozart's biography the success is visible:he went on tour in Germany, Austria, France, England, Switzerland, Italy. In the age of 11 he has acted as the theatrical composer. In 14 the musician has been selected by a member of academy in Bologna. The young composer conducted in Milan the opera " Митридат , tsar Pontijsky ". By 19 years Wolfgang Amadej Mozart was the author of 10 products of various genres. From 1769 Wolfgang Amadej Mozart was registered on the leader of a court chapel in Salzburg. Archbishop, the governor of a church princedom, despotically limited its creative activity. Attempts to find other service were vain. In 1777-79 Wolfgang Amadej Mozart has been compelled to return to native city and to hold a post of the court organist. In 1780 for Мюнхен the opera " Идоменей has been written. Mozart extracted means for life incidental editions of compositions, lessons of game on a piano. In 1786 in imperial palace Шенбрунн its small musical comedy "Theatre director" has been executed. The collective has been created in 2001 by two brothers-twins from east Germany, Bill and Volume Каулитцами . The group referred to «Devilish». With group has signed contract Sony BMG. After an output of a clip the group had a set of fans.. The Group has let out an album « Schrei » in September. In the beginning of 2006 there was third video « Rette mich ». The clip on a composition « Rette mich » has reached 1-st place. The second studio album « Schrei - so laut du kannst » has left in March. Release has left with three new songs - «Schwarz», « Beichte », « Thema nr. 1 » In September the group has let out the fourth single « Schrei - der letzte Tag ». On November, 18th 2006 group has given a concert in Moscow. Round « Zimmer 483 » on April, 3rd, 2007 has begun. Musicians of a distance of 20 concerts across all Europe (Germany, France, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland).
БАХ ( Bach ) Иоганн Себастьян was born in 1685, Эйзенах in Germany . Бах belonged to the German sort, many of them were professional musicians. Initial music education has received under direction of his father. After death of his father he has been taken in family of the senior brother. In 1700-03 went to school church choristers in Люнебурге . From 1703 on 1708 he serves in Weimar. In 1707 he marries at his cousine Maria Barbara Bakh . In 1708 he has received a place of the court musician at duke Weimar where spends 9 years.. The composer wrote music for клавира , spiritual cantatas.In 1717 Бах has moved on service to the city of Keten . In Кетен three sonatas and three partitas for a violin solo, six suites for a violoncello solo, English and the French suites for клавира , six In 17 Brandenburg concerts for an orchestra have been written. In 1720: his wife died, leaving four children. 23 Бах has received a post кантора churches and executed duties of the teacher of school at church. Бах becomes " musical director " all churches of city. In 1747 Бах has created a cycle of plays Musical gifts. In the end of 1740th years health Баха became worse.Two unsuccessful operations have led to full blindness. He died in 1750 г . 8 bats (English 8-bit) - a musical genre for which the electronic sound is characteristic. In 2003 Элис and the Faun have met in Toronto. They also began to alter musical system creating own. Since 2005 Crystal Castles create малоформатные releases (Alice Practice and Crystal Castles). They did by remixes on fashionable tracks of other groups, such as Bloc Party, Good Books. They turn out each song inside out. Pitchfork speak about them: « Samples with the overestimated vocal. The tradition of the edition of short thrillers has been interrupted in 2008 when on label Last Gang Records the high-grade album overflown by electronic chaos at last has been published, by a violent vocal and turns of a plot of the given music grasping spirit.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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2.1.Совершенствование методов обучения и воспитания через проведение открытых уроков/занятий на МО муниципального уровня (экспертный лист оценивания, протокол посещения первого открытого урока от МО муниципального уровня)
Эксперный лист первого урока...

3.2.Совершенствование методов обучения и воспитания через проведение открытых уроков/занятий на МО муниципального уровня (экспертный лист оценивания, протокол посещения второго открытого урока от МО муниципального уровня)
3.2.Совершенствование методов обучения и воспитания через проведение открытых уроков/занятий на МО муниципального уровня (экспертный лист оценивания, протокол посещения второго открытого у...