Средства массовой информации
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Материал содержит презентацию в форматах Microsoft Office: PowerPoint и Word по теме "Средства массовой информации". Представлена работа над всеми видами речевой деятельности: аудирование, чтение, письмо и говорение.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form 8
Mass Media
- Целеполагание.
Match a word from A with one from B:
soap | programme |
music | forecast |
weather | opera |
important | media |
mass | events |
Guess what we are going to speak about.
Mass media is important in our life, isn’t it?
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Listen to the rhyme.
I like coffee,
I like tea,
I like Radio and TV.
What leisure activities are mentioned here?
- Подготовка к речевой зарядке.
Do you like listening to the radio? Why?
Do you like watching TV? Why?
- Речевая зарядка.
It is good that you like listening to the radio and watching TV. Today we have a guest. Arina Shapovalova is a famous figure skater. Imagine that you are reporters from different newspapers and magazines. Ask her questions.
- Закрепление изученной лексики.
Now I’d like you to match the words and their definitions.
1 Television
2 Newspaper
3 Advertisement
4 Quiz
5 Tabloid
6 Talk show
7 The Internet
8 Handbook
9 Radio
10 Music programme
11 Soap opera
12 Sports news
13 Encyclopedia
a) a small book giving useful facts
b) a book giving information about everything
c) a TV or radio programme or an article giving information about sports competitions
d) the process of sending and receiving messages through the air
e) a serial about relationships between people especially about love usually with a happy end
f) a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer
g) a TV programme where people discuss different problems expressing their opinions
h) broadcasting programmes for people to watch on their television sets
i) a set of questions on different subjects to be asked
j) a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements
k) a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news
l) a short film or a short article which gives us information about an object and makes us buy it
m) a programme which gives us information about the modern trends of music and lets us listen to it
- Развитие навыков аудирования.
You know there are many broadcasting companies in different countries. Listen to the information about them. Match the countries, the names of broadcasting companies and the broadcasting programmes.
Russia BBC News
The USA CBC cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, classical
Britain CNN concerts
Canada Kultura news, sports programmes, shows, soaps, TV plays,
classical concerts, foreign films
Nowadays broadcasting companies have become symbols of their countries.
Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average British watches the "box" 26 hours a week. BBC (or the British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state company. Its two channels BBC1 and BBC2 do not show adverts. BBCI broadcasts popular programmes (the news, sports programmes, shows, children's programmes and soaps). BBC2 shows TV plays, classical concerts, foreign fIlms.
Americans also love watching TV. American CNN (or Cable News Network) broadcasts only news but is popular all over the world.
CBC (or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) can be seen or heard almost anywhere in the country. Thе company broadcasts in English and in French. It broadcasts the news, shows, films and other popular programmes.
At the moment there are two state channels on Russian TV: ОRT and RTR. They broadcast different programmes ( the news and shows, soap and children's programmes, recent and foreign films, sports program mes). They can be seen anywhere in the country. There are several other channels on Russian TV. One of them is KULTURA. It shows special programmes: cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, the best performances, classical concerts, talk shows on culture and education. This channel is getting more and more popular.
- Закрепление изученной лексики.
Now I’d like you to look at the page from the newspaper. Match the words below to the numbered parts of the newspaper page.
- Развитие навыков чтения с общим пониманием содержания.
What is the Article about?
- Current affairs (текущие события)
- Sport
- Celebrity (знаменитость)
- Biography
- Fairy tale
- There lived a king. And he had 3 sons. But the last was a fool.
- Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21April 1926. She is the Head of the Commonwealth.
- The final of this competition takes place every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London.
- Britney Spears is one of the world’s pop princesses. She has a big house in Beverly Hills and recorded her third album.
- The international community has banned together to condemn a terrorist attack as 35 people were killed in a bombing inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport
- Развитие навыков неподготовленной монологической речи. Работа в группах.
Work in groups. Think of the advantages and disadvantages of the different mass media. Choose a speaker.
- Рефлексия.
- The Song.
Radio - radio
I'd sit alone and watch your light,
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio.
You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
You made them laugh - you made them cry,
You made us feel like we could fly
So don't become some background noise,
A backdrop for the girls and boys,
Who just don't know or just don't care,
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power,
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio - radio.
All we hear is radio ga ga
radio goo goo
radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
radio blah blah
Radio what's new ?
Radio, someone still loves you!
We watch the shows - we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears.
How music changes through the years!
Let's hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around 'cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time - you had the power,
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio - radio.
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new ?
Someone still loves you!
- Homework.
I give you the front pages of different newspapers. At home you will answer 5 questions.
- What is the title of the newspaper?
- What is the number of the issue (номер газеты)?
- Where does it published?
- What articles does it contain?
- What article is worth reading (стоит прочитать) in your opinion?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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