Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме “We can’t drink this water”"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Этапы | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся |
1.Подготовитель ный этап (подготовка к иноязычной речевой деятельности) 5 минут | 1.Приветствие Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you today. How are you today? T-P1, P2, P3….. 2.Беседа с дежурным - Who is on duty today? T-P1 - Well, and what date is it today? T-P1 -What day of the week is it today? T-P1 (It’s … today.) -Who is absent today? T-P1 3.Сообщение темы урока Today the topic of our lesson is “We can’t drink this water”. We are going to speak about our nature and different problems that it has. First of all, let’s begin our lesson with phonetic exercise. 4.Фонетическая зарядка Look at the board, please. Listen to me. [t] - stay, water, plate, forest, tins, left, litter, plastic, trees, protect, pollute [d] - drink, dead, dynamite, ground. Pay your attention to the sounds [t], [d]. When you pronounce the sound [t], the tip of your tonge is behind your upper teeth on the alveoli. This sound is voiceless. Repeat after me all together [t]. Repeat after me individually [t]. Which letter can give this sound in these words? Go and underline this letter. Repeat after me chorally and individually. Read the words When you pronounce the sound [d], the tip of your tonge is behind your upper teeth on the alveoli. This sound is voiced. Repeat after me all together [d] Which letter can give this sound there? Go and underline this letter. Repeat after me chorally and individually. Read the words 5.Речевая зарядка (вопросно-ответное упражнение по теме T-P1, P2, P3…..) ОЗУ: Now answer my questions about our nature 1. Do you take care of our nature? 2. What does our nature consist of? 3. Can people live without nature? 4. Is camping dangerous for our nature? 5. How can we help our nature? 6. What organisations can protect our environment? | P1: I am fine, thanks P2: I am OK P3: Everything is great P4: I am not so bad P5: I'm very well, thank you … P1:I am on duty today P1:Today is the….of P1: It’s … today P1: All are present …..is absent [t] [t] P1:The letter T gives this sound Один учащийся выходит к доске и подчеркивает букву t, передающую звук [t] [t] - stay, water, plate, forest, tins, left, litter, plastic, trees, protect, pollute [t] - stay, water, plate, forest, tins, left, litter, plastic, trees, protect, pollute [d] P1:The letter D gives this sound Один учащийся выходит к доске и подчеркивает букву d, передающую звук [d] [d] - drink, dead, dynamite, ground. [d] - drink, dead, dynamite, ground. P1: Yes, I do. I take care about our nature. P2: It consists of rivers, forests, lakes, grass, flowers, birds P3: No, they can’t. Their life is nothing without nature P4: Yes, it is. It is very dangerous because many people don’t think about nature at all. They just enjoy themselves. They go for a walk and throw paper everywhere P5: We can grow plants, help our nature to exist, water the flowers. P6: I know that Greenpeace protects our enviroment. |
2. Основной этап (10 минут +25минут) | 1.Семантизация лексических единиц по теме (беспереводный способ, контекст) ОЗУ: Boys and girls, our nature is very important fof us. We must take care of it but many people don’t pay attention to this fact. When they go camping, they kill the fish, cut down trees. Today we are going to speak about this problem and learn new words on the topic. Look at the board, listen to me and try to understand the meaning of new words.
The fish in the river is dead. The water is polluted. We can’t drink it. Did you get what it means? Let’s say it chorally and individually
Let’s say it chorally and individually
There is litter everywhere: tins, bottles, paper plates. Did you get what it means? Let’s say it chorally and individually
Rob likes camping very much. He is getting to his favourite campsite. They want to stay for the night Did you get what it means? Let’s say it chorally and individually
Never play with dynamite. It is dangerous. Did you get what it means? Let’s say it chorally and individually
We can buy Coke in a plastic or a glass bottle. Did you get what it means? Let’s say it chorally and individually Фонетическая отработка всех НЛЕ (ex. 1 p. 60) ОЗУ: Listen and read Запись НЛЕ в словари Контроль понимания НЛЕ Певичная автоматизация НЛЕ в вопросно-ответных упражнениях ОЗУ: Answer my questions: 1. Is dynamite dangerous? 2. Are plastic bottles dangerous for our nature? 3. Is glass dangerous for our nature? 4. Is our town polluted? 5. Is our country polluted? 7. Is litter everywhere in our town? 2.Введение нового грамматического материала (эксплицитный подход, дедуктивный метод) ОЗУ: Look at the board. Read the sentences. Pay your attention to the underlined verbs and nouns. 1. People pollute our planet. This pollution is very dangerous. 2. People protect our planet. This protection is important. 3. People product something. This production is cheap. How do we form nouns in this case? What suffix do we use? Open your books on page 60 and let’s read the rule ● Проверка понимания ● Отработка нового грамматического материала в подстановочных, трансформационных упражнениях ОЗУ: Let’s do exercise 2 on page 60. These are the verbs. Add the suffixes and write the nouns. Model: to protect — protection ОЗУ: Make up the verbs (работа с раздаточным материалом) ОЗУ: Translate the sentences - Загрязнение природы очень опасно - Загрянять природу опасно - Они производят динамит. - Динамит – это их продукция - Мы можем защитить окружающую среду - Защита окружающей среды – наша цель. 3.Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности Чтение
ОЗУ: Now we are going to read a short text. After a long day Misha, Rob and their friends are getting to their favourite campsite. They want to stop for the night, but they can’t. Look at the picture and try to predict why.
ОЗУ: Let’s read the text in roles loud be ready to call the reasons – why they can not stop there ОЗУ: Answer my question: Why can not they stay there?
ОЗУ: Look at the pictures on page 60 and answer the question: What litter did the friends find at the campsite? (ex. 4 page 61) ОЗУ: Write what happened. Use these expressions. to start a fire, to pollute the water, to kill the fish, to leave litter, to cut down trees Model: Somebody started a forest fire ОЗУ: Look at the pictures and say what happened ОЗУ: Let’s think about green rules for campers. Use the key words: trees, fire, litter. My green rule is “Don't pollute water. | P1: It means that the water is full of dirt, very dirty P2: It is unclean and impure Polluted P1: To make unfit for or harmful to living things To pollute P1: It means a big pile of tins, cans litter P1: It means a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent campsite P1: It means a very dangerous thing , any of a class of powerful explosives P1: It is something consisting of glass, made from glass or plastic polluted glass — стекло litter — мусор a campsite — кемпинг There has been a forest fire. — Здесь загрязненный был лесной пожар. Never play with dynamite . It is dangerous! You can buy Coke in a plastic or a glass bottle. P1: Yes, it is. It can kill people, animals. P2: Yes, they are. Plastic bottle are very dangerous because they lives longer than us P3: Yes, it is. It can stay on our planet for a long time P4: Yes, it is. It is very polluted. There are many bottles, papers on the ground. P5: Yes, it is. It is full of litter. P6: Yes, it is. I know that litter is in all streets in our town. P1: Pollution is a noun. Pollution = to pollute (verb) + tion. to pollute (verb) - pollution. (noun) to protect (verb) – protection (noun) to product (verb) – production (noun) Некоторые существительные в английском языке образованы с помощью суффикса –tion. Например, to celebrate- celebration to execute- execution to educate- education to decorate – decoration to illuminate – illumination to examine – examination to educate – education to instruct – instruction to prevent – prevention to collect - collection information – to inform situation – to situate protection – to protect pollution – to pollute organisation – to organise Pollution of nature is very dangerous To pollute nature is very danderous They produce dynamite The dynamite is their production We can protect our nature The protection of nature is our goal They can not do it because everything is polluted Olga: We can't stay here! There has been a forest fire! Rob: Look! The fish in the river are dead! The water is polluted! We can't drink it! Misha: There are plastic bottles under the tree. Vasya: There are a lot of tins and paper plates all over the place. Anna: Be careful! There is glass on the ground! Sasha: Where are the trees? place. Anna: Be careful! There is glass on the ground! Sasha: Where are the trees? There is glass on the ground The fish in the river are dead The water is polluted! They can't drink it! There has been a forest fire They found glass, dynamite, paper Somebody started a forest fire Somebody polluted the water Somebody killed the fish Somebode left litter Somebody cut down trees 1. Four men came to the forest by car. 2. The men cut down the trees for their fire 3. The men killed the fish with dynamite 4. They washed the car in the river 5. The men didn't pick up their litter and left the fire 1. Don’t cut down trees 2. Don’t play with dynamite 3. Don’t throw litter 4. Don’t use the dynamite near the river |
3.Заключительный этап | 1.Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания Your hometask is ex. A on page 62 2.Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок You were great today. Your marks are…. 3.Организационный конец урок I am glad that you worry about our Earth , that you are not indifferent to the problem of saving it .I think you know how to live in harmony with the environment . The lesson is over. See you tomorrow. |
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