Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов,обучающихся по специальности:"Правоведение".
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Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов,обучающихся по специальности: "Правоведение".
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Административная контрольная работа
По английскому языку для студентов 3-го курса
Специальности 030503 «Правоведение».
Инструкция по выполнению заданий: на выполнение заданий
отведется 40 минут.
Задание | Балл | Оценка |
1 | 5 | 10 баллов- «5» |
2 | 3 | 9-7 баллов- «4» |
3 | 2 | 6-5 баллов- «3» |
Менее 5 баллов- «2» |
1. Прочитайте, переведите текст.
Eric Masters was cleaning an antique pistol when the phone rang in the shop. He heard a young woman' s voice at the other end. “I believe you buy and sell antique weapons”, she said. “Yes, that’s right. I'm particularly interested in old firearms”. “My father is too. He wants to sell some of 17-th century pistols. Would you be interested?” “Certainly. If you bring them to my shop, I'll look at them and give you a price”. “Well, unfortunately my father is blind. It's very difficult for him to get about. Would you mind coming to our place? Masters answered calmly. “Ok, I'll come. He noted the address. His hands were trembling slightly. He took out a pistol. This one was not an antique. It was a small, black, nasty-looking automatic. “Perhaps the old man really does want me to look at his pistols”, he thought when he was getting into his white Jaguar.
Kate opened the door. “Good afternoon, I am Eric Masters.” Masters looked suspiciously at the old, blind man sitting on the sofa. There was something familiar about the man's face. The old man didn’t move. “Are you a collector too? Masters asked. The old man simply nodded.
The more he looked at that face, the more suspicious he became. Suddenly it downed on him. He stared at both of them. They were both waiting for him to come nearer. It was the old man's nose and lips that made Masters think of Coke. He reached for his pistol.
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What was Eric Masters doing?
2. Who called Masters?
3. Who was blind?
4. What car had Eric Masters?
5. What made Masters think of Coke?
3. Подберите заголовок к тексту:
1) The man who escaped.
2) Kidnap.
3) Jane' letter.
Административная контрольная работа
По английскому языку для студентов 3-го курса
Специальности 030503 «Правоведение».
Инструкция по выполнению заданий: на выполнение заданий
отведется 40 минут.
Задание | Балл | Оценка |
1 | 5 | 10 баллов- «5» |
2 | 3 | 9-7 баллов- «4» |
3 | 2 | 6-5 баллов- «3» |
Менее 5 баллов- «2» |
1. Прочитайте, переведите текст.
One evening Coke had gone, on Masters' orders, to a lonely place in Epping Forest. Masters had told him he would meet a possible informer there. While he was waiting, three men had grabbed him from behind. They had poured whisky all over him and down his throat and then hit him over the head.
He was back in his car, but it had crashed into a tree. The police had already arrived. It appeared that Coke had got drunk and lost control of his car. The police had found several files marked “Top Secret” in his car. Coke had never seen them before. The police also found Coke had deposited more than 2,000 in his bank account a few weeks before. Coke had known nothing of the money. The bank said the cheques had arrived by post with Cokes signature. Nobody believed Coke's story. It appeared he had sold secrets for money and was going to do so again the night he had crashed. Masters denied he had ever told Coke to go to Epping Forest. This is what Coke wanted to ask questions about now.
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Where had Coke gone one evening?
2. Why had Coke gone to a lonely place in Epping Forest?
3. What happened when Coke was waiting in Epping Forest?
4. What did the police find in the car and in the bank?
5. Was Coke guilty?
3. Подберите заголовок к тексту:
1) The man who escaped.
2) Elections.
3) John's composition.
Административная контрольная работа
По английскому языку для студентов 3-го курса
Специальности 030503 «Правоведение».
Инструкция по выполнению заданий: на выполнение заданий
отведется 40 минут.
Задание | Балл | Оценка |
1 | 5 | 10 баллов- «5» |
2 | 3 | 9-7 баллов- «4» |
3 | 2 | 6-5 баллов- «3» |
Менее 5 баллов- «2» |
.1. Прочитайте, переведите текст.
There was a window in the roof. It was closed but not locked. Coke managed to get it open and peered down into the dark garage below. It was completely dark inside the garage. He knew that the secrets were in the office. But where is the office? Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized that he was not alone in the garage.
Before he could turn around, someone grabbed him from behind and someone else shone a powerful light into his eyes. He was blinded. Then there was an explosion of pain in his head. He realized, just before he lost his consciousness, that what had happened in Epping Forest was happening to him all over again.
He was lying on the floor of the garage. He heard loud voices. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kate tied to a chair. Four men were standing above him. One of them was Masters, looking pale and frightened. He was listening to a short blond man. Coke knew it must be Hugo himself. Hugo was shouting.
Coke tried to get up but his hands were tied. His head hurt terribly. Hugo looked at him like a shark inspecting his dinner. It seemed there was nothing Coke could do and nobody who could help him.
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How did Coke manage to get into the garage?
2. Where were the secret documents?
3. Was he alone in the garage?
4. Where was Kate?
5. Who was a short blond man?
3. Подберите заголовок к тексту:
1) The monkey detective.
2) The man who escaped.
3) Constitution.
Административная контрольная работа
По английскому языку для студентов 3-го курса
Специальности 030503 «Правоведение».
Инструкция по выполнению заданий: на выполнение заданий
отведется 40 минут.
Задание | Балл | Оценка |
1 | 5 | 10 баллов- «5» |
2 | 3 | 9-7 баллов- «4» |
3 | 2 | 6-5 баллов- «3» |
Менее 5 баллов- «2» |
1. Прочитайте, переведите текст.
Coke tried to get up but his hands were tied. His head hurt terribly. Hugo looked at him like a shark inspecting his dinner. It seemed there was nothing Coke could do and nobody who could help him. Hugo took out a revolver. He came closer to Coke and aimed the revolver carefully at his head.
Suddenly there was a terrific crash as three policemen broke down the side door of the garage. Suddenly, everybody stopped. Nobody made a move. The policeman came to Hugo. “Your revolver, please”, he said. “I was only protecting my property. This man broke in. That girl helped him. Send him back to prison!” Hugo answered. “We've followed you everywhere for days; that's why we are here now. We've heard everything you've said”. The policemen moved forward and seized Hugo, Masters and three men.
Before Hugo could protest, he and the others were led away. “What we know now already proves you were innocent”, he said. Then he untied Coke's hands. Coke was a free man again.
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How did Hugo look at Coke?
2. Where did Hugo aim the revolver?
3. What did they hear suddenly?
4. Was Coke innocent?
5. Was Coke a free man again?
3. Подберите заголовок к тексту:
1) Holidays.
2) Hugo.
3) The man who escaped.
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