Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку №1
Предварительный просмотр:
Административная контрольная работа (лексико-грамматический тест)
по английскому языку за II четверть
ученика (цы) 8 класса «А»
средней школы №16
г. Сергиев Посад
I.Translate into English.
беден как церковная мышь хорошо проводить время
обладающий чувством юмора сдержать обещание
дорогой, но бесполезный подарок потрясающие новости
грустить, быть в плохом настроении быть в растерянности
II. Сomplete the sentences using the right preposition.
- Remember to turn the lights… before you go to bed. 2. She turned… to be a friend of my sister. 3. They turned… the water while they were repairing the pipe. 4. The burglars turned …the house. 5. He couldn’t sleep and turned… in bed. 6. I can’t hear the radio very well. Can you turn it… a bit? 7. Here comes the bell and the children rush… of the school.9. Don’t rush… . I haven’t finished yet.10. « We’ve got great news! » the children cried rushing… the room.
III. Open the brackets to make the story complete.
In 1718 Defoe (be) nearly 60 years old. He (live) a full and interesting life by that time. He (be) to many countries, (try) many professions, (write) many books. That year London (discuss) Alexander Selkirk, а sailor who (spend) more than four years on a desert island off the coast of Chili. He (live) alone on that island all those years and managed not only (stay) alive but also (make) himself fairly comfortable. At last he ((rescue) by the sailors of a ship that (arrive) at that island for water. When Alexander Selkirk (return) to London he (speak) much about what (happen) to him. Some of his stories (publish), (read) and soon (forget).A few years later practically nobody (remember) what he (speak) about or he (be). But Defoe (not forget). He (turn) to writing a story of a shipwrecked man. He (choose) an island in a different part of the world and (create) Robinson Crusoe. With his skill of a journalist he made his story (seem) absolutely true.
Nowadays there is hardly a person who (not hear) of Robinson Crusoe, while the true story of Selkirk (not be) known to many people.
IV. Put in articles where necessary.
- Shall I pass you… salt? 2. Is that… book you bought yesterday? 3. Why is Andrew in such… hurry? 4. In… village where I live there are no cinemas. 5…. weather is fine today. … sky is blue and …sun is shining brightly.6. -Look! Ann is wearing… new dress-It’s not new. It’s… old dress her aunt gave her. 7 …kangaroo is …typical Australian animal. 8.-Do you often listen to …radio?-No, I usually watch… telly. 9. Have you ever told …lie? 10. What… pity! She has never been to the Bolshoi Theatre.
V. Choose the right tense: present perfect, past perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous.
1. Someone (has used /has been using) my computer and (has broken/ has been breaking).
2. I found a baby bird in our garden. It (had fallen/ had been falling) out of the nest.
3. Here you are! I (have looked /have been looking) everywhere for you.
4. Jill (had been drawing /had drawn) sketches for two years before she painted her famous landscape.
5. They (have built /have been building) their cottage for three years already.
VI. Express the same in English.
1.Мы писали упражнение около часа, когда зазвонил телефон.
2.К пяти часам Джером(Jerome) и его друзья упаковали вещи.
3.Музыка звучит громко. Сделай звук телевизора потише.
4.К шести часам мы закончим этот перевод. Не волнуйся.
5.Извини, что я опоздала. Сколько времени ты меня ждешь?
Предварительный просмотр:
Административная контрольная работа (лексико-грамматический тест)
по английскому языку за III четверть
ученика (цы) 8 класса «А»
средней школы №16
г. Сергиев Посад
I.Translate into English.
Произвести на кого-то впечатление обитатели этого города
Содержание книги появиться в поле зрения
Требуется кому-то…чтобы отремонтировать телевизор
Исторический роман намазать масло на кусочек хлеба
Новое издание книги золотистые волосы
II. Сhange the following active constructions into passive ones.
1.The teacher had to explain this difficult rule twice.2.The don’t grow fruit in this part of the country.3.They are performing a new piece of jazz.4.They have designed new scenery for the play.5.They laughed at her funny hat.6.The producer sent for the leading actress to start the rehearsal.7.They speak a lot about the new ballet.
III. Open the brackets to make the story complete.
The Lion and the Stoat
Far away in a small country, there lived two artists- a stoat and a lion. They (be) both good painters, but each of them (think) that he (can) (paint) better. One day the lion (say) to the stoat,”I (paint) pictures for 10 years next month. (Meet) me in the market square in a month at noon. Each of us (bring) a painting and the public (be) the judge.” The stoat (agree).
On the day of the contest the whole town (come) to the market place. The two paintings (hang) on a wall, each (cover) by a curtain. ”I (show) my painting first,” (cry) the lion, and he (draw) back the curtain. The crowd (begin) (clap). Suddenly some birds (fly) down the painting and (try) to peck at the grapes in the picture.
“I (win),” (roar) the lion. ”My painting (look) so real that it (fool) the birds! And what (be) behind that curtain of yours?”
The stoat (smile). “There (be) no curtain. It’s my painting of a velvet curtain. The grapes in your picture (fool) and my picture (fool) you.”
IV. Put in articles where necessary.
1. It was… late night when I finished working.2.In… daytime birds are always busy looking for their food.3.She remembered…summer evening when they walked together in the fields.4.We left London…next morning and it was at…midday when we reached Edinburgh.5.On…hot morning last July they had a great outdoor party.6.The picture looked different by… daylight.7.It was…high noon but Susie was still asleep.
V. Express the same in English.
1.На английском языке говорят во всем мире.
2.Письма вчера не отправили.
3.Рассказ скоро напишут.
4.Содержание этой книги следует обсудить.
5.Такие игрушки сейчас не делают.
6.Новую библиотеку уже построили на нашей улице.
7.Он сказал, что эту картину продали.
Предварительный просмотр:
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку за I четверть в 8 «А» классе.
I.Translate into English.
быть связанным с кем-то осуществить мечту
быть разочарованным чем-то выше среднего
быть грубым с кем-то старомодная одежда
современный автомобиль
II. Choose the right word.
1. This idiom is very seldom used nowadays. It is… (up-to-date/ old-fashioned).
2. I don’t often play the piano I am out of… (practice/practise).
3. I don’t think Mr Potter will be able to understand all the reports. He doesn’t know French.
We’ll need a… (a translator /an interpreter).
4. What is the usual…( dictionary/ vocabulary) of an average five-year-old child?
5. It took me a very long time to get…(over/ down) the shock of her death.
6. She thought she heard a name. She couldn’t (get/make) it out.
III. Open the brackets to make the story complete.
Mark Twain, the famous American writer, (1.travel) in France. Once he (2. go) by train to Dijon. That afternoon he (3.be) very tired and (4. want) (5. sleep). He (6. ask) the conductor (7. wake) him up. «Oh, I (8. forget) (9. tell) you, » he (10. go) on. «I probably (11.protest) loudly when you (12.try) (13. do) it», Mark Twаin (14. tell) the conductor. « (15. not, listen) to me, just (16. put) me off». After that the writer (17. fall) asleep.
When he (18. wake) up he realized that the train (19. be) in Paris already. He (20.get) angry. He(21.run) to the conductor and (22. begun) (23. shout) at him. The conductor (24. stand) (25.look) calmly at him. You (26. not, surprise) me he said. «You (27.be) not half so angry as the American whom I (28. put) off the train at Dijon».
IV. Put in articles where necessary.
1. I would like her to have…sausage sandwich. 2. We are looking for… place to spend…night. 3. Who is standing at…door? 4….history of… world is… history of the war.5.Could you pass me…sugar, please. 6….earth doesn’t belong to us. 7…lion is wild animal. 8. «That’s …man we met last night». 9. How much are… apples?-They are 90p…. kilo. 10. He is sure he is going to become…millionaire one day.
V. Write in the plural.
A ski, a potato, a mouse, a tooth, a roof, a wolf, a sky, a video, a buffalo, a lady, a play.
VI. Express the same in English.
1 .Мы никогда не учим слова по отдельности (изолированно).
2. He читай такие сложные книги. Ты не справишься с языком.
3. Сколько слов одновременно (за один раз) ты сможешь запомнить? - Боюсь, не знаю.
4. Когда пришла почта?
5. «Джон, если ты не выучишь эти идиомы наизусть, ты разочаруешь нас»,- сказали родители своему сыну.
VII. Listen to the story « Does it make any difference? » and put a tick in the right column. Make sure you know these words and expressions.
- Sunset- закат
- In the distance-на расстоянии
- Lean down- сгибаться, нагибаться
- Pick up-поднимать
- Starfish-морская звезда
1. John was walking down the beach. Т F
2. John saw a man throw something into the ocean.
3. John didn’t say anything to the man.
4. John began throwing starfish into the ocean.
5. The man said he didn’t want the starfish to die.
6. John was sure that helping those starfish didn’t make any difference.
7. The man said his help made a difference to those starfish which he had helped.
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