сценарий открытого урока по теме: "Олимпийские игры"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 7 класс) на тему
добавление к конспекту урока по теме: "Олимпийские игры"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий урока
Организационный этап. Взаимное приветствие. Рапорт дежурного.
T: Good morning, students!
S: Good morning, teacher!
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 5-th of December.
T: Who is absent?
S: …is absent.
Вводно-мотивационный этап. Вступительное слово учителя.
T: Today we are having an unusual start of the lesson. I want you to guess the theme of the lesson yourselves. But of course I’ll give you some prompts in help. Let’s listen to some pieces of music and then give some suggestions about the subject of the lesson.
Учащиеся слушают отрывки из песен, ставших популярными на олимпиадах и по ключевым словам догадываются о теме урока.
Ss: We think the theme of our lesson is… Высказывают разные предложения
Учитель показывает тему урока на слайде.
T: How do you think what we are going to do at the lesson, what our main goals and tasks are?
Учащиеся высказывают предположения о видах работы. Например:
S1: I think we will read and translate.
S2: In my view, we are going to listen to the teacher and speak English.
S3: I am sure, we will make presentations, because they are our home task.
T: Of course, we will do many interesting things and solve many tasks. Look at the next slide and you’ll see the main goals of the lesson. Учащиеся читают и переводят предложенные учителем цели и сравнивают с их предположениями.
T: As you know, Olympics are a great sports event. I am sure you like sport but I’d like to check how well you know some things about sport.
The first task is to complete the table, give the right words for sportsmen and places for doing sports. Учащиеся смотрят на слайд и устно заполняют таблицу
Sport | Sportsperson | Place |
athletics | ||
football | ||
tennis | ||
swimming | ||
sailing | ||
cycling |
T: The next task for you is to guess a particular sport by its description. Don’t forget to mention the right key words or phrases after listening. Учащиеся слушают загадки и предлагают ответы, подтверждая догадки ключевыми словами и фразами.
Guess what sports and games are described:
- the sport of fighting with fists;
- the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
- the sport of one who swims;
- the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
- a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
- the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
- the sport of going on horseback;
- a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field
- an outdoor game, popular in Britain played in summer with a small ball by two teams of 11 players each, usually dressed in white.
- a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.
T: At last the third task is to look at the pictures of the presentation and give the name of the sport and equipment for each of it.
Учащиеся смотрят на слайды и называют виды спорта и снаряжение к каждому из них.
- badminton/ a shuttlecock and a racket
- basketball/ a basketball and a ring
- boxing/ boxing gloves
- volley-ball/ a volleyball and a high net
- golf/ a club and a ball
- skating/ skates
- rowing/ a boat and a scull
- skiing/ skis
- table tennis/ a racket and a ball
10) surfing/ a surfing board
11) ice hockey/ a stick and a puck
12) yachting/ a yacht
13) tennis/ a racket, a ball and a low net
Технологический этап:
T: I see that you like sport and know much about it. It’s high time to come closer to the theme of our lesson. What do you know about Olympics and their history. Учащиеся видят вопросительные слова на слайде и предлагают свои ответы.
T: To check your suggestions and knowledge you should read the text. Besides, you should put some signs while reading to choose some information. Put plus if the information you have read is familiar to you, exclamation mark if you’ve read something interesting and question mark if you would like to read more about the subject. На доске учащиеся видят нужные фразы, с помощью которых они смогут сформулировать свои ответы после прочтения текста.
+ I’ve already known that…
! It was interesting to learn that…
? I would like to know more about…
T: This text may have some new words for you. Look, they are in front of you on the desks. Will you repeat them after me. At home you should rewrite them into your book-vocabularies. Учащиеся читают за учителем слова к тексту.
New words for the text
ancient - древний
Greece - Греция
several - несколько
saluting - приветствие
event - событие
footrace – состязание по ходьбе
to compete - соревноваться
A.D. – н.э.
emperor – император
Pierre de Coubertin – Пьер де Кубертен
nobleman – благородный человек, титулованное лицо
managed – смог, справился
added - добавлен
were included – были включены
torch - факел
linked - соединённые
unit - союз
motto - девиз
take part – принимать участие
replaced - заменены
Учащиеся читают текст и маркируют его
History of the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years. For the ancient Greeks the Games were a way of saluting their gods. Only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics – a footrace of about 183 metres. Only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. In 394 AD the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor.
Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. He managed to organize the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Of course, they were held in Greece to symbolize the centuries-old tradition.
The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. Many sports have been added.
In 1926 Winter Olympics were included. They are held two years after the Summer Games. At the Winter Olympic Games, many countries take part in competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and other winter sports.
The main symbols of Olympic Games are the Torch and five linked Rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours. The rings symbolize the unit of five parts of the world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Asia and show the international character of the Olympic Games.
The Olympic motto can be described in the words: “The important thing is not winning but taking part.” The Olympic Games have become the most important sports event in the world. For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based.
T: OK, have you managed the text? Let’s see what information have you learnt, what was interesting and surprising for you.
Учащиеся анализируют текст, используя свою маркировку и фразы на доске.
T: Well, you were very curious and attentive. We’ve learnt how everything started. And what can you tell us about the latest Olympic Games? What sportsmen from Saint-Petersburg won at these Olympics?
Will you present your works.
Учащиеся показывают презентации о Лондонской олимпиаде и спортсменах победителях
T: Now you know much about the history of the Olympics. But not all people agree that the Olympic Games are useful and necessary events in the world of sport. Open the textbook at page 30 ex1. Let’s read some opinions in the short texts. What do children say for or against the Olympics? Учащиеся читают короткие тексты в учебнике и находят необходимую информацию. What opinions do you support?
I offer you to make debates. Let’s divide into two teams. One team will be for Olympic Games and the other against. You will state your positions in turn but don’t forget to be polite and attentive to each other. Some expressions on the blackboard will help you. You can use your notes in the copy-books.
Учащиеся делятся на две команды и начинают дебаты, пользуясь фразами на доске.
Giving your opinion Disagreeing with somebody
- I suppose (that); - I’m afraid I don’t agree;
- In my opinion; - I agree with you but…;
- In my view; - I’m not sure about it;
- I am sure that; - I see the things differently myself;
- As I see it…; - It’s a good idea but…;
- What I am trying to say is…; - I understand you but…;
- My idea is (that)… - Yes, but…;
- As far as I know - I don’t think you are right;
- To my mind - I can’t agree with you there;
- On the contrary;
- On the other hand…
T: The time of the debates is over. Let’s sum up the result. There are a lot of pluses and minuses of the Olympics. But I think Olympic Games are a great international event. I want to see your real attitude to this subject. I offer you to finish the sentence which you can see on the blackboard: “I think the Olympic Games are…”
T: At the end of our lesson I would like you to put a mark to each other and mention what activity at the lesson you have liked most of all.
Учащиеся высказываются по результатам работы, отмечают ответы друг друга и понравившиеся виды деятельности.
T: All right. Now I can reward you with gold, silver and bronze medals according to the results of your work at the lesson. Thank you. If you work well you will be always the winners!
For homework you should take the paper with the text “The history of the Olympic Games”. You have marked some information with the question sign. At home you will have opportunity to find more information on the subject and at the next lesson present it for us. Don’t forget about the new words of the text.
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