Разработка урока "Музыка и МР3 плейер"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Островская Светлана Владимировна

Урок посвящен обсуждению модному у подростков акссесуару  и роли музыки в жизни человека.


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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
Музыкальная академия

Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей

Современно, удобно, эффективно

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Almost 25% of Australians have hearing problems caused by the excessive volume level when listening to music on the MP3 players. This is confirmed by studies by the National Acoustic Laboratory commissioned by the Australian Government. In general, young people from the deaf players. Doctors sound alarm. It was found that up to 39% of young Australians (aged 18 to 24 years) listen inventories players for at least an hour a day. Half of them (42%) said that they include with the excessive volume. It is a volume 80 decibels, which is slightly inferior to the noise, which causes a jackhammer. The maximum volume of the modern players has reached 105 decibels. It should be noted that similar results were demonstrated in other developed countries - including the UK and the U.S. In the United States, found that on hearing a negative impact not only the players, but also mobile phones with headphones. Despite all the obvious problems, Australian doctors are skeptical that the survey results to somehow influence the young people. According to them, it will take years to clear out all the damage from listening to music at high volume. Therefore, they offer at least abandon the constant use of headphones."If young people will listen to music for short periods or to pause, it can improve the situation," - experts say. They also warn that the first signal of the need to lower the volume usually is ringing in the ears. In this case it is better off player.


It is almost impossible to present modern life without music. And where music, there are the earphones, allowing to enjoy favourite melodies in any place, at any time, without giving to troubles to people around.

Harm from earphones is directly connected with their function on a sound transmission, especially, very loud sound.

Because the majority of fans of music prefer to include a sound more loudly, and listen to music thus long enough, eventually such situation by all means starts to affect hearing level. The hearing falls, very often there is it sharply, literally in few days.

How not to lose hearing?

There are recommendations which will help to keep hearing and, at the same time, not to refuse favourite earphones.

Will reduce loudness! Experts advise to limit listening of music by 60 minutes in day (less – better).

Despite convenience and quality of modern earphones, it is necessary to remember that listening of loud music through them inevitably conducts to hearing fall. And to return itself excellent hearing it is necessary to pass serious and long treatment. Best of all: not to bring matters to such situation and to protect that health which we have.

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