Конспект урока и презентация к нему по теме "Места обитания животных" для 5 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока английского языка
«Animal Homes»
к учебнику «Английский в фокусе 5» авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко , Д. Ваулина.
Учитель: Румянцева Татьяна Александровна
Тема урока: «Урок чтения. Места обитания животных»
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цель урока: извлечение информации.
Задачи урока: 1) обучающая: обучить детей вести беседу по теме
2) развивающая: развить у учащихся навыки использования лексических и грамматических структур, развить навыки извлечения основной информации из текста
3) воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению природы, животного мира
Оборудование: компьютер, презентация, карточки с текстом, учебник «Английский в фокусе 5» авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко , Д. Ваулина.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
Goodmorning! I am glad to see you! Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
Today we shall read the text «Animal Homes» (учащимся сообщается цель урока)
2. Проверка домашнего задания (что было непонятно, почему, объяснение заданий, которые вызвали затруднения).
3. Основной этап (Работа в группах):
Look at the screen and answer my questions: Do you know them? Name animals. (Слайд 2, 3)
Answer my questions: How do you think: where do they live? (Cлайд 4,5).
Работа в группах. Трем группам выдаются карточки с текстом. Ученики работают с текстом, затем коротко выражают смысл прочитанного и отвечают на вопросы по тексту ( на экране параллельно отображается текст, с которым работали ученики). Тексты выдаются учителем с учетом подготовленности детей в каждой группе.
1 группа : (слайд 6,7)
Read the text: (раздаточные карточки с текстом):
«Many animals like the protection and shelter of rock caves for homes.
Tigers are the largest member of the cat family. There are many types of tigers mostly living in southern continents such as Asia.
Some bears, like the brown bear, like to live in mountainous areas where caves provide a good shelter.
They like to live in mountainous regions where caves provide shelter from the heat.
Many bats live in caves where they are sheltered from light during the day. They hang upside down hooking their feet into cracks in the roof of a cave or in a hollow tree.
Many domestic animals live on farms. Their home is usually a barn or some form of pen. Most animals raised on farms are used to provide milk or food, but some of them like the horse, can also be used to help with farm work.
The cow is a very common farm animal. There are many types of cows. Some cows are used to provide milk and cream, which in turn is used to make other foods such as cheese. Other cows are raised for beef.
People ride horse for fun or to help with farm work. Horses can also be used to plough fields. Many horses are used for sport, such as horse racing.»
2 группа: (слайд 8,9)
Read the text: (раздаточные карточки с текстом):
«Nests are built by birds and other animals, as a home for themselves and especially for their eggs.
Most nests are bowl-shaped and built in tree branches, on the ground, or even in buildings. They are made of twigs, leaves, and grass held together with mud or saliva.
About two-thirds of the Earth is covered with water. This is home for many of the Earth's creatures.
A wide variety of fish live in the sea. Many types of fish live in fresh water like rivers and lakes. Other types of fish live in the salt water of the oceans and seas.
Although whales and dolphins live in water, they are mammals. They cannot breathe under water. They must come to the surface to breathe air.»
3 группа: (слайд 10,11)
Read the text: (раздаточные карточки с текстом):
«Animals often make homes in old hollowed out trees. The tree provides both shelter and protection from other animals and predators.
Many animals live in peoples' houses as pets or companions.
Dogs and cats are very common pets. Most live in the home of their owner.
There are many other types of pets living in their owner's home, such as fish, hamsters, birds, and even unusual pets like snakes and lizards».
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Закрепление лексики.
После чтения текста учащиеся выполняют упражнения к тексту (выражают основную идею и тему текста) (слайд 12).
Make the dialogue “What do you know about animal homes?” (учащиеся составляют короткие диалоги между группами по теме урока).
6. Подведение итогов:
Do you like this text? (учащиеся выражают свое отношение к тексту)
- Что нового интересного узнали на сегодняшнем уроке?
- Что особенно понравилось? Что запомнили?
7. Инструктаж домашнего задания. Учитель подробно объясняет материал, заданный на дом.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Do you know them? Name animals
Do you know them? Name animals
Where do they live? Water homes Tree homes Nests Rock caves Houses Barn
Animal Homes Animals live in a variety of different kinds of homes from holes in the ground, to caves, to nests and trees. Come explore where some animals live. Rock Caves Tree Homes Water Homes Nests Houses Barn
Many animals like the protection and shelter of rock caves for homes. Some bears , like the brown bear , like to live in mountainous areas where caves provide a good shelter . Tigers are the largest member of the cat family . There are many types of tigers mostly living in southern continents such as Asia . They like to live in mountainous regions where caves provide shelter from the heat . Many bats live in caves where they are sheltered from light during the day . They hang upside down hooking their feet into cracks in the roof of a cave or in a hollow tree .
Many domestic animals live on farms. Their home is usually a barn or some form of pen. Most animals raised on farms are used to provide milk or food, but some of them like the horse, can also be used to help with farm work. People ride horse for fun or to help with farm work . Horses can also be used to plough fields . Many horses are used for sport , such as horse racing . The cow is a very common farm animal . There are many types of cows . Some cows are used to provide milk and cream , which in turn is used to make other foods such as cheese . Other cows are raised for beef .
Nests Nests are built by birds and other animals, as a home for themselves and especially for their eggs. Most nests are bowl-shaped and built in tree branches, on the ground, or even in buildings. They are made of twigs, leaves, and grass held together with mud or saliva.
About two-thirds of the Earth is covered with water. This is home for many of the Earth's creatures A wide variety of fish live in the sea . Many types of fish live in fresh water like rivers and lakes . Other types of fish live in the salt water of the oceans and seas . Although whales and dolphins live in water , they are mammals . They cannot breathe under water . They must come to the surface to breathe air .
Many animals live in peoples' homes as pets. Dogs and cats are very common pets . Most live in the home of their owner . There are many other types of pets living in their owner's home , such as fish , hamsters , birds , and even unusual pets like snakes and lizards .
Tree Homes Animals often make homes in old hollowed out trees. The tree provides both shelter and protection from other animals and predators. Owl Snake Monkey and Chimpanzee Squirrel
Where do they live?
Thanks for your attention.
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