презентация The Tower of L ondon
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презентация The Tower of London


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Слайд 1

The Tower of L ondon The Tower of London was build in 1070 by William the Conqueror, after his victory at Hastings in 1066.

Слайд 2

The area around the White Tower was cleared so that anyone approaching would have to cross open ground . The White Tower is the oldest part of the fortress

Слайд 3

Inner ward Outer ward The inner wall had 13 towers and the outer wall another 6. The towers were mostly used to imprison political opponents.

Слайд 4

The main entrance of the Tower of London is at the Byward Tower, where you'll find the so-called Beefeaters. The Byward Tower Dressed in historic clothes, they not only guard the tower, but also give guided tours of the fortress.

Слайд 5

One of the about 40 beefeaters is the Ravenmaster , responsible for the ravens that have been living here for centuries . Legend says it that the Tower and the kingdom will fall if the ravens leave . King Charles II placed the birds under royal protection and the wings of the ravens are clipped to prevent them from flying away .

Слайд 6

Crown Jewels The most famous tourist attraction in the Tower of London is the collection of Crown Jewels.

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