Food and drinks
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Form: 5-B
Date: 06.12.2011
Objectives: to develop communicative skills using the active vocabulary on the topic; to practise reading skills and check up pupils’ understanding; to revise pupils’ vocabulary on the topic; to shape pupils’ attitude to food; to develop pupils’ interest to learning English and have them understand the importance of having a good command of English.
Aids: flash cards, posters, copybooks.
T: Good morning! Glad to see you at the English lesson (P: Glad to see you too). Sit down, please. How are you? (P: We’re fine. And what about you?) I’m excellent!
T: Do you know why I am in a good mood? Because I’m sure everybody is interested in the topic of today’s lesson. One can hardly live without food and drink. Well, today we are going to improve your skills in speaking, reading, listening and writing and use your knowledge of vocabulary.
You should be able to order meals, to have a great piece of creative work, a great fun and pleasure. We will make a trip to “Food&Drinks” café. Are you ready to start?
P: Yes, we are ready!
- Mind map
T: I propose to start a trip. Let’s live your homes for a café with some knowledge about meals. Answer my questions and make a mind map.
- What kind of meals do you know?
- When do you usually have meals?
- Where do you usually have meals? (mind map)
T: Well done! You’ve just leave home.
- Taxi
T: Now in order to take the taxi to get to the café let’s remind the names of food and drinks (flash cards). Find the names of fruit and vegetables and write them down (snake). You’re right! You are in the car!
- Traffic lights
T: Traffic is too difficult and dangerous so you have to be careful and attentive. Go on in groups. Match the parts of the words or word combinations to make up your colour of traffic light (traffic lights). Do your traffic light on the blackboard? You are a good passengers! Let’s go ahead!
- Café
T: Pay for a taxi. Read and translate the word combinations (Lions poster).
So, look at the pictures and say, how does it taste (pictures). OK, you're in front of the café!
- Free places
T: But there are no places at the café. Read the text and match the food with a festival to free the places (Discover English – discover culture). Well done! So here is your table!
- Table manners
T: I think it’s high time to review your knowledge of table manners. Do you always follow the rules? What is the first rule before you having meals?
P: 1. Wash your hands before meals.
2. Wash fruit and vegetables before eating.
3. Eat fresh food.
4. Eat the right food.
T: OK, and what about table manners?
P: 1. You must sit up straight at the table.
2. You must eat with a knife and fork.
3. You must not eat with your fingers.
4. You must not lick your fingers.
5. You must put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate after finishing to eat.
6. You must not put your elbows on the table. It’s not polite.
7. You must not talk with your mouth full.
8. You should say “Thank you” after the meal.
T: Very good! You are ready to get the menu
- Menu
T: Now read the menu. Dan, Bob, Ben and Jenny came to the café. Say me please what does every person drink and eat (Pupils do). So you are ready to order!
- Order
T: Order you food and drinks. Make up your own dialogues in group of 4 people (Pupils make their dialogues and act out them). OK, wait for a minute!
- Salad eaten bingo
T: Write down 5 of your favourite food or drinks. Listen to me. If you hear yours – tick it. When you have finished shout “BINGO”!
- The main course “Believe it or not”
T:Listen and say which of the following sentences are true. Use your cards: green – agree, red – disagree. Then check your answers.
- Over 5 mln kg of crisps are eaten in Britain every week.
- People in Britain are buying 20% less food from supermarkets today then they did ten years ago.
- 3. The British spend about one and half billion pounds a year on hamburgers. double what they spend on medicines. 4. There are more Chinese take-aways than there are fish and chip shops in the UK. 5. The biggest owner of pubs in Britain is Japanese Bank.
6. One of the most successful food programmes on TV recently was called “Two Fat Ladies”. It celebrated some of the richest, heaviest, fattiest foods in British and world cooking. 7. In 1997, a frozen food company started selling chocolate-flavoured carrots and pizza-flavoured sweet corn to encourage children to eat fresh vegetables. 8. Just over half the restaurants in Britain are fast food.
- The second course “Game “Always, Sometimes, Never”
T: I have full of food and drinks basket and give it to you. You have to take out one card, look and say:
You can always eat (drink)… (apples, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, mineral water…)
You can eat (drink)… (sweets, coffee, chocolate…) sometimes.
Never eat (drink)… (oil, washing powder, soda).
- Dessert
T: Dessert will be your home work – make up a recipe of your favourite dish and drink. Do it in a creative way.
T: It’s great to have such a tasty lesson! Draw your face on the stickers cards on your desks and stick it on the blackboard. Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. Each of you were very good today! You marks are the following… Good bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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