Проект" Львы в Лондоне"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Цель данного проекта- формирование социокультурной компетенции у учащихся.Так как лев на протяжении многих веков является символом королевской власти в Соединённом королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, его образ отображён в скульптурных и архитектурных памятниках и связан со многими историческими и культурными событиями в стране.Проект не только пополняет знания о стране изучаемого языка, но и развивает коммуникативные способности у учащихся. умение выделять культурно-специфические особенности в моделях развития разных стран.
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Цели и задачи проекта: Цель : формирование социо-культурной компетенции у учащихся. Задачи: 1) формирование навыка коммуникативной компетенции. 2) увеличение словарного запаса за счет расширения рамок тематики. 3) формирование способности отбирать и критически анализировать отобранный материал. 4) обучение технике перевода. 5) повышение уровня познавательного интереса в изучении иностранного языка.
The Royal Coat of Arms. The royal Coat of Arms has evolved over 9 centuries. Lions had previously been used by the Norman dynasty as royal emblem. Henry 2 is thought to have used a coat with two Lions on it. His children experimented with different combinations of lions. Richard the Lion Heart used at first a single lion rampant on the red field. Later 3 golden lions passant guardant appeared in his Great Seal of England (1198) as a powerful symbol of English Throne and thus established the lasting design of the Royal Arms of England. The arms remained unchanged since 1837 (the reign of Queen Victoria).
Buckingham Palace has been a home for seven generations of British kings and queens and it is the symbol of the monarch. The Victoria Memorial, constructed in 1910-1912 is in front of Buckingham Palace. On the top of the monument there is the golden winged statue of Nika (Victory). The memorial ensemble includes bronze statues of Angels of Truth; Justice and Mercy. Lions, guarding secular traditions of British Monarchy are at their feet. Lions in front of Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square has always been one of the most visited places in London. In 1843 the 44-metre-high column with the statue of Admiral Nelson was raised to honor of the hero of Trafalgar battle. The four lions surrounding Admiral Nelson column appeared in Trafalgar Square later. Their sculptor is Edwin Landseer. The lions are six-metre-long and 6-metre-high. The sculptures of the lions were cast from French cannons. It is amazing that the sculptor has never seen a lion. He used his dog and a cat as the models for the statues. That’s why the lion has his tongue out much like a dog. Bronze lions in Trafalgar Square
The monument to Oliver Cromwell was sculptured by Sir W.Hamo Thornycroft in 1897. It stands outside the House of Commons of the UK. The lion on the base is marked 1899. The question whether or not Oliver Cromwell should have a statue was raised in the House of Commons in 1856. But the deserts of this great statesman couldn’t be underestimated. And the bronze lion is guarding the monument to his honor A lion in Oliver Cromwell’s monument
A winged lion in Holborn. The winged lion is one of the 4 bronze sculptures at the corners of the Victorian Holborn Viaduct in central London. Holborn Viaduct is a bridge in London. It was built in 1863 – 1869. The 4 winged sculptures each with its left paw resting on the globe were created by Farmer & Brindley. The Viaduct way was opened by the Queen Victoria. Holborn is an old London street where Charles Dickens lived.
At the end of Westminster Bridge we can see a lion which has been standing here since 1966, though it is much older. The lion is strong and bold. Since 1837 the sculpture had been standing above an English brewery painted in bright red color. It was made from artificial ant dirt stone. The stones were produced by the "Coade" company. During World War II, the brewery was destroyed but the lion was saved and put at the entrance to the Waterloo railway Station. The Lion at Westminster Bridge.
Britannia and a Lion A sculpture of a lion we can see in the monument to Britannia. Britannia is a female warrior carrying a trident and wearing a helmet. It personifies the British Empire. The lion is a symbol of royalty. This sculpture ensemble was created by Joseph Hermon С awthra, an English sculptor. The monument looks down on Piccadilly Circus in London. The building was originally occupied by the New County Fire offices.
Nine-metre-tall sculpture of a lion made from scaffold was opened on the lawn near the Bruce Castle Museum in the north of London. The statue is part of the project called Art-park. The figure of the lion stands on the base which is traditional for lion sculptures. But this lion is unique . The modern lion in the north of London
The lion at the British Museum. When tourists enter the British Museum they can’t see the sculpture of this severe lion which is guarding the museum from the northern side. The monument like the museum itself was designed in the Greek revival style which emulated classical Greek architecture. This style had become popular in Western Europe. The monument is made from Portland stone .
Lions in museums of London. We can see sculptures of lions not only in the streets or squares of London. There are many of them in museums. This marble lion is from Knidos (modern Turkey). The colossal lion weighs 6 tons. Made from one piece of marble it was mounted on a base crowning a funeral monument (394 BC). The lion was found in 1859 by the architect Richard Pollan and brought to England.
Lions in museums of London. These 3 silver lions are situated in the silver hall of the Victoria and Albert museum. The king of Denmark sold them only for 100 pounds.
Lions in museums of London. In the Tower you can see this golden lion of St. Mark. It is a symbol of Venice. It was brought to England as a trophy in a war but in 1801 returned back. May be it is a copy, may be not.
Источники информации: Cruises.about.com En.wikipedia.org Victorian.web.org Ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ www.oturkey.ru/photo/view-photo
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