Страноведческая игра-викторина "Что ты знаешь о Великобритании?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В игре участвует любое количество команд, в состав которых могут войти ученики разных классов или классов одной параллели.
Каждая команда получает маршрутный лист, с которым совершает путешествие по “станциям”. Количество станций соответствует количеству команд.
Получив маршрутные листы, команды расходятся по станциям для выполнения заданий. Движение команд по маршрутам начинается одновременно. Посещать станции
следует строго по маршрутному листу, чтобы команды не мешали друг другу. Выигрывает та команда, которая первой пройдет все станции и выполнит правильно все задания.
Кабинеты, где будут находиться станции, оформляются заранее. На дверь каждого кабинета прикрепляется табличка с названием станции. Помощники-консультанты – старшеклассники объясняют, контролируют и оценивают правильность выполнения заданий. После прохождения всех станций команды собираются вместе для подведения итогов и награждения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Пример маршрутного листа:
“The History of Great Britain”
“The Geography of Great Britain”
“The Literature of Great Britain”
“The Royal Family”
На станциях предлагается выполнить следующие задания:
“The History of Great Britain”
Оснащение: иллюстрации, отражающие историю Великобритании, тесты для каждой команды. Время выполнения задания – 5-10 минут.
Give the right answer:
When did the Trafalgar battle take place? (1805)
When was the Domesday Book written? (1086)
Who and when invented the telephone? (Bell, 1876)
When did the first stamp Penny Black come out? (1840)
When was the Independent Republic of Ireland formed in the South? (1922)
When did the State visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Russia take place? (1994, October 17-20)
When and by whom were England and Wales united? (1536, Henry VIII)
When did the Norman leader, known as “William the Conqueror”, became king of the whole of England? (1066)
When was Scotland united with England and Wales? (1651)
When was Ireland united with Britain? (1801)
“The Geography of Great Britain”
Оснащение: магнитофон, кассета, карточки с заданиями по содержанию текста, географическая карта Великобритании, разрезанная на фрагменты.
Команде предлагается разделиться на две группы. Первая слушает текст и выполняет задание, а вторая группа собирает из фрагментов карту Великобритании.
The British Isles are a group of islands lying off the north-west coast of the continent of Europe. The largest islands are great Britain and Ireland.
England, Wales and Scotland are in Great Britain; Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland. The larger part of Ireland is the Irish Republic.
There are no high mountains on the British islands. Ben Nevis in Scotland. The highest mountain, is 1,343 meters high. The northern part of Scotland is called Highlands, and the southern part is called Lowlands. The highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon. It is 1,085 meters high. In Ireland much of the land is low, but there are green hills and low mountains.
The British Isles have many rivers, but they are not very long. The Severn in England is the longest river. It is 350 kilometers long. It flows south-west into the Irish Sea.
There are many beautiful lakes, but no great forests in the British Isles today. The lakes are mostly in Scotland and north-west England. The sea is naturally most important to the British Isles and seaports play a great part in the life of the country.
Complete the sentences.
The British Isles are a group of islands lying off …of the continent of Europe.
(The north-west coast)
The largest islands are … (Great Britain and Ireland)
Northern Ireland is situated in the … (North-eastern part of Ireland)
Ben Nevis in … (Scotland)
It is … (1,343 meters high)
The northern part of Scotland is called… (Highlands)
The highest mountain in Wales is … (Snowdon)
It is … (1,085 meters high)
The Severn is the longest river. It is … long. (350 kilometers)
It flows south-west into the … (Irish Sea)
Оснащение: репродукции видов Лондона, карточки с заданиями, маркеры, чистые листы бумаги.
Task 1. Write the names of interesting places of London. You have got three minutes.
(Каждое правильно записанное слово приносит команде 1 балл.)
Task 2.Команде раздают репродукции и карточки с описанием мест. Учащиеся читают описание мест и сопоставляют их с репродукциями. На задание отводится 5 минут.
It is a place where the queen lives when she is in London. (Buckingham Palace)
It is a famous bridge across the Thames. (Tower Bridge)
It is the central square of London. (Trafalgar Square)
It is a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. The English can hear it every hour. (Big Ben)
You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old. It was a fortress, a prison, a palace and now it is a museum. (The Tower of London)
It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British kings and queens took place there. A lot of famous people are buried there. (Westminster Abbey)
It is a place where the British Government sits. (The Houses of Parliament)
You can see the national collection of British painting of all periods, and the national collection of modern sculpture, both British and foreign there. (The Tate gallery)
It is a square in the central part of London. (Piccadilly Circus)
It is the place where the official coins are made. It was situated in the tower of London until 1809. (Royal Mint)
“The Literature of Great Britain”
Оснащение: карточки с текстами заданий.
Станция оформлена портретами английских писателей и поэтов.
Task 1.Match:
a) William Shakespeare
b) Charles Dickens
c) Rudyard Kipling
d) Agatha Christie
e) Arthur Conan Doyle
1. He was a writer and a doctor.
2. This person has the distinction of being the world’s best selling writer.
3. He built the famous Globe Theatre.
4. He was a writer, a poet and a novelist.
5. He prepared to serve in the church but had to refuse from it.
Answer: 1e 2d 3a 4c 5b
Task 2.
a) Daniel Defoe
b) Jonathan Swift
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Alan Milne
e) Beatrix Potter
f) Robert Louis Stevenson
g) J.M. Barrie
h) Rudyard Kipling 1.”The Jungle Book”
2.”Alice”s Adventures in Wonderland”
3.”Gulliver’s Travels”
4.”Treasure Island”
5.”Robinson Crusoe”
7.”Peter Pan”
8.“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”
(Answer: 1h 2c 3b 4f 5a 6d 7g 8e)
“The Royal Family” Оснащение: фотографии и репродукции королевской семьи.
Task: Answer the questions.
1. Who introduced tobacco and potato to Europe? (Queen Elizabeth I)
2. Who did the State visit to Russia in 1994? (Queen Elizabeth II)
3. What is the official home of the British Royal Family? (Buckingham Palace in London)
4. What is the official title used in official writing after the name of a ruling British Queen? (R for rex or Regina)
5. What do you know about husband of the British queen, Queen Elizabeth II? (Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was born in the Greek Royal family, became a British citizen in 1947.)
6. Why and since what time is the eldest son of the King or Queen of England given the title of prince of Wales? (Since 1301 when Edward I of England defeated the native prince of Wales and named his son “Prince of Wales”)
1. Интернет-ресурсы. Английские писатели и поэты. Королевская семья Великобритании.
2. Книга для чтения к учебному изданию”Счастливый английский. Кн.2” для учащихся 7-9 кл. общеобразов. шк. – Обнинск: Титул, 2007. – 336с.: ил.
3. Мельникова Т.И. “Путешествие по Франции” Иностранные языки в школе. № 1, 2008.
4. Трофимова М.А. Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку. – М.: Глобус, 2008. – 217с. (Учение с увлечением)
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