Домашнее чтение. John Boyne "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" Workbook
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Homereading is one of the most important aspects in learning foreign languages. While reading books, not only students enlarge their vocabulary and grammar skills but they also get acquainted with the wonderful world of the British and American literature. Here you can find sets of questions and different classroom activities based on the books by modern and most popular British and American writers.
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Предварительный просмотр:
John Boyne «The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas»
Chapters 1 - 2
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
decent chaos to hesitate to snap at
a banister desolate to stroll to be determined
1. pause before saying or doing something _________________________________
2. a handrail at the side of a staircase. _____________________________________
3. walk in a leisurely way _______________________________________
4. having made a firm decision ___________________________________________
5. complete disorder and confusion _______________________________________
6. deserted of people _________________________________________________
7. socially correct ______________________________________________________
8. break suddenly and completely _________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
How To Make Up Questions
| |
Is he sleeping peacefully in that room? Did they write a long poem yesterday?
Is he sleeping or reading peacefully in that room? Did they write a long or a short poem yesterday?
What is he doing in that room? When did they write a long poem?
Who is sleeping peacefully in that room? Who (Which of them) wrote a long poem yesterday? |
He is sleeping peacefully in that room, isn’t he? They wrote a long poem yesterday, didn’t they?
I would like to know if he is peacefully in that room. I wonder where they wrote a long poem.
Is it true that he is sleeping in that room?
Explain why they wrote a long poem yesterday.
Prove that they wrote a long poem yesterday. |
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 1
- Find the proof of the following:
- Bruno's father doesn't have time for Bruno;
- Bruno's father is considered very important at work;
- Bruno doesn't like his sister very much;
- Bruno's mother doesn’t want to leave Berlin;
- Bruno's mother doesn't like Bruno's father's new job.
- Describe what we learn about the house in Berlin.
- Which other characters do we read about and what information do we learn?
Chapter 2
- Describe the new house and what Bruno thinks of it (his first impressions).
- What do we learn about the maids and waiter at the house? What might this suggest to the reader?
- Find the phrases which suggest Bruno is afraid of his father.
- Describe the soldier that Bruno and Maria see in the house. What are their reactions to him? What do you think of him?
Task IV. Writing
- Bruno's mother tells him to make the best of a bad situation. Write about a time when you had to do this.
Task V. Social Studies Connection:
Bruno talks about the «Fury» which is a mispronunciation of Fuhrer, the title given to the dictator Adolph Hitler. «The beautiful blonde woman» Bruno refers to is Eva Braun. Do some research to find out more about her and her relationship with Hitler.
Chapters 3 - 4
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
to admit to torture to acknowledge exasperation
desperately plaque to emerge
1. to accept or admit the truth ____________________________________
2. a plate, a sign ________________________________________
3. to confess to be true _______________________________________
4. to come out, appear _________________________________________
5. in despair, hopelessly ________________________________________
6. irritation, anger ______________________________________________
7. to cause severe pain ___________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 3
1. What are several of the things that Bruno does not like about his sister Gretel?
2. What method has Bruno developed to cope with his sister’s questions?
3. From where does Gretel get the phrase, “foreseeable future”? The phrase is used
with regard to what? How do she and Bruno interpret the phrase differently?
What does the father really mean by it?
4. How did the house get its name? Explain the name. What does it mean to Gretel
and Bruno?
5. Who were the other children to whom Bruno refers? Why had Gretel not seen
6. What do you think Maria is holding as she rushes out of the room? What is the
significance of this line?
7. Explain what Gretel saw. Why do you think so?
Chapter 2
1. What had Gretel and Bruno seen? What does Gretel want to know? What is the
real answer to her question?
2. Why is the bench turned to face the house? What might the plaque read?
3. Describe the fence. Describe what Gretel and Bruno saw just beyond it?
4. What is Gretel’s first explanation of the people and the place they see from the
window? How does Bruno refute her first explanation?
5. What things did Gretel and Bruno notice about the people? The children?
6. What does Gretel decide to do, and why? How did the view seem to affect her?
7. What does Bruno finally register in his mind, and what makes it “extraordinary”?
8. What have Bruno and Gretel just witnessed? Why are they here?
Task IV. Writing
Describe the relationship between Bruno and Gretel. What do they have in common? What differs them? How old are they? What are their interests? What is their attitude to what is happening around them?
Chapters 5 - 6
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
in awe of efficiency on many occasions to fade
frustration to tense deliberately to arrange
1. to tighten, stiffen __________________________________________
2. to become pale, lose colour ________________________________________
3. with admiration, respect and fear _______________________________________
4. intentionally, on purpose _____________________________________________
5. to sort, organize ___________________________________________________
6. disappointment, exasperation __________________________________________
7. organization, order, productivity _______________________________________
8. often, repeatedly _________________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 5
1. Explain Bruno’s mother’s comment, “We should never have let the Fury come to
dinner.” To whom was she referring when she said, “Some people and their
determination to get ahead”? What do you think happened at that dinner?
2. Contrast the two trains. What do you think was the purpose of the other train?
3. What seemed to be the problem with the person who had previously held Father’s
position? What solution was discussed? What was meant by, “…and if we build
another...imagine what we could do then”?
4. Describe the salute. What were the two words the men cried out?
5. What has Bruno concluded about why the Fury sent his father here? What does
Father explain?
Why is he getting increasingly impatient with Bruno?
6. Explain the father’s response to Bruno’s question, “Who are all those people
7. When Bruno salutes, “Heil Hitler,” what does he think it means? What does it
really mean?
Chapter 6
1. How has Maria always behaved? Why do you think she had been hesitant to get in
the car and accompany Mother and the children when they moved? In what way is
she is different?
2. What does Bruno mean by the metaphor of the leaking boat?
3. Why does Maria defend Father to Bruno? What does Bruno glimpse about Maria’s
life, and what does he realize about her?
4. How had Bruno treated Maria before? In what way has he imitated his Father
without realizing it?
5. What does Maria confide in Bruno? What does she wonder about Bruno’s father?
Finish, “He has a lot of kindness in his soul, truly he does, which makes me wonder
6. How has Bruno changed in just a few weeks?
7. What kind of trouble could Bruno cause for Maria? What is it that Maria wants to
do above everything else?
8. Why does Bruno stay in the driveway?
Task IV. Writing
Pretend that you are Bruno. Write a letter to your friends in Berlin explaining your new living conditions. This response must be at least two paragraphs.
June, 1942
Dear …………,
Keep in touch,
Chapters 7 - 8
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
Lieutenant to be well-groomed insolently bleeding
to dip (dipped, dipping) courtesy tolerant to slam
1. in a rude, ill-mannered way __________________________________________
2. put or let something down into smth. __________________________________
3. patient, open-minded _______________________________________
4. anofficer next in rank below cap ______________________________________
5. politeness, good manners ____________________________________________
6. loosing blood ____________________________________________________
7. shut/close noisily, with force._________________________________________
8. clean, tidy, and well dressed. __________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 7
1. Why does Mother not wish to discuss war?
2. What caused Bruno's former neighbor, Franz, to act so strangely?
3. What do learn about Gretel in this chapter?
4. What do we learn about Lieutenant Kotler?
5. In Chapter 7, we meet a new character, Pavel. What do we learn about him? What
kind of person is he?
6. What does Pavel mean when he says, “Just because a man glances up at the sky at
night does not make him an astronomer…? How does Bruno misunderstand the
word ‘practice’?
7. Why does Mother say to Pavel, “If the Commandant asks, we’ll say that I cleaned
Bruno up.”?
8. What is the difference between Kotler’s “little man” and Pavel’s “young man”?
Chapter 8
1. What do we learn about Bruno’s grandparents and their past from the first pages of
the chapter?
1. How do Mother and Grandfather react to Bruno’s father’s new uniform and his new
title of Commandant? Why is Grandfather so proud?
2. How is Grandmother’s reaction different? What does she mean when she says to
her son that he is dressing up like a puppet on a string without caring what it really
means? What does it really mean? Why does she find both her husband and son b
3. To what ‘terrible things’does Grandmother allude? But why does father call his son
a patriot?
4. Why do you think Mother is desperate for Bruno and Gretel to leave the room and
not hear what their grandmother says?
Task IV. Writing
Who is Herr Roller? What do we learn about him from Bruno and from Mother? Why do you think his story is included in the book?
Chapters 9 - 10
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
to put up with sinister to occur to be trapped
to squint forlorn to exaggerate to frown
1. to be captured, caught __________________________________________
2. unhappy, sad, miserable ________________________________________
3. threatening, frightening _______________________________________
4. to overstate, overplay, hyperbolize ___________________________________
5. to furrow one’s brow in an expression of disapproval or displeasure ___________
6. to take place, to happe_______________________________________
7. to narrow one’s eyes ___________________________________________
8. to accept, to take _____________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 9
1. What usual things went on at Out-With? Name at least five.
2. What interests Herr Liszt most of all? What does he want Bruno to study?
3. What occurred to Bruno after a few months at Out-With, and what does he finally
decide to do?
4. What does Bruno see happening in the camp?
5. What was Bruno’s mother’s and father’s admonition (warning)? Why did he try
to forget it?
Chapter 10
1. Describe Bruno’s walk along the fence. Why does he almost turn back?
2. Describe the boy Bruno meets. What are Bruno’s first impressions of the boy?
3. Describe the conversation the two boys have about their names. What is the
4. What fact of significance do the two boys find out about each other. What is the
narrator suggesting by making this a fact in the story?
5. What is revealed in the conversation about the difference in attitudes between
Shmuel’s mother and Bruno’s father?
6. What does Shmuel say about where he comes from?
Task IV. Writing
List ways the boys are similar to each other and ways they are different.
Similarities | Differences |
Chapters 11 - 12
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
to presume for the occasion to enunciate precisely
to usher embarrassment promptly to contradict
1. to accompany, to escort __________________________________________
2. to pronounce each word clearly________________________________________
3. to argue against, to oppose _______________________________________
4. at once, immediately _______________________________________________
5. for the event ___________________________
6. shyness ____________________________________________________
7. exactly, sharp ______________________________________________________
8. to suppose, to believe, to think _________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 11
1. How did Bruno’s mother react when his father said the Fury was coming to dinner?
What rules apply during the Fury’s visit?
2. How do the children dress for this important dinner?
3. Describe the Fury.
4. What does Bruno feel about the Fury as the evening begins and progresses? Why?
What does the Fury do that he finds offensive?
5. Why does the Fury roar as Eva is talking to the children? What does that tell about
6. The Fury and Eva are virtually opposites. What would draw them together as a
7. Put together the conversation between Father and Mother. How does she feel?
How does he?
Chapter 12
1. Where did Shmuel live before the camp?
2. How did life change for Shmuel before he was brought to the camp?
3. What different attitudes do the boys have to the armbands? What is the irony of the
wearing of the armbands?
4. How does Bruno identify with Shmuel’s story about his house? What is the irony
5. “Bruno opened his mouth to contradict him.” Why doesn’t Bruno believe Shmuel’s
6. In what way does Bruno’s innocence and lack of knowledge hamper him but make
him a better person? Why might it make him vulnerable?
7. What differences do you notice between Bruno and Shmuel? What is Bruno most
interested in? What is Shmuel? How does Bruno deal withShmuel? How does it
demonstrate his further lack of understanding?
8. What does Shmuel mean by “You’re on the wrong side of the fence?” Is he? What
does Bruno propose to do?
9. Why does Bruno decide not to tell his family about his new friend?
Task IV. Writing
In this part of the story, Bruno meets the Fury and his girlfriend. Tell about the incident evening. What impressions does he have of both and why? How is that evening a defining moment in his life? Give details from the story in your answer. (After Ch. 11)
What Is Irony?
Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.
It's a form of sarcasm. I can give you a few examples.
1. Fred is the only one who wants to eat at Joe's BBQ when the group goes. Later, Fred is the only one who gets food poisoning.
2. People on a plane listening to a song made by a band that died in a plane crash.
3. A teacher disappointed that her student already knows what she was intending on teaching them.
4. Spending all day looking for $10 to buy a book, then going to the store only to discover that it's $15.
Chapters 13 - 14
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
casual peckish scarlet vital
revival appropriate crucial sophistication
1. a little hungry __________________________________________
2. most important, necessary________________________________________
3. suitable, proper _______________________________________
4. relaxed, not worried, calm_____________________________________
5. vital, important, necessary ___________________________
6. elegance, style ____________________________________________________
7. giving new life to something _____________________________________
8. bright red __________________________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 13
1. Why isn’t Bruno feeling quite so unhappy about his new life?
2. What does Bruno ask Maria about Pavel? What do you think Maria tells Bruno
about Pavel? Why do you think he changed from being a doctor to a waiter?
3. What jobs do the boys want when they grow up?
4. What does it show us about Shmuel and Bruno when Shmuel starts to shiver after
the conversation about Lieutenant Kotler and Bruno says, “’What’s the matter’, he
asked. ‘It’s not that cold, is it? You should have brought a jumper, you know.’”
5. What is Shmuel’s opinion of soldiers?
6. How does Bruno feel when he looks at Pavel? Describe Pavel’sbehaviour and
appearance at dinner. What does Bruno notice about him?
7. What complaints does Bruno make about Herr Liszt?
8. What mistake does Lieutenant Kotler make in conversation? What does he tell
Bruno’s family about his father?
9. What view does Bruno’s father have of people who left Germany in 1938?
10. “What happened then was both unexpected and extremely unpleasant.”What
happens when Pavel spills wine on Kotler? Why do you think the writer describes
what happens in this way? Why doesn’t he explain exactly what happens?
11. What does Bruno decide he had better do in future?
Chapter 14
1. When Shmuel has a black eye, what does Bruno think happened?
2. What does Bruno ask Shmuel every day?
3. What does Bruno have to say about the striped pyjamas?
4. What does Bruno let slip to Gretel? Why does Bruno pretend to Gretel that Shmuel
is an imaginary friend?
5. How does Bruno try to get out of it? What does he tell Gretel about Shmuel and
what does he realise as he’s telling her?
6. Why is Gretel sarcastic to Bruno?
7. What did Shmuel say about his Grandfather?
Task IV. Writing
Different people see things differently. Imagine you are Gretel. What is your opinion of your brother Bruno?
What Is an Idiom?
An idiom is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).
Find in Chapters 13-14 the idioms, with the help of which, the author expresses the following ideas:
- when you've been thinking a lot about a serious issue ___________________________________________
- to have an obligation to explain something ___________________________________________
- to not be doing something as well as you usually do ___________________________________________
- to say and do what very elegant, well-mannered people say and do ___________________________________________
- very funny
Chapters 15 - 16
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
to tease a will to sneer to glide
to churn to persist piercing self-confidence
1. to turn__________________________________________
2. to make fun of somebody or something_____________________________
3. sharp; shrill; loud_______________________________________
4. to look at someone in a hostile or angry__________________________________
5. how you feel about yourself___________________________
6. to continue doing something ______________________________________
7. to fly smoothly through the air________________________________________
8. a document you write that says who gets your money and possessions after you die __________________________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 15
1. What prevented Bruno and Shmuel from seeing each other?
2. Why is Bruno worried about his friend?
3. Bruno’s mother is spending a lot of time with Lieutenant Kotler. What examples of
this are we given?
4. What reasons does Bruno have for disliking Lieutenant Kotler?
5. How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Bruno?
6. Why is Shmuel in the kitchen?
7. What do Bruno and Shmuel notice when they compare hands?
8. Why is Shmuel afraid to eat the chicken?
9. Why does Bruno deny knowing Shmuel? How does he feel after that?
10. What would you have done in Bruno’s position?
Chapter 16
1. How do we know a lot of time has passed since the novel began?
2. What has happened to Lieutenant Kotler?
3. Why does Bruno think his friendship with Shmuel is strange?
4. How has Gretel changed since the story began?
5. What does Bruno ask Gretel?
6. What explanation does Gretel give?
7. Why does Gretel scream and how do their parents deal with this problem?
Task IV. Writing
Diary Entry: Imagine you are Shmuel. Write in your diary describing how you feel about the day’s events.
Task V.
Find in Chapters 15-16 the idioms, with the help of which, the author expresses the following ideas:
- something that starts and stops (p. 161) ______________________________________________________________
- to be threatening (p. 162) ______________________________________________________________
- when children are expected to behave well (p. 165) ______________________________________________________________
- bruised (p. 175) ______________________________________________________________
- he realized (p. 177) ______________________________________________________________
- to add to his good reputation (p. 179) ______________________________________________________________
Chapters 17 - 18
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
senile explicit to dread to smuggle
coincidence cautiously rejection to hatch
1. to steal__________________________________________
2. unable to think clearly, no longer mentally sharp _______________________
3. slowly and carefully_______________________________________
4. to begin to grow, to emerge (as a chick from an egg)________________________
5. very clear, stated directly___________________________
6. something important that happens by chance, without being planned __________
7. refusal_________________________________________________________
8. to fear, to be anxious___________________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 17
1. Bruno says his mother is unhappy at Out-With. Why do you think this is?
2. What do Bruno’s parents argue about?
3. How is his mother behaving?
4. Why does Bruno’s father summon Bruno and Gretel to his office? What decision
does Bruno’s father make?
5. How do the children react to the news? Find words or phrases to support your
6. How does Bruno’s father react when Bruno says, “There are hundreds of children
Chapter 18
1. Why wasn’t Shmuel at the fence for two days?
2. When Shmuel’s father disappears, how do we know that Bruno still does not
understand what goes on at Out-With?
3. What regrets do the boys have about their friendship?
4. What plan do the boys make? What is each boy looking forward to about the plan?
Task IV. Writing
Do you think Bruno and Shmuel have become true friends? Write about what you consider it means to be a good friend.
Task V.
Find in Chapters 17-18 the idioms, with the help of which, the author expresses the following ideas:
- no one would know; no one would find out (p. 198) _________________________________________________
- in a very good mood; very happy (p. 199) _________________________________________________
- and also (something else); and as well (p. 199) _________________________________________________
Chapters 19 - 20
Task I. Vocabulary
1. Be able to match the following words and phrases to the correct definition below. Learn the words by heart.
to despatch to disguise stubbly to cake
appalled unaccustomed to assume undisturbed
1. prickly, bristly__________________________________________
2. shocked, surprised in a bad way________________________________________
3. untouched, without being moved_______________________________________
4. to cover, to coat (coated)_______________________________
5. to send , to mail___________________________
6. to think _________________________
7. not used to_________________________________________________________
8. clothing that will hide your true identity _________________________________
2. Find the sentence with the word in the text, translate it, use the word in the sentence of your own.
e.g. on the edge of smth. – на краю чего-либо
The cup was broken into pieces as it had been standing on the edge of the table.
Task II. Questions
Write 15 questions to ask your partner in class.
Task III. Discussing the text
After reading the chapters carefully, answer the following questions:
Chapter 19
1. What almost ruins their plan on Friday? Why do you think the author writes about
the rain at the beginning of the chapter?
2. What is Bruno’s reaction when he sees the spare pair of pyjamas? Why might this
be seen as ironic?
3. What does Bruno do with his clothes?
4. How do the boys feel when they’re finally on the same side of the fence?
5. What did Bruno imagine the camp would be like and what is it really like? What
does this show us about Bruno?
6. What two types of people are there in the camp?
7. Why do you think Bruno and Shmuel hold hands?
8. What does Bruno tell Shmuel after they march?
9. What happens to the boys at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 20
1. What do Bruno’s family do after he disappears?
2. Why does Bruno’s mother stay at Out-With for several months more and why does
she then suddenly return to Berlin?
3. What is Gretel’s reaction to Bruno’s disappearance? Does it surprise you? Why?
4. Why does Bruno’s father sit to the ground when he realizes what probably
happened to Bruno? Do you feel sorry for him when he works out what happened
to his son?
5. Do you like the ending? Explain.
6. How do you feel at the end? Explain.
Task IV. Writing
If you could change the ending, what would you change about it? Explain your answer.
Task V.
Find in Chapters 17-18 the idioms, with the help of which, the author expresses the following ideas:
- time was passing; it was getting late(p. 200) _________________________________________________________
- there is no chance of being seen (p. 201) _________________________________________________________
- uncertain whether things would work out (p. 202) _________________________________________________________
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Reflections on the Novel
Write about the ending of the novel “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”. You
should mention the following points:
• What happens in the end?
• Were you surprised by the ending? Why/why not?
• How have characters changed from the beginning to the end of the novel?
• If you were writing the next chapter, what would happen next?
• Is there a hero in this story? If so, what makes him/her a hero?
• Is there a villain in this story? Explain your answer.
Exam Preparation Questions
1. Discuss an interesting character from the novel.
2. Write about the relationship between two characters in the story. How do
they treat each other in the story?
3. Describe a sad or worrying event that happens in the story. Explain how
well the writer describes this sadness or worry.
4. What is the most exciting part of the novel? How did the writer make that
part of the story exciting?
5. Describe in detail the beginning of the novel. You may refer to where it
is set, any incidents that happen and characters. Do you think it was a
good beginning? Why/why not?
6. Discuss a friendship that develops or fails between two people in the
novel. Why do you think this friendship develops or fails?
7. Describe your favourite moment in the novel and say why it is your favourite.
8. Who is your favourite character in the novel? Explain why he/she is your
9. If you were making a film of this story, what actors would you choose to play the
main characters? Give reasons for your answer.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Film Studies
Watch the film adaptation of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and answer the
following questions:
1. Do you think the main actors are well chosen? Explain your answer.
2. Is the setting how you imagined? Explain your answer.
3. Do you think the use of music added to the film? Explain your answer.
4. What differences do you notice between the novel and the film?
5. What did you prefer about the novel?
6. What did you prefer about the film?
7. If you were the casting director, what actors would you choose for the
main roles? Give reasons for your choices.
8. If you were the director, would you change anything about the film?
Explain your answer.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Character Sketch
Characters in the novel have many different qualities and personality traits. Each of
these characteristics helps to build them into the character we know. Use the ‘wall’
below to help you build what you know of a chosen character. Try to fill as many
‘bricks’ as you can with descriptive words that show the type of person he/she is.
My chosen character is _____________________________
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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