"Let’s Save Our Planet Together"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Защитим планету вместе! (Let’s Save Our Planet Together)
урок в 8 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М.З.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Защитим планету вместе! (Let’s Save Our Planet Together)
урок в 8 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М.З.
Задачи урока:
Образовательные задачи: формирование навыков просмотрового чтения; навыков монологической речи на основе текста.
Воспитательные задачи: прививать учащимся чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за место, где они живут. Воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию. Развивать у учащихся познавательную активность.
Развивающие задачи: развитие навыков чтения по теме; развитие навыков работы на компьютере и изучение области применения компьютера в образовании.
Оборудование: компьютеры, мультимедиапроектор, слайдовая презентация, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
-Good afternoon, children!
-Look at the screen, you can see a word “PLANET”, please give as many associations connected with this word as you can.
-Thank you. Now look at the screen.
Учитель предлагает посмотреть слайды с изображением природы, животных и т.д.
-But don’t forget a medal has got two sides.
Look at these words. Can you translate them? – “drop litter, chemical, rubbish, recycle, factory, pollution” (Ученики объясняют значения слов и фраз..)
-Yes, you’re right. Now look at the screen.
Учитель предлагает посмотреть слайды с негативным изображением: загрязнение воды, дымящиеся фабрики и т.д.
Слайды с изображением загрязнения природы.
После просмотра слайдов, ученикам предоставляется возможность назвать или угадать тему урока.
-Can you tell me the theme of our lesson?
Учитель выслушивает все варианты, каждый вариант обсуждается с детьми, в итоге называется или выводится учениками общий вариант темы урока.
Слайд с темой урока : Let’s Save Our Planet Together
II. Речевая разминка
- Today you will read and discuss the text about environmental problems.( ex. 12, p. 43)
- What environmental problems do you think are described in the text? Name the words and word expressions that you can meet in the text.
Учитель записывает слова и словосочетания, предлагаемые учениками, на доске вразброс.
III. Обучение чтению
- Compare the words on the blackboard with those in ex. 11, p. 43.
- Do they coincide? Which of the words from ex. 11 do you think are in the text?
- Now read the text in ex. 12, p. 43 and say if you were right. Give a title to the text.
Варианты заголовков:
Stop Polluting Our Home!
Protect Our Fragile Planet.
It Is Time to Protect the Earth.
- Are there any words that you don't understand? Then try to guess their meanings using the plan from ex. 13, p. 44. So, your task is to write down three meanings of the words that you think are possible.
- Sit in groups and discuss what meanings are more suitable. Use the vocabulary at the end of your book. Check your guesses.
Look at the pictures in ex. 14, p. 44. What do they show? (Picture 1 shows air pollution. Picture 2 shows cutting the trees. Picture 3 shows water pollution. Picture 4 shows pollution of the environment.) (Слайды с изображением загрязнения природы.
- Use the text and write captions for the pictures.
Варианты заголовков:
- The Air Is Polluted by Power Stations and Factories.
- Forests the Size of Belgium Are Destroyed Every Year.
- There Is a Lot of Litter in the Water.
- We Live among Litter and Wastes.
- I think you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.
IV. Физкультминутка
V. Работа с текстом
— Work in pairs and find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the words from ex. 15, p. 44.
amazing — wonderful;
people — human beings;
to die out — to disappear;
nature around us - environment;
to make — to create;
vital problems — environmental problems;
forecast — predict;
frightening — alarming;
unhealthy food — junk food;
rubbish — litter;
everywhere — around you;
to damage — pollute;
gases — fumes.
- Read out the sentences paraphrasing them using the synonyms of the words.
- How well do you understand the text?
- Read the questions (ex. 16, p. 44) and answer them with the help of the text.
- Many species of birds and animals have disappeared because man has polluted their natural homes.
- The air is polluted by power stations, factories and cars.
- Yes, they are. Rivers are polluted too. They are empty of fish.
- Forests are disappearing all over the world because people cut them to have wood and paper.
- Yes, we can. We can see pollution at the seaside.
- Yes, they are. People are in danger.
- The most serious environmental problems now are disappearing animals and birds, air pollution, water pollution, litter and wastes, unhealthy food.
- Yes, I did. (No, I didn't.)
- I see that you know the text quite well and you have learnt some new words. Translate the sentences from ex. 7, p. 56. Do it in writing.
— Now let’s find more information. Internet can help us to find out what the British or Americans think about environmental problems.
Учащиеся открывают сайт www.yahoo.com и работают с информацией, интересные моменты зачитывают (тексты из Интернета)
—What environmental problems have people got? How can we solve them? What do you think is the first step?
Слайды с изображением проблем
Примерный ответ:
Animals and birds disappear. The air, the water, the environment are polluted. People pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food. То solve the problems people must stop throwing litter into the water or on the ground. They must stop polluting the air. People must stop cutting the trees. The first step to it is to make people think about the problems, to show them on TV or write about them in newspapers.
- I agree with you. That's why you will try to do it now. Make a poster warning people about environmental problems. You may use the text and slogans from ex. 1, p. 40.
- You have done a lot today. We will see and discuss your posters at the next lesson. At home continue your work with the text and do some tasks in writing.
Well done. Was the information important for you, why?
Ученики пытаются оценить всю полученную информацию.
VI. Работа по карточкам (см. приложение 1)
— Look at the screen again. You can see different phrases but the sentences have no beginnings, use the verb “must” or “mustn’t” to complete the sentences and the worksheets again. (Ученикам предлагается выполнить задание: вставить глаголы «должен» и «не должен» в пропущенные места. Таким образом, ученики составляют предложения о том, как они должны защищать и заботится о природе).
Слайд и / или рабочий лист с заданиями.
—Thank you. Please tell now, what we must or mustn’t do to prevent water pollution/ air pollution/ destruction of forests?
VII. Подведение итогов урока
—What new words have you learnt from the text? Which of the environmental problems do you think are the most dangerous? Which of the problems have we got at our place? Thank you for your work.
Домашнее задание:
Подготовить презентацию постера; упр. 17, 18, стр. 44 (письменно);
упр. 4, стр. 24.(раб. тетрадь)
Приложение 1
- use cars in the center of the city
- use bikes instead of cars and buses
- drop litter in the streets
- recycle paper, plastic, cans and glass
- provide more litter bins
- build factories near our city
- plant more trees and flowers
- build more parks
- pour chemicals into the water
- pollute the air
- protect animals in danger
Предварительный просмотр:
Тексты с сайта www.yahoo.com
How can earth recover from increased CO2 emissions? Can rocks answer this question?
The climate change is thought by many environmentalists to be the biggest environmental threat of our time. Reducing the increase of carbon emissions is connected with many difficulties and there are many studies that deal with this topic. One of the most interesting ones comes from the Oxford University scientists who have studied the connection between climate change and rocks.
The conclusion of this latest study was that Earth can recover from high carbon dioxide emissions faster than previously thought, and that this process takes around 300,000 years after emissions decline.
They have concluded this by studying the effects of climate change that occurred 93 million years ago by examining rocks from locations including Beachy Head, near Eastbourne, and South Ferriby, North Lincolnshire.
The purpose of examining these rocks was to determine how chemical weathering of rocks was able to re-balance the climate after vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) were emitted during more than 10,000 years of volcanic eruptions.
Chemical weathering refers to process where "CO2 from the atmosphere dissolved in rainwater reacts with rocks such as basalt or granite, dissolving them so that this atmospheric carbon then flows into the oceans, where a large proportion is 'trapped' in the bodies of marine organisms. "
By examining the rocks researchers discovered that chemical weathering increased with time, sinking away more CO2 as the world warmed and thus enabling the Earth to stabilize to a cooler climate within 300,000 years, up to four times faster than previously thought.
This study is another proof to thesis that Earth has many "secret mechanisms" that regulate climate and climate change effects which scientists are yet to discover. Perhaps the best thing to learn about our current and future climate is to look for the clues from the past.
Posted by Ned Haluzan , 0 comments
Labels: CO2 emissions
What is the best way to save our planet
The best way to help our environment is to develop global ecological conscience and establish a new set of values where our environment and nature in general would rank above money and power. However, in a world driven primarily by the hunger for money such ideas are nothing but a nice dream and an utopia.
The environmental condition of our planet gets worse by the each day; the negative impact of climate change is already knocking on our door, there's also a huge biodiversity loss because many plants and animals are going extinct, water and air pollution is killing millions of people across the globe, and our forests, especially rainforests are disappearing.
The future outlook looks anything but bright, and by the current looks of it our future generations will likely struggle to survive. What kind of heritage will we leave to them? Do they really deserve to suffer because of our negligence and our disrespect towards the Mother Nature?
World leaders worry only about economy and their political interests, while environmental issues usually end up in "wait for better times" agenda. The world leaders still fail to realize that without the right action there won't be better times, and that things will soon get totally out of our control.
Take for example a climate change phenomenon. If only half of that what scientists are saying is true then we are surely heading for the scenario seen only in movies of disaster.
It certainly looks like the world has opted for the waiting strategy. But where is the logic behind the "waiting for worst to happen" strategy? Or do we still naively believe in some sort of miracle that will remove all environmental issues in the blick of an eye?
The time for action is running out, and yet so many people remain ignorant about it. Many people care very little or none at all about what will our planet look like in 50 or 100 years from now.
We must ask ourselves what will happen to our children and grandchildren if we remain ignorant about our environment. Their destiny lies in our own hands.
Posted by Ned Haluzan
Labels: environment, environmental condition
Ecological crisis - Earth is still our only home
There is no doubt that current condition of our planet definitely belongs under "global ecological crisis" category. We made tremendous environmental mess over the years, and as always things need to become critical before we start fixing them. Mother Earth is down on her knees not able to defend herself from so many different ecological problems. By helping our planet we are helping ourselves because Earth is still our only home.
We seem to be constantly forgetting how Earth existed many years before us, and how Earth can exist without us. We, on the other hand cannot exist without Earth because Earth is so far the only planet capable to support life. We should stop taking things for granted, and accept the fact that we are not supreme rulers of our planet. Ecology, environment, and general health of our planet have been on sidelines all the time, not able to compete with the greed for an almighty dollar as the ultimate goal of our civilization. People are greedy, they think only of material goods, and almighty dollar is always ahead of everything else.
Just take a look at how world leaders instantly jumped to solve financial crisis and global recession. Billions and billions of dollar given in such a short time to save financial markets, if only small percentage of this money was used for environmental issues we wouldn't be now talking about global ecological crisis. On the other hand international climate deal, a must thing to avoid ultimate environmental disaster in years to come is still in question, still depending on politics to decide whether this is top priority or not.
Can you imagine this? With so many different ecological problems politicians are still discussing whether environmental issues like climate change are top priorities or not, and whether we still have time to postpone work on their solutions. Time may sound endless from general point of view but global ecological crisis should have given us by now the real proof that time is one luxury we do not have at our disposal. Global ecological crisis will soon turn into global ecological disaster if we continue with our ignorance towards reality we live in. Since we became dominant species on this planet we have done so many bad things. It would really be nice to do something good for a change. Wouldn't it?
Posted by Ned Haluzan
Labels: ecological problems
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
drop litter factory chemical pollution recycle rubbish
Let's Save Our Planet Together
The Air Is Polluted by Power Stations and Factories .
Forests the Size of Belgium Are Destroyed Every Year
There Is a Lot of Litter in the Water
We Live among Litter and Wastes.
Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the words from ex. 15, p. 44. amazing — people — to die out — nature around us — to make — vital problems — forecast — frightening — unhealthy food — rubbish — everywhere — to damage — gases —
Check Your Answers amazing — wonderful; people — human beings; to die out — to disappear; nature around us - environment; to make — to create; vital problems — environmental problems; forecast — predict; frightening — alarming; unhealthy food — junk food; rubbish — litter; everywhere — around you; to damage — pollute; gases — fumes
use cars in the center of the city use bikes instead of cars and buses drop litter in the streets recycle paper, plastic, cans and glass provide more litter bins build factories near our city plant more trees and flowers build more parks pour chemicals into the water pollute the air protect animals in danger We must We must We must We must We must We must We mustn't We mustn't We mustn't We mustn't We mustn't Must or Mustn't
Домашнее задание: Подготовить презентацию постера; упр. 17, 18, стр. 44 (письменно); упр. 4, стр. 24. (раб. тетрадь)
Thank you for your work
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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