учебно-методический материал (6 класс) по теме
In this textbook (Enjoy English Grades 5-6) Grade 6 starts from Unit 5 of the textbook.
Unit 5 Faces of London.
Section 1. ”When a Man Is Tired of London He Is Tired of Life”
The name of the section is a famous quotation by Dr. Samuel Johnson. This is when and why he said the phrase:
Где найти информацию об упоминаемых в текстах и на иллюстрациях музеях? - the official website of Madame Tussaud’s museum - the ”About the White House” part of the official site of the US president
http://en.wikipedia....he_Moving_Image - encyclopaedia entry about MOMI
http://www.britainex...parks-inner.htm - a list of parks and gardens of London
http://www.urbanpath.../parks-gardens/ - reviews and photos of London’s most popular parks and gardens - brief descriptions and links to websites about London’s parks and gardens - the Royal parks of London, with pictures, history and stories - official website of the Natural History Museum - encyclopaedia entry about Oxford - information about Oxford for visitors - website of Blenheim Palace - information, history, pictures of Buckingham palace from the website of the British monarchy
http://en.wikipedia....ckingham_Palace - encyclopaedia entry about Buckingham palace
http://www.tourist-i...gham-palace.htm - brief information and pictures of Buckingham palace for tourists - history and exhibition of Tower Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Tower Bridge - information about what you can see from a London Sightseeing Tour buses
Section 2. Talking about the Famous
Где найти биографии и произведения писателей, которые упоминаются в разделе? Где найти информацию о знаменитых людях, которые упоминаются в разделе?
http://en.wikipedia....hur_Conan_Doyle - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - official website of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate, including his biography, information about his most famous characters etc - the official Agatha Christie website
http://en.wikipedia....Agatha_Christie - encyclopaedia entry about Agatha Christie
http://www.ibiblio.o...nt/auth/turner/ - biography and paintings of Joseph Turner (if you click on the paintings, you can see large images)
http://en.wikipedia....J._M._W._Turner - encyclopaedia entry about Joseph Turner
http://en.wikipedia....iam_Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shakespeare - the Complete Works of William Shakespeare online - the official website of mark Twain - encyclopaedia entry about Mark Twain - encyclopaedia entry about Daniel defoe - story of Alexander Selkirk, the prototype for Robinson Crusoe - illustrations to the book about Robinson Crusoe - information about Charlie Chaplin and his films
http://en.wikipedia....Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Charlie Chaplin - the official John Lennon website, including biography, drawings and photos of the famous singer
http://en.wikipedia....iki/John_Lennon - encyclopaedia entry about John Lennon - a website dedicated to the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill - brief information about Sir Winston Churchill from BBC
http://en.wikipedia....nston_Churchill - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Winston Churchill
http://en.wikipedia....rgaret_Thatcher - encyclopaedia entry about Margaret Thatcher - biography of Margaret Thatcher from the Prime Minister’s office - article about Margaret Thatcher from Time magazine
http://en.wikipedia....eyevich_Morozov - encyclopaedia entry about Savva
http://en.wikipedia....i/Pablo_Picasso - encyclopaedia entry about Pablo Picasso - website dedicated to the life and works of Pablo Picasso - encyclopaedia entry about Anna Pavlova - photographs of Anna Pavlova
http://womenshistory...nna_pavlova.htm - a very short biography of Anna Pavlova
http://en.wikipedia....Albert_Einstein - encyclopaedia entry about Albert Einstein - biography of Albert Enstein from the Nobel Prize committee - information, anecdotes, writings, interviews, pictures and quotes of Albert Einstein
http://www.tolkien.c...Pages/Home.aspx - biography, paintings, audio and video clips of J.R.R Tolkien
http://en.wikipedia....._R._R._Tolkien - encyclopaedia entry about J.R.R. Tolkien - three online lectures about J.R.R. Tolkien
http://www.tolkienso.../biography.html - website of Tolkien Society
http://en.wikipedia..../Charles_Darwin - encyclopaedia entry about Charles Darwin - the Complete Works of Charles Darwin online
Section 3. We Want to Be Famous Too
Как лучше познакомить детей с правилами поведения за столом? Где найти видеоматериалы по этой теме? - Dinner etiquette, DOs and DON’Ts
http://www.oldandsol...usiness-6.shtml - formal dinner etiquette
http://whatscookinga...quetteGuide.htm - dining etiquette guide - 8 dinner etiquette videos
Unit 6 Animals in our life
Section 1. Reading and Talking about London Zoo
Где найти информацию о Лондонском зоопарке и фотографии? - website of the London Zoo - website of Zoological society of London
http://www.londonnet...london_zoo.html - tourist guide to London Zoo
Где найти дополнительную информацию о правилах обращения в Англии?
http://en.wikipedia....titles_of_peers - forms of address in Britain
Где найти дополнительные стихотворения и рассказы о животных для детей? - a few short poems and stories about animals
http://www.canteach....ngspoems27.html - poems about animals for teaching
http://www.poetseers...s_about_animals - poems about animals – poems about animals from all over the world
Section 2. Let’s Discuss Animals’ Problems
Где найти информацию о Whipsnade Wild Animals Park? - website of Whipsnade Wild Animals Park - pictures from Whipsnade Wild Animals Park
Как специалисты советуют воспитывать детей, чтобы научить их заботиться об окружающей среде?
http://www.naturemom...y-children.html - article on how to raise children to be environmentally-friendly How children are taught about ecology
Как борются с мусором в других странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей? - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? - information about annual California coastal cleanup day
http://shea20020.tri...trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany - brief information about non-biodegradable trash - an encyclopaedia article about Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeac.../international/ - the website of Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeac.../fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology
Section 4. Have You Ever Had a Pet? What Does Your Pet Think of You?
Какие имена домашних животных популярны в Англии? Как можно назвать домашнего любимца по-английски?
http://www.agilitybi...s/pop_2008.html - popular dog names - 20 most popular cat names
http://wiki.answers...._pets_in_the_US - the ten most popular pets in the USA
http://www.infopleas...etnamespot.html - 10 most popular pet names
http://www.telegraph...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states
http://www.petplace....pets/page1.aspx - stories about famous pets - index of famous cats, dogs and critters
http://www.experienc...ople/id/1666175 - a list of famous dogs - Famous pets of Presidents and their wives
Unit 7. Living together.
Section 1. Talking about Relatives.
Где найти распечатки, интерактивные игры и презентации для отработки словарного запаса оп теме «Семья»?
http://primaryeflres...bout-my-family/ - EFL resource: vocabulary pictures for ”Family”, interactive games and printable materials
http://www.slideshar...oms-tefl-family - online presentation of family members vocabulary
Где найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье?
http://resources.woo.../familylife.htm - description of family life in Britain, by children
http://resources.woo...ons/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day
А сколько детей в английской семье? - The UK family: In statistics - a summary of statistics relating to families, households and relationships
Section 2. Family Relations.
Что советуют педагоги по поводу домашних обязанностей детей? Какие материалы можно использовать в качестве дополнительных упражнений? - article on how to assign chores to children
http://www.printable...ecklist11.shtml - printable checklists of chores for children, arranged by age. Can be used as a good exercise resource
http://singleparents...e/tp/chores.htm - article on using chores to teach children responsibility
Section 3. What Do British people Like to Eat?
Где найти описания английских десертов и сэндвичей? Где найти рецепты чтобы разнообразить работу на уроке или дать дополнительные задания? Где можно найти дополнительное видео о том, как правильно готовят английский чай?
http://en.wikipedia....ritish_desserts – a list of British desserts – recipes for British desserts – more British desserts recipes - instructions for making tea, with video
http://www.joyofbaki...shTeaParty.html - English tea party recipes with pictures - tea as a meal in different countries - encyclopaedia entry about sandwich - a collection of sandwich recipes - more sandwich recipes
Какие рецепты можно попробовать приготовить детям? Откуда можно распечатать эти рецепты? Что посоветовать детям, которые захотят приготовить еду по английским рецептам?
http://www.bbcgoodfo...on/kids-cooking – recipes to try out with children from BBC’s site – printable recipes for children - tips and recipes for children
Section 4. An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle?
А какие дома бывают в Англии? Где можно найти фотографии английских домов?
http://resources.woo...ns/houses/main/ - types of houses in England, with pictures
http://resources.woo...ions/houses.htm - photos of the different types of houses
Где взять фотографии современных английских домов и комнат? Где взять готовые описания комнат? Как выглядели дома в Англии в старину? Как можно устроить виртуальную экскурсию по английскому дому? - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency
http://www.homefromh...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency
http://resources.woo...tions/house.htm - inside an English house, described by a 10-year old boy, with photographs
http://resources.woo.../livingroom.htm - Inside English Houses. Learn about England and her culture from children who live there - a tour of a virtual English house - English houses and homes through history – descriptions and pictures
Unit 8. We have a lot in common.
Section 1. Do We Like Doing the Same Things? Do We have the Same Hobbies?
Чем увлекаются дети в Англии? Какие хобби популярны? Какие хобби были популярны у детей в 19-м веке? - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost? A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies
http://www.allkids.c...ctivities.shtml - a collection of webpages and sites dedicated to popular children’s activities and hobbies - popular Victorian hobbies
Где найти программы передач детских каналов?
http://www.bbckids.c...ule/default.asp - BBC Kids schedule - Discovery kids TV schedule
Section 2. Do You Like Holidays?
Где найти информацию о том, как дети проводят лето в других странах? Где найти забавные картинки, которые помогут детям рассказать о способах проведения летних каникул? Где найти пример сочинения о летних каникулах?
http://www.summerfun...ivityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities from children. Also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer.
http://www.cartoonst...er_holidays.asp - a collection of cartoons about different ways people spend their summer holidays.
http://www.essayclip...about-my-summer - advice and sample essay on summer holidays
http://en.wikipedia....lentine%27s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine’s day
http://www.dltk-holi...tines/index.htm - ST. Valentine’s day cards, colouring pages, games and activities
http://www.apples4th...valentines-day/ - St. Valentine’s Day games, puzzles and crafts
Какие существуют российские традиции празднования Рождества? Какими видят их иностранцы? Как празднуют Рождество в разных странах?
http://goeasteurope....straditions.htm - a description of Christmas traditions in Russia
http://russian-craft.../christmas.html - a more detailed description of Christmas traditions in Russia
http://en.wikipedia....stmas_worldwide - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas traditions in different countries
Когда появилдись первые рождественские открытки? Как выглядела первая рождественская открытка? Где найти бесплатные рождественские открытки? - free Christmas e-cards
http://en.wikipedia....Christmas_cards - encyclopaedia entry oabout the history of Christmas cards - the story and picture of the oldest mass-produced Christmas card known
Где найти материалы, раскраски, кроссворды и другие материалы для проектов о Easter Day?
http://www.woodlands...cher/easter.htm - information and teaching ideas for Easter - Easter games, puzzles, printables, colouring pages
http://sunniebunniez...easterpages.htm - easter quizzes, picture quizzes and colouring pages
http://www.activityv...ster_crafts.htm - Easter crafts activities for children
Где можно узнать побольше о Mother's Day? Как отмечают этот день? Какие существуют игры для этого дня? Что еще можно использовать на уроке?'s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Mother’s Day - history, stories and ideas to celebrate Mother’s day
http://www.alphabet-...mot/mother.html - Mother’s day poems, stories and crafts's_day.htm - Mother’s day printables, puzzles and downloadable booklets
Какие традиции празднования Рождества и Нового Года существуют в других странах? Как празднуют Рождество английские дети? Где можно найти готовые материалы для распечатывания и работы с детьми?
http://www.teachersf...rce.cfm?id=7851 – Christmas traditions around the world
http://www.teachersf...rce.cfm?id=8393 – English Christmas traditions
http://www.dltk-holi.../printables.htm - printable activities for Christmas lessons
http://www.dltk-holi...xmas/songs.html - Christmas songs and plays, including sheet music for some songs
Section 3. Are Pets Our Hobby? - RSPCA official website - how to talk with children to prevent cruelty to animals - advice on how to teach children to be kind to animals
Дополнительное чтение
Какие книги советуют читать детям учителя в Англии. США и Канаде? - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children
http://www.booktrust...ding/children/- children's books recommendations and reviews from ”booktrust”, UK
http://www.ucalgary....rown/lists.html - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada
http://childrensbook...s/Top_Picks.htm - lists of recommended books by age and topic - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories
Где найти бесплатные книги для детей?
http://www.gutenberg.../wiki/Main_Page free e-books - illustrated children’s books online - international children’s online library - links to several online libraries of free books for children - a collection of free electronic books + audioversions of the same books - an anthology of free e-stories from Canadian authors Short reading texts
Откуда появились лимерики7 А их пишут сейчас? где можно найти лимерики? Как их надо писать?
http://www.poetry-on...g/limericks.htm - limericks online
http://www.gigglepoe...ontesthelp.html – how to write limerick – an article on how to write a limerick
http://www.brownielo.../Limericks.html - a collection of limericks
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In this textbook (Enjoy English Grades 5-6) Grade 6 starts from Unit 5 of the textbook.
Unit 5 Faces of London.
Section 1. ”When a Man Is Tired of London He Is Tired of Life”
The name of the section is a famous quotation by Dr. Samuel Johnson. This is when and why he said the phrase:
Где найти информацию об упоминаемых в текстах и на иллюстрациях музеях? - the official website of Madame Tussaud’s museum - the ”About the White House” part of the official site of the US president
http://en.wikipedia....he_Moving_Image - encyclopaedia entry about MOMI
http://www.britainex...parks-inner.htm - a list of parks and gardens of London
http://www.urbanpath.../parks-gardens/ - reviews and photos of London’s most popular parks and gardens - brief descriptions and links to websites about London’s parks and gardens - the Royal parks of London, with pictures, history and stories - official website of the Natural History Museum - encyclopaedia entry about Oxford - information about Oxford for visitors - website of Blenheim Palace - information, history, pictures of Buckingham palace from the website of the British monarchy
http://en.wikipedia....ckingham_Palace - encyclopaedia entry about Buckingham palace
http://www.tourist-i...gham-palace.htm - brief information and pictures of Buckingham palace for tourists - history and exhibition of Tower Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Tower Bridge - information about what you can see from a London Sightseeing Tour buses
Section 2. Talking about the Famous
Где найти биографии и произведения писателей, которые упоминаются в разделе? Где найти информацию о знаменитых людях, которые упоминаются в разделе?
http://en.wikipedia....hur_Conan_Doyle - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - official website of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate, including his biography, information about his most famous characters etc - the official Agatha Christie website
http://en.wikipedia....Agatha_Christie - encyclopaedia entry about Agatha Christie
http://www.ibiblio.o...nt/auth/turner/ - biography and paintings of Joseph Turner (if you click on the paintings, you can see large images)
http://en.wikipedia....J._M._W._Turner - encyclopaedia entry about Joseph Turner
http://en.wikipedia....iam_Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shakespeare - the Complete Works of William Shakespeare online - the official website of mark Twain - encyclopaedia entry about Mark Twain - encyclopaedia entry about Daniel defoe - story of Alexander Selkirk, the prototype for Robinson Crusoe - illustrations to the book about Robinson Crusoe - information about Charlie Chaplin and his films
http://en.wikipedia....Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Charlie Chaplin - the official John Lennon website, including biography, drawings and photos of the famous singer
http://en.wikipedia....iki/John_Lennon - encyclopaedia entry about John Lennon - a website dedicated to the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill - brief information about Sir Winston Churchill from BBC
http://en.wikipedia....nston_Churchill - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Winston Churchill
http://en.wikipedia....rgaret_Thatcher - encyclopaedia entry about Margaret Thatcher - biography of Margaret Thatcher from the Prime Minister’s office - article about Margaret Thatcher from Time magazine
http://en.wikipedia....eyevich_Morozov - encyclopaedia entry about Savva
http://en.wikipedia....i/Pablo_Picasso - encyclopaedia entry about Pablo Picasso - website dedicated to the life and works of Pablo Picasso - encyclopaedia entry about Anna Pavlova - photographs of Anna Pavlova
http://womenshistory...nna_pavlova.htm - a very short biography of Anna Pavlova
http://en.wikipedia....Albert_Einstein - encyclopaedia entry about Albert Einstein - biography of Albert Enstein from the Nobel Prize committee - information, anecdotes, writings, interviews, pictures and quotes of Albert Einstein
http://www.tolkien.c...Pages/Home.aspx - biography, paintings, audio and video clips of J.R.R Tolkien
http://en.wikipedia....._R._R._Tolkien - encyclopaedia entry about J.R.R. Tolkien - three online lectures about J.R.R. Tolkien
http://www.tolkienso.../biography.html - website of Tolkien Society
http://en.wikipedia..../Charles_Darwin - encyclopaedia entry about Charles Darwin - the Complete Works of Charles Darwin online
Section 3. We Want to Be Famous Too
Как лучше познакомить детей с правилами поведения за столом? Где найти видеоматериалы по этой теме? - Dinner etiquette, DOs and DON’Ts
http://www.oldandsol...usiness-6.shtml - formal dinner etiquette
http://whatscookinga...quetteGuide.htm - dining etiquette guide - 8 dinner etiquette videos
Unit 6 Animals in our life
Section 1. Reading and Talking about London Zoo
Где найти информацию о Лондонском зоопарке и фотографии? - website of the London Zoo - website of Zoological society of London
http://www.londonnet...london_zoo.html - tourist guide to London Zoo
Где найти дополнительную информацию о правилах обращения в Англии?
http://en.wikipedia....titles_of_peers - forms of address in Britain
Где найти дополнительные стихотворения и рассказы о животных для детей? - a few short poems and stories about animals
http://www.canteach....ngspoems27.html - poems about animals for teaching
http://www.poetseers...s_about_animals - poems about animals – poems about animals from all over the world
Section 2. Let’s Discuss Animals’ Problems
Где найти информацию о Whipsnade Wild Animals Park? - website of Whipsnade Wild Animals Park - pictures from Whipsnade Wild Animals Park
Как специалисты советуют воспитывать детей, чтобы научить их заботиться об окружающей среде?
http://www.naturemom...y-children.html - article on how to raise children to be environmentally-friendly How children are taught about ecology
Как борются с мусором в других странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей? - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? - information about annual California coastal cleanup day
http://shea20020.tri...trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany - brief information about non-biodegradable trash - an encyclopaedia article about Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeac.../international/ - the website of Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeac.../fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology
Section 4. Have You Ever Had a Pet? What Does Your Pet Think of You?
Какие имена домашних животных популярны в Англии? Как можно назвать домашнего любимца по-английски?
http://www.agilitybi...s/pop_2008.html - popular dog names - 20 most popular cat names
http://wiki.answers...._pets_in_the_US - the ten most popular pets in the USA
http://www.infopleas...etnamespot.html - 10 most popular pet names
http://www.telegraph...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states
http://www.petplace....pets/page1.aspx - stories about famous pets - index of famous cats, dogs and critters
http://www.experienc...ople/id/1666175 - a list of famous dogs - Famous pets of Presidents and their wives
Unit 7. Living together.
Section 1. Talking about Relatives.
Где найти распечатки, интерактивные игры и презентации для отработки словарного запаса оп теме «Семья»?
http://primaryeflres...bout-my-family/ - EFL resource: vocabulary pictures for ”Family”, interactive games and printable materials
http://www.slideshar...oms-tefl-family - online presentation of family members vocabulary
Где найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье?
http://resources.woo.../familylife.htm - description of family life in Britain, by children
http://resources.woo...ons/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day
А сколько детей в английской семье? - The UK family: In statistics - a summary of statistics relating to families, households and relationships
Section 2. Family Relations.
Что советуют педагоги по поводу домашних обязанностей детей? Какие материалы можно использовать в качестве дополнительных упражнений? - article on how to assign chores to children
http://www.printable...ecklist11.shtml - printable checklists of chores for children, arranged by age. Can be used as a good exercise resource
http://singleparents...e/tp/chores.htm - article on using chores to teach children responsibility
Section 3. What Do British people Like to Eat?
Где найти описания английских десертов и сэндвичей? Где найти рецепты чтобы разнообразить работу на уроке или дать дополнительные задания? Где можно найти дополнительное видео о том, как правильно готовят английский чай?
http://en.wikipedia....ritish_desserts – a list of British desserts – recipes for British desserts – more British desserts recipes - instructions for making tea, with video
http://www.joyofbaki...shTeaParty.html - English tea party recipes with pictures - tea as a meal in different countries - encyclopaedia entry about sandwich - a collection of sandwich recipes - more sandwich recipes
Какие рецепты можно попробовать приготовить детям? Откуда можно распечатать эти рецепты? Что посоветовать детям, которые захотят приготовить еду по английским рецептам?
http://www.bbcgoodfo...on/kids-cooking – recipes to try out with children from BBC’s site – printable recipes for children - tips and recipes for children
Section 4. An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle?
А какие дома бывают в Англии? Где можно найти фотографии английских домов?
http://resources.woo...ns/houses/main/ - types of houses in England, with pictures
http://resources.woo...ions/houses.htm - photos of the different types of houses
Где взять фотографии современных английских домов и комнат? Где взять готовые описания комнат? Как выглядели дома в Англии в старину? Как можно устроить виртуальную экскурсию по английскому дому? - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency
http://www.homefromh...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency
http://resources.woo...tions/house.htm - inside an English house, described by a 10-year old boy, with photographs
http://resources.woo.../livingroom.htm - Inside English Houses. Learn about England and her culture from children who live there - a tour of a virtual English house - English houses and homes through history – descriptions and pictures
Unit 8. We have a lot in common.
Section 1. Do We Like Doing the Same Things? Do We have the Same Hobbies?
Чем увлекаются дети в Англии? Какие хобби популярны? Какие хобби были популярны у детей в 19-м веке? - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost? A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies
http://www.allkids.c...ctivities.shtml - a collection of webpages and sites dedicated to popular children’s activities and hobbies - popular Victorian hobbies
Где найти программы передач детских каналов?
http://www.bbckids.c...ule/default.asp - BBC Kids schedule - Discovery kids TV schedule
Section 2. Do You Like Holidays?
Где найти информацию о том, как дети проводят лето в других странах? Где найти забавные картинки, которые помогут детям рассказать о способах проведения летних каникул? Где найти пример сочинения о летних каникулах?
http://www.summerfun...ivityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities from children. Also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer.
http://www.cartoonst...er_holidays.asp - a collection of cartoons about different ways people spend their summer holidays.
http://www.essayclip...about-my-summer - advice and sample essay on summer holidays
http://en.wikipedia....lentine%27s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine’s day
http://www.dltk-holi...tines/index.htm - ST. Valentine’s day cards, colouring pages, games and activities
http://www.apples4th...valentines-day/ - St. Valentine’s Day games, puzzles and crafts
Какие существуют российские традиции празднования Рождества? Какими видят их иностранцы? Как празднуют Рождество в разных странах?
http://goeasteurope....straditions.htm - a description of Christmas traditions in Russia
http://russian-craft.../christmas.html - a more detailed description of Christmas traditions in Russia
http://en.wikipedia....stmas_worldwide - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas traditions in different countries
Когда появилдись первые рождественские открытки? Как выглядела первая рождественская открытка? Где найти бесплатные рождественские открытки? - free Christmas e-cards
http://en.wikipedia....Christmas_cards - encyclopaedia entry oabout the history of Christmas cards - the story and picture of the oldest mass-produced Christmas card known
Где найти материалы, раскраски, кроссворды и другие материалы для проектов о Easter Day?
http://www.woodlands...cher/easter.htm - information and teaching ideas for Easter - Easter games, puzzles, printables, colouring pages
http://sunniebunniez...easterpages.htm - easter quizzes, picture quizzes and colouring pages
http://www.activityv...ster_crafts.htm - Easter crafts activities for children
Где можно узнать побольше о Mother's Day? Как отмечают этот день? Какие существуют игры для этого дня? Что еще можно использовать на уроке?'s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Mother’s Day - history, stories and ideas to celebrate Mother’s day
http://www.alphabet-...mot/mother.html - Mother’s day poems, stories and crafts's_day.htm - Mother’s day printables, puzzles and downloadable booklets
Какие традиции празднования Рождества и Нового Года существуют в других странах? Как празднуют Рождество английские дети? Где можно найти готовые материалы для распечатывания и работы с детьми?
http://www.teachersf...rce.cfm?id=7851 – Christmas traditions around the world
http://www.teachersf...rce.cfm?id=8393 – English Christmas traditions
http://www.dltk-holi.../printables.htm - printable activities for Christmas lessons
http://www.dltk-holi...xmas/songs.html - Christmas songs and plays, including sheet music for some songs
Section 3. Are Pets Our Hobby? - RSPCA official website - how to talk with children to prevent cruelty to animals - advice on how to teach children to be kind to animals
Дополнительное чтение
Какие книги советуют читать детям учителя в Англии. США и Канаде? - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children
http://www.booktrust...ding/children/- children's books recommendations and reviews from ”booktrust”, UK
http://www.ucalgary....rown/lists.html - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada
http://childrensbook...s/Top_Picks.htm - lists of recommended books by age and topic - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories
Где найти бесплатные книги для детей?
http://www.gutenberg.../wiki/Main_Page free e-books - illustrated children’s books online - international children’s online library - links to several online libraries of free books for children - a collection of free electronic books + audioversions of the same books - an anthology of free e-stories from Canadian authors Short reading texts
Откуда появились лимерики7 А их пишут сейчас? где можно найти лимерики? Как их надо писать?
http://www.poetry-on...g/limericks.htm - limericks online
http://www.gigglepoe...ontesthelp.html – how to write limerick – an article on how to write a limerick
http://www.brownielo.../Limericks.html - a collection of limericks