Разработка урока "Life and works of M.V.Lomonosov"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Урок на тему "Жизнь и творчество М.Ломоносова"
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урок англ.яз. | 14.45 КБ |
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
«Жизнь и творчество выдающегося человека России. М.В. Ломоносов»
Зналиева Светлана Саттибаевна, учитель английского языка
- Речевая разминка. Организационный момент.
(Сообщение целей урока):
Время- 3 мин.
– Good morning, boys and girls! – 1 слайд
- Good morning, teacher!
- Lenara, tell me, please, who is absent today?
- Nobody is absent today
- That’s good! Today we’ll speak about great scientist, and our lesson is devoted to M.V. Lomonosov . But first, listen to me, I’ll tell you what we are going to do today:
- We are going to speak and read about M.V. Lomonosov today;
- We are going to listen to the teacher and to each other today;
- We are going to write down our homework today. Is it clear we are going to do today?
- Yes, it is.
- Работа с текстом
- Read new words to the text. Listen to me and repeat after me. (Учитель читает новые слова, дети слушают и повторяют слова хором).- 2-3 слайды
- And now listen the text. (учащиеся слушают текст)- 4-19 слайды
- The first task. Devide the text into parts. Give each a title.(уч-ся делят текст на части и каждой части дают заголовок) – 20 слайд
- The next task. Find sentences in the text. (учитель читает предложения на русском языке, взятые из текста, а учащиеся находят их в тексте и читают на английском)
3. It seems to me that you are tired. Let’s have a rest and have some fun. Look at me and do the same. (Физкультминутка)- 21 слайд
4. Answer the questions.(учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя и на последние два вопроса отвечают письменно в тетрадях )- 22-30 слайды
- Ask the questions: At an early age M.Lomonosov learned to read and write through church books. (задания для учащихся- задать вопросы к этому предложению)
5. Итог урока
Анализ урока (что пройдено на уроке)
Домашнее задание: написать мини-сочинение- 32 слайд
Выставление оценок.
Предварительный просмотр:
- While reading activities. Read the text. “Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov”
M. V. Lomonosov, is known as the father of Russian science, an outstanding poet, founder of Russian literature and creator of the Russian language.
Lomonosov was born on the 19 th of November in 1711 in a fisherman’s family, near Kholmogory in the village of Denisovka (later renamed Lomonosovo in his honor) in the Arkhangelsk Governorate.
Learning was young Lomonosov's passion. At an early age Mikhail learned to read and write through church books.
When he was 19, Lomonosov went on foot to Moscow where he entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy. The Academy was closed to peasants and Lomonosov had to hide his peasant origin. He pretended to be of noble birth.
Here he studied Latin and mastered it in a short period of time. He completed a twelve-year study course in only five years, graduating at the top of his class.
He was a brilliant pupil and in 1736 he was sent abroad at the University of Marburg. While abroad Lomonosov studied philosophy, physics, mathematics and foreign languages and even began writing poetry. He also developed an interest in German literature.
Lomonosov strove to upgrade the quality of Russian science and education. He founded Moscow State University in 1755. This university, officially named after Lomonosov, is at the apex of the Russian system of higher education.
A. Pushkin said about Lomonosov ,
« Lomonosov was a great man…. He founded the first Russian university: or to express it more correctly he himself was our first university».
M.V.Lomonosov made many important discoveries in different fields of science: physics, chemistry, astronomy. The last period of Lomonosov’s activity was connected with his scientific invesnigation in navigation.
His literary works remain one of the most significant pages of Russian literature in the 18 th century. He wrote verses, odes and poems. He also laid the basis for the scientific study of the Russian language, he wrote the first Russian grammar.
Russian critic Belinsky wrote of Lomonosov, «Our literature begins with Lomonosov; he was its father and mother,he was its Peter the Great ».
M.V.Lomonosov was also a talented artist. He revived the ancient art of stained glass mosaic in Russia, and he himself created several stained glass pictures.
In 1765, Lomonosov caught a cold and died on the 15 th of April [O.S on the 4 th of.April ], 1765 at age 54. He is buried in the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St Petersburg .
Lomonosov is widely known and honoured in our country. He occupies a central place in the history of Russian science. The Russian Academy of Sciences awards Lomonosov honorary medals in scientific achievement - one to a Russian and one to a foreign scientist.
Lomonosov is memorialized in many place names - Moscow University was named after its founder and monuments to him have been erected in Moscow, St Petersburg , Arkhangelsk , Severodvinsk , the village of Lomonosovo and Koryazhma.
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