Урок домашнего чтения по рассказу Генри "Слишком хорошо"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Разработка урока внеклассного чтения по рассказам О.Генри в 11 классе. Содержит комплекс упражнений, направленный на формирование речевой и коммуникативной компетенций учащихся.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок домашнего чтения по рассказу О’Генри
«Слишком хорошо» в 11 классе.
- Тренировать лексику по тексту «Too well» в различных устно-речевых упражнениях.
- Тренировать употребление неправильных глаголов в речи.
- Развивать навык устной речи на основе прочитанного.
- Способствовать развитию памяти, логического мышления, внимания.
- Прививать любовь к чтению, способствовать формированию личностного отношения к прочитанному.
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Речевая зарядка.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
- Основная часть.
- закрепление трех форм неправильных глаголов.
- подбор эквивалентов.
- ответы на вопросы.
- согласись/опровергни.
- перевод предложений с русского на английский.
- дополни предложения.
- частичный пересказ.
- пантомима.
- Заключительная часть.
- Домашнее задание.
- Организационный момент. Тема, цели.
Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please. Today we’ll continue our work with the story “Too well” by O’Henry. You’ve read it at home and have done some tasks to the text.
- Речевая зарядка.
But before we begin our work, tell me please, if O’Henry is an American or English writer? Have you read anything olse by O’Henry? O’Henry is an American writer. His real name is William Sydney Porter. He is a master of short stories. His most famous books are “Cabbages and kings”, “The four millions”, “The voice of the city”. He described hard life of “small” people: shop girls, poor artists. He is one of the most widely published American author. Last year we’ve read “The Two Gifts” by O’Henry. And now let’s speak about the story “Too well”. Did you like the story “Too well”.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Your home task was to transcribe some words from the text and read them. Let’s check up your prononciation:
at the hught
- Основная часть. Тренировка употребления неправильных глаголов.
- While reading we met many irregular verbs. I’d like you to give me the 2nd and the 3rd forms of the following verbs:
to know (knew, known)
to find (found, found)
to think (thought, thought)
to grow (grew, grown)
to lead (led, led)
to sit (sat, sat)
to leave (left, left)
to hear (heard, heard)
Thank you very much.
- подбор эквивалентов.
The next task is to find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
Знаменитая актриса; в расцвете славы; предстоящий сезон; главная роль; мужской персонаж; по имени; мечтал стать партнером; настоящее подражание; деревенские манеры; обычно собирались; просто одетый; он казался застенчивым и неуклюжим; деревенский; «не может быть!»; три дня назад; уезжать из города.
- ответы на вопросы по тексту.
Listen to me very attentively and be ready to answer my questions:
- What was Miss Carrington by profession?
- Was she a good or a bad actress?
- Who called on Mr. Goldstein one day?
- What did Mr.Highsmith dream of?
- Where did Mr.Highsmith go next day?
- Where was a small party of actors sitting when the performance was over?
- Who entered the restaurant at half past twelve?
- Whom did he “suddenly” see?
- Was Miss Carrington interested in news from Cranberry?
- What did he say about her mother?
- Did Miss Carrington ask the young man to come and see her?
- Was she at the hotel next morning?
That’s all right.
- согласись/опровергни.
The next task is to agree or disagree with the following sentences.
You may use these phrases:
I’m afraid that’s wrong.
According to the story…
That’s right.
That’s not quite true to the text.
- Miss Rosie Carrington lived in a small town called Cranberry.
- She was a good actress, and she wanted to play a leading part in a newly written comedy.
- High smith, the young actor, was to perform the male character in the play.
- High smith collected many facts concerning life and the people at the village where she lived.
- At half past twelve a young handsome man entered the restaurant.
- “I’m Mr.Highsmith”, - the plain-dress youth said to miss Rosie.
- ‘When I was leaving”, - the young man went on, “your mother took this rose from a bush by the front door.
- Next morning Mr.Highsmith called on Miss Carrington at the hotel
That’s all right. Thank you.
- перевод предложений.
And now, please, translate my sentences from Russian into English:
- Мисс Роузи Керингтон была известной актрисой много лет назад.
- Сейчас она была в расцвете славы и должна была играть главную роль в комедии.
- Хайсмит мечтал о том, чтобы сыграть с Мисс Керрингтон в новой пьесе.
- Она хочет чего-то искреннего, настоящего подражания деревенским манерам.
- Хайсмит нашел семью Мисс Керрингтон и собрал много фактов о жизни и людях в Кренберге.
- В 12.30 просто-одетый светловолосый юноша вошел в ресторан.
- Он выглядел очень застенчивым и неуклюжим.
- Он подошел к Мисс Роузи и стал рассказывать о ее семье и друзьях.
- Когда я видел ее в последний раз, она сидела около двери и смотрела на дорогу.
- Приходите в отель, Билл, перед отъездом из города.
- Она отменила весь ангажемент и уехала из города.
- Частичный пересказ текста.
/ need three pupils./ ‘U give you the shuts of paper. There are phrases from the text there. Retell these parts of the text, using these words and phrases:
- a famous actress; to perform the leading part; dreamed of being Miss Garrington’s partner: must convince, collected many facts; returned to the city.
- used to gather; the star of that small party; a plain-dressed flaxen haired youth; upset a chair; “I have grown a little; an old friend of mine; an isolated table.
- recollect: /called on your family; was sitting at the door; he was waiting for; she was little tired; a brilliant idea; she will have to confess; she will agree; handsome; concelled all her engagements; High smith understood.
- дополни предложения.
All the rest will complete my s-ces:
- she began her life…
- one day a capable young actor…
- she wants something…
- next day Highsmith…
- the same night a small party…
- the moment he entered…
- Eliza Perry told me…
- She led him to an isolated table…
- When I saw her last she…
- When I was leaving, I …
- Come to the hotel and …
- It was a brilliant idea … Thank you
Let’s listen to your retellings.
- Пантомима.
I’d like you to pantomime some episodes from the text. Choose any epithets you like and show us. All the rest will comment on it.
- Заключительная часть.
Thank you for your work today. You did well. Did you like this story? What can you say about High smith, about Miss Carrington? Was she a really good actress? Prove it, please.
- Домашнее задание.
Your home task will be to retell this story. Boys will retell from the point of view of Mr. Highsmith, the girls will retell from the point of view of Miss Carrington.
The lesson is over. I wish you good luck. Good-bye.
Открытый урок в 3б классе по теме «Where are my toys?»
- Тренировать лексику по теме «Where are my toys?» и предлоги места.
- Тренировать структуры Where is/are.
- Развивать навык диалогической речи, чтения.
- Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, логического мышления.
- Прививать интерес к языку, любовь к животным.
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
- Тренировка лексики и предлогов.
- Развитие навыка диалогической речи.
- Игра на развитие памяти.
- Развитие навыка чтения.
- Домашнее задание.
- Организационный момент.
Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? What season is it now? What month is it now? What is the weather like today?
The topic of our lesson is «Where are my toys?» Today we will speak about toys you’ve got.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
But first of all let’s train our tongue. Repeat after me, please.
[ a : ] – father, giraffe, a nice giraffe
[ ] – on, what, from, box, crocodile
[ a i ] – fine, nice, tiger
[ ] – where, chair, where is the chair? Where are the chairs?
[ ] – engineer, near, near the table, near the box
[ ] – is, in, in the box; into, into the box
- Тренировка лексики и предлогов:
Look at the pictures. What is it? It is a giraffe (a bear, an elephant…) Where is the giraffe (the bear, the elephant) Is the monkey under the table? Is the bear (the cat) near the box? Thank you.
- Jane, come to the blackboard, please. Jane has got many toys. Ask him to put the toys to any place.
Put the bear on the chair, please. Put the monkey into the box, please.
- And now, Jane will sit down. Sasha will go to the blackboard. Ask him where the toys are.
Sasha, where is the bear? Where is the monkey?
Thank you very much.
- Развитие навыка диалогической речи.
Natasha, what is it?
- It is a monkey.
Where is the monkey?
- The monkey is under the table.
And now pair off and make a dialog.
- Look at the picture, please. What can you say about this picture. Say as much sentences as you can.
Thank you.
- Игра на развитие памяти.
I see that you know the toys. Let’s play another game and train our memory.
I have got a bird.
I have got a bird, a monkey …
- Развитие навыка чтения.
And now open your books on page 136, ex.5. Read the text and then you will answer my questions:
- What toy does Mimi like to play with?
- Is it little?
- What colour is the monkey?
- Where is the monkey?
- Does she love her monkey?
- Итог
Thank you. You worked well at the lesson. Your home-task will be:
- to bring a toy,
- to make a story about your toy.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
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