London Tower
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МАОУ «Лицей №36»
Review on the topic:
«Tower of London»
Performed by
Student 9.3 form
Lyceum 36
Toshcheva Natalia
Science leader:
Prokhorova N.N.
Saratov 2012-2013
- Introduction
I have always been curious to know more about London Tower, its history and legends associated with it. I have no opportunity to visit the Tower of London, to speak to people living in the neighborhood, to see the castle. So our investigation is based on literature and survey of our schoolmates.
Tower of London - one of the main symbols of the United Kingdom, takes a special place in the history of the English nation. The Tower is a fortress, standing on the north bank of the Thames - the historic center of London and one of the oldest buildings in England. Duke of Edinburgh wrote in his book on the 900th anniversary of the Tower, ‘‘in its history, and the Tower of London was a fortress and palace, and the storage of the royal jewels, and arsenal, and mint, and a prison, and an observatory, and the zoo, and the place, attracting tourists.’’
- Principal part
The Tower of London is the fortress in the historic centre of London, on the north bank of the river Thames. It is the oldest building in Great Britain. Now Tower is the historical site and museum.
The founder of Tower was William the Conqueror, who replaced the wooden fort onto huge stone building in 1078. In the early thirteenth century Henry III transformed the Tower into a major royal residence and had palatial buildings constructed within the Inner Bailey to the south of the White Tower.
The Tower of London has played a prominent role in English history. It was besieged several times and controlling it has been important to controlling the country. The Tower has served variously as an armoury, a treasury, a menagerie, the home of the Royal Mint, a public records office, and the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. The peak period of the castle's use as a prison was the 16th and 17th centuries, when many figures who had fallen into disgrace, such as Elizabeth I before she became queen, were held within its walls. This use has led to the phrase "sent to the Tower". In the First and Second World Wars, the Tower was again used as a prison, and witnessed the executions of 12 men for espionage. After the Second World War, damage caused during the Blitz was repaired and the castle reopened to the public. Today the Tower of London is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions. It is cared for by the charity Historic Royal Palaces and is protected as a World Heritage Site.
The first prisoner was confined in the prison in 1190. At that time the Tower-prison was intended for noble and high rank persons. Among the most honorable and high-ranking prisoners there was the kings of Scotland and France and members of their families, and aristocrats and priests, who fell into disgrace by reason of conspiracy charge.
The Royal Menagerie is first referenced during the reign of Henry III. In 1251, the sheriffs were ordered to pay fourpence a day towards the upkeep for the King's polar bear; the bear attracted a great deal of attention from Londoners when it went fishing in the Thames. In 1254, the sheriffs were ordered to subsidise the construction of an elephant house at the TowerThe exact location of the medieval menagerie is unknown, although the lions were kept in the barbican known as Lion TowerThe royal collection was swelled by diplomatic gifts including three leopards from Frederick III, the Holy Roman Emperor. By the 18th century, the menagerie was open to the public; admission cost three half-pence or the supply of a cat or dog to be fed to the lions. In 1828 there were over 280 animals representing at least 60 species. The last of the animals left in 1835, relocated to Regents Park, after one of the lions was accused of biting a soldier .
In a far from the entrance to the Tower corner of the fortress located Royal treasury, «must visit» when visiting London. Tower found the safest place to store the crown jewels, still used by members of the royal family during the ceremony. Tower was chosen for this purpose at the beginning of the XIV century, and since XVII century treasure was open to visitors. The oldest exhibits - the decorations of the Restoration period, the earlier models were sold or melted down by Cromwell .
Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London is held in the Tower during the past 700 years. Daily at 21.53 Keymaster, dressed in the clothes of the Tudor dynasty times, leaves the tower Byward. Met him protection keys, uniformed Beefeater (servants of the Tower). Security guards walk past the main gate and locked it. When they finally come to the Bloody Tower, guard stops them saying: - Halt, who goes there? - Keys - responsible protection keys. - Whose keys? - Keys of Queen Elizabeth. - Come on, the keys of Queen Elizabeth. All is calm. Guard passes through the arch, Keymaster takes off his hat and says: - God Save the Queen Elizabeth. All respond: - Amen. Then all go through the last post, then the keys to the residence include managing the Tower, where they are stored at night. Handover key ceremony held keys always at one and the same time, even during the Second World War, it is not canceled, but the participants were dressed in protective clothing. The only time when the ceremony of handing over the keys had been delayed by half an hour - in 1941, when the Tower was subjected to direct attacks Nazi bombers .
And of course are very interesting the legends of Tower.
Black crows - perhaps not only one of the main legends, but also an important symbol of the modern Tower. It is known for the first crows appeared in the castle in 1553 during the "nine days queen" Jane Grey. On the territory of the Tower live crows dynasty and their live in the castle has overgrown a mass of legends. So, one of them is still alive - it is believed that the Tower of London and the whole British Empire will fall as soon as it left the crows. In the XVII century, King Charles II issued a decree under which clearly explained that the castle should remain with six black ravens. Follow this guard was appointed special guardian raven, whose responsibilities include the entire contents of the birds. This tradition is still alive to this day. Since then, little has changed - seven black crows (one - alternate) live in a beautiful environment in the castle - in spacious aviaries. For the maintenance of the state allocates annually ravens solid budget. The excellent food, "keepers Tower" very fatness. In their daily diet contains about 200 grams of fresh meat and blood biscuits, besides weekly birds rely eggs, fresh rabbit meat and fried croutons. Every raven has a name and character - Baldric, Munin, Thor, Gugina, Gvillum and Brenvin. Contemplate them, walking on the green lawn, may every tourist.
London without exaggeration holding the palm of the world capitals of the number of ghosts. From the stories of people in the UK can be seen the ghosts everywhere. Of course, not escape ghosts attention and the Tower of London, during its history, has amassed lot of secrets. The first "officially registered" ghost of Tower was Thomas Becket. For a long time, the deceased did not bothered by his death the Archbishop offspring offenders. But after Henry III, grandson of the unfortunate killer Becket, built a chapel in the walls of the Tower, the phenomena ceased. Among the most heartbreaking ghosts special place is occupied "The Little Prince": 12-year-old King Edward V and his 9-year-old brother, Richard, Duke of York. Hand in hand, they are silent, only noticeable as slightly swaying white robes. Most of all, is famous the spirit of Anne Boleyn (1607 - 1636) - the second of the six wives of Henry VIII, mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Anna gave birth to the king only daughters. To get rid of her and marry again, Henry accused her of adultery and incest, entered the fort, and then ordered the execution. Since then, the ghost of Anne Boleyn, whitish flickering light, for several centuries, occasionally appeared in the castle before the date of her death.
I conducted a survey among 100 students of our Lyceum, and found that:
- 40 people do not believe in ghosts
- 20 people do not know
- 40 people believe in ghosts
- Conclusion
Every year in England many tourists come from around the world. There is a lot of interesting places that tourists tend to visit in England. But over the years the Tower of London is the most popular. This is connected to the fact that the castle has a very rich history that attracts people. There are many legends and mysteries, and for the people is particularly interesting. Tower has not changed since the days of the past. And people like it, going to castle you think you're transported to another era. All the secrets that hides the Tower of London, one can only guess. Clearly, however, that once did come a time when it was confirmed the known legends and the Tower of London will open its new secrets.
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